Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (2024)

@18th Shard- Xanas/Emily/Tsarik/Josie/Jarrah


Name: Xanas “Sanax” Khaevarin

Appearance: Ethnically Thaylen, Xanas is a modified version of a Lifeless. As a result, his hair is a silvery grey, his skin a duller grey, and his irises a dark grey. His hair reaches to about his shoulder blades, and when writing or working, he often pulls it into a ponytail. He is short for a Rosharan, but nearly 6 foot in normal (non-Rosharan) measurements. As a Lifeless, he has no pulse and his body is room temperature, meaning most people would think his skin is very cool to the touch. When Voidmaking, his irises turn a deep black. Wears a light grey cloak embroidered with Aon Shao and gloves (all of which have aluminum linings). Has a single black spike in his heart.

Guild (or intended guild): Former Dark Alley, on personal leave; [Era 6] Interested in Scholar’s Guild

Personality: Extremely intelligent; once callous to human life, he is redeveloping humanity and compassion. Views many things as experiments to run or information to be obtained.

Concept: An original Denizen older than the Alleyverse trying to reconnect with his humanity, Xanas is far more familiar with Investiture and spren than people.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):

Short-term: Write a thesis on unique manifestations of Investiture in the Alleyverse

Long-term: Reintegrate into the Alleycity; find a new purpose


Minor: N/A

Normal: Alleytraveling

Major: Voidmaker; Extreme knowledge of the minutia of Investiture and magical interactions.

Flaws: Requires weekly Investiture to survive. Cannot be affected by positive Investiture (healing, transportation). Minor social ineptitude.

Family and Friends: Friends with Tsarik, Emily Azizi [Era 6: and her family]; good work relationships with most older DA denizens.

Home Planet: Roshar

Current Residence: Einladung Hospital; [Era 6] Alleycity with Emily Azizi home.

Backstory: Growing up in Kasitor approximately 300 years before the birth of Gavilar Kholin, Xanas did not associate with many other children and was often ostracized. After alienating himself from high-ranking officials in the city by publicly criticizing them as a youth, he was thrown in jail on false charges. Seeking to leave Kasitor behind, he traveled to Rall Elorim, hoping to escape their influence. Xanas refuses to talk about this portion of his life, though this is when he began to bond Tsarik, an inkspren. After leaving under the wing of a Worldsinger, Xanas eventually found his way to the fledgling Alleys, becoming an early member of the Dark Alley, and the Head of the Department of Testing & Analysis.Following the creation of the Alleyverse, Xanas led early testing on the Void. A particularly ambitious project resulted in an opening into the Void, which led to the deaths of many in his department and his presumed death. Following almost 1500 years in the Void, Xanas managed to escape by binding his Cognitive aspect and a portion of the Void ‘petrified’ in the form of his Spiritual aspect into a Lifeless clone of himself. Shortly thereafter, the Forgery came into effect, causing severe mental detachment and insanity. He has gradually regained much of his former mental capacity, albeit with occasional relapses.

Loose ends: Taken a leave of absence from the DA, he is currently trying to figure out a new purpose. His spren from the alternate timeline of the Forgery, Tsarik, has taken over management of the department.

Links: Theme Song – The Imitation Game (Alexandre Desplat, The Imitation Game soundtrack)

Name: Emily Azizi

Appearance: 35 year old British-Iranian woman. Short, slim build; skin color is a olive tan; dark straight hair about shoulder length. Brown eyes. Usually is wearing navy-colored scrubs and a thin necklace with a stylized S on it (see Reckoners, “Faithful”), with a clasp that will break away easily.

Personality: Compassionate, trusting, with a spontaneous side she usually doesn't indulge in. She is also very involved with her work, which takes much of her free time. She is one of the few nurses who doesn’t mind working in the Cognitive ward long term and is less unnerved by patient’s mental instabilities than others. Not easily intimidated.

Concept: Relatively unpowered nurse in a world of magic and gods.

Motivation: To help people (hence her choice to go I to nursing). [Era 6: Be a good mother to Jarah and adopted daughter Josie.]


Minor: Epic ability to read vital signs via touch.

Normal: RN with experience in the Cognitive Ward.

Major: N/A

Flaws: Willing to bend rules; Epic weakness: eating green beans

Family and Friends: Friends with Xanas Khaeverin, the medical staff at Einladung Hospital; [Era 6: daughter Jarah and adopted daughter Josie]

Home Planet: Earth (Invocation)

Current Residence: Apartment in the Alleycity

Backstory: Was an honor student in high school. Following graduation, began college to get a nursing degree. After several years of college, Invocation appeared and she received her powers. Graduated as a RN. Came to the Alleyplanet for a change of scene after hearing about it from an acquaintance. Was hired as a nurse at Einladung Hospital in the Cognitive ward, where she has worked for about 7 years. She was married shortly after moving to the Alleycity, and had a daughter, Jarah (6) soon after. Her husband and daughter did not exist in the Forgery. [Era 6: Following the dissolution of the Forgery, Emily's daughter reappeared, but her husband (and many related memories of him) did not. Additionally, the mother of a girl in the Cognitive Ward, Josie (6), could not be located. After some time, Emily was able to adopt Josie.]

Loose Ends: [Era 6: Not all of her memories from before the Forgery and after assimilated perfectly, so there are things as a parent she has to re-learn. Additionally, her adopted daughter Josie and her natural daughter, Jarah, have jointly begun to form the beginnings of a Nahel bond with a cultivationspren.

Links: N/A

Name: Tsarik Khaevarin

Appearance: Inkspren – “Inkspren are humanoid, and their form does not change. They have angular features, more reminiscent of an unfinished statue than a real person. They are entirely black, as if made of shadows, and have marble-like skin with a prismatic quality as though it has been coated in a thin layer of oil. Their skin shimmers and gleams in a variety of colors depending on how the light hits it. They wear stiff, fashionable clothing that matches their shade and texture; the clothing is part of their essence.They sometimes carry weapons like swords, which may or may not be sheathed, and sometimes hang in the air besides them. They have armor as part of their form, similar to carapace” [Coppermind, “Inkspren”]. Tsarik’s clothing appears as a tinningdar (Terris robes) – “The tinningdar's most distinctive feature is [an] overlapping V pattern down the front. The pattern is embroidered. They are commonly worn with a belt and often have wide sleeves” [“Tinningdar”]. The embroidery on Tsarik’s tinningdar is reminiscent of the shape of Alleys. The various layers move like cloth, but upon closer inspection would feel and act more like a layer of armor/carapace. There is a small hood attached to the back which he occasionally wears up. He also has a longsword which hovers unsheathed behind his back. It will move to his hand at will and will stay hovering where he leaves it relative to his person, as if in zero gravity. He has close cut hair and an angular face, with a single black spike piercing his right eye.

Guild: Dark Alley, Head of the Department of Testing & Analysis

Personality: Extremely logical and intelligent. Has helped experiment with nearly every known form of Investiture. Admires rationality and disdains emotional decision making. Uses very limited body language. Prefers to work with long-lived Denizens over normal mortals.

Concept: An inkspren in the Dark Alley. For science.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Manage his Department solo without Xanas, while dealing with the fallout from the Forgery.


Minor: Can blend into shadows. Good with his sword (not going to win against a skilled opponent, but not entirely helpless in a fight). Carries a very small, thin aluminum knife.

Normal: As an inkspren, can change sizes (from as small as a speck of dust to the size of a human) while in the Physical Realm and can transition between Physical and Cognitive Realms. Alleytraveling.

Major: Extreme intelligence and scholarship of Investiture.

Flaws: Does not understand emotion very well. Does not make quick decisions easily, preferring to study them out.

Family and Friends: Xanas Khaeverin; Members of the Dark Alley, especially Department of Testing & Analysis

Home Planet: Roshar

Current Residence: An office in the Cognitive Realm adjacent to several Alleys.

Backstory: An inkspren born after the Recreance, Tsarik was always interested in understanding the minutia of Investiture. This led to him bonding Xanas Khaevarin while the latter lived in Rall Elorim. After sometime experimenting with their new found abilities, the two traveled to the Dark Alleys and participated in the early events of the organization, including the creation of the planet. Shortly after, Xanas performed a test on the Void which would end with his disappearance into the Void and presumed death for nearly 1500 years. During this time, Tsarik attempted to continue leading the Department of Testing & Analysis, but would eventually have to step back due to increased strain on his Radiant bond. Near the end of the 1500 years, Tsarik was nearly catatonic and came increasingly close to becoming a deadeye. Eventually, Xanas was able to use their Connection to return from the Void, albeit at the cost of Tsarik’s life. The spren became a deadeye, and Xanas kept the Blade form of his old spren. During the Forgery, an alternate version of Tsarik was created as a companion to the Forged version of Xanas. During this time, the original Xanas left the dead Blade with his other self. Upon the dissolution of the Forgery, the Forged Xanas ceased to exist, but Tsarik survived, taking over as Department Head. He keeps his dead Blade self hanging on his office wall.

Loose ends: Unbonded for the first time in millennia.

Links: See Coppermind articles for Inkspren, Tinningdar.

Name: Josie and Jarah Azizi

Appearance: 6-year-old girls. Jarah is Emily’s biological daughter, quarter Iranian, quarter British, and half Reshi. She has a darker complexion, black hair, bright green eyes, and rounded features. Jarah is a bit short for her age. Josie is her adopted sister, half Alethi, half Alleycity native. She has tan eyes, a lighter complexion, and bright pink glasses.

Guild: None

Personality: Josie is a fun, outgoing girl who makes friends easily. She loves to draw and color. Jarah is more reserved and prefers reading and science. Both girls are compassionate and good listeners.

Concept: Kids who form a joint bond with a single cultivationspren.

Motivation: Make friends and pass first grade.


Minor: Josie is good at drawing. Jarah has really good pitch.

Normal: Developing mutual bond with a cultivationspren (proto-Edgedancers). [My plan is to eventually let them swear the First Ideal together, where both would be Radiants, but with some twists due to the split bond – each of them could only use one Surge, with each having an affinity for one over the other (Jarah – Abrasion, Josie – Progression), being able to share Stormlight between the two of them, but requiring more Stormlight to use their Surges than normal. Obviously, this would be a multi-era spanning plan. Currently, there's just a spren that hangs out near them alot.]

Major: N/A

Flaws: 6-year-olds – childhood strength, attention span, and maturity levels. Josie has an inherited Bane from the Nightwatcher where, without her glasses, she can only see in her periphery. Occasionally, she’ll catch fuzzy glimpses of the Cognitive Realm if she stares this way too long. Mostly mitigated by refractory glasses.

Family and Friends: Emily Azizi (mother); Xanas Khaevarin (friend); some of the nurses who are friends with Emily

Home Planet: Alleycity

Current Residence: Apartment in the Alleycity

Backstory: Jarah is Emily’s biological daughter, born about a year after her parents met. During the Forgery, both she and her father did not exist, but after the Forgery, only she reappeared. Josie’s father passed away when she was little and she was raised by her mother. She had some corrective surgery on her eyes and specialty glasses made to correct her inherited Bane. After the Forgery, her mother and all records of Josie’s family could not be found anywhere in the city, so she was adopted by Emily.

Loose ends: Josie misses her biological mom. Beginning of a Nahel bond.

Links: N/A

@AonEne- Marie/Deteca


Author's Note: Marie is a repurposed character from Forged Iron, a Shard RP which died some time ago. I wanted to continue her character arc, and so retconned certain parts - such as her powers - to fit with the Alleyverse, but sheisstill anOP character. Despite her having started her development in a different RP, I don't want anyone to feel like they have to read all that to understand her posts - so, while this version of her still met Kelsier, it wasn't for nearly as long. She knows he leads the Rosharan chapter of the Ghostbloods, but this time he never offered to let her join them.

Name: Marie Lekal

Appearance: Inquisitor, curly tattoos, pale skin; hair is beginning to grow out again as a light fuzz; appears approximately23 but is closer to 300; very light wooden armorover her linchpin (just enough to prevent surprise attacks - it would not be hard to remove). She is reluctantly beginning to realize that she'll need to find some clothes that aren't Inquisitor robes, but doesn't have any yet.

Guild (or intended guild): None at the moment;we'll see what, if anything, she leans toward as the RP goes.

Personality: Easily annoyed or angered - she's practicing calming herself down again, but hasn't bothered trying in a long time before this.Generally confident, but a little uncertain when it comes to what to do next and making largedecisions on her own (and irritated at herself for this). Internallyreally tiredof being controlled and messed with all the time, despite not always knowing how to behave without that to either melt into or fight back against. Slides between wanting to destroy things in the hopes that it will please Ruin (or at least that it will give her a trait of her own to hold on to) and wanting to reintegrate into society and learn how to be a person again. It still amuses her to take other people off guard. Enjoys gardening and plants, but doesn't let go of this information easily - even subconsciously, that's something she's repressed for a long time.

Concept: Recovering Inquisitor

Motivation: Short-term - find something to do with herself and connect to regular people again; long-term - prove to Harmony that she can be trusted and left alone (she's hazy on what her life will actually look like after that, and is mostly focusing on it as an end goal - she'll need to figure out what she actually wants out of a life when she gets to have one again). OOC note: onelong-term goal is to lose most or likely all of her spikes and live without them -this isn't a motivation of hers yet, but she'll get there.


  • Major: Functional Mistborn withAllomantic iron, steel,pewter, tin, bronze, andAtium Compounding(has none to burn -her atiumminds are embedded in her torso and can't be burned- it's for the age, allowing her to live so long on Scadrial)
  • Normal: Feruchemicalgold, Feruchemicalzinc,moderate fighting skills with axes
  • Minor: Feruchemical copper, Feruchemical bendalloy, some skill and training in botany (specializing in Scadrian - particularlyanteverdant - species)


  1. Due to being an Inquisitor, Marie deals with both chronic pain from her spikes and a form of chronic fatigue - she requires more rest than humans. She's fairly used to both of these by now, and can sometimes push through bad momentswith pewter,but they do still affect her.
  2. Also due to being an Inquisitor, she can only see when she has steel or iron to burn and is otherwise blind; she also has some trouble distinguishingwriting(particularly with graphite pencils) and anything without any metal in it.
  3. She can be taken control of through her spikes if you have the right powers - something which she may or may not actually resist;depending on the situation, she's just as likely to give in and let you.
  4. Marie has C-PTSD, which manifests as, among other things: emotional flashbacks ('typical' PTSD flashbacks are more rare, though she has had them before), poor emotional regulation, reluctance to trust others with information she deems personal, hypervigilance, nightmares, some toxic guilt over not resisting Ruin (though that's buried pretty deep and she wouldn't admit it without prodding), depression (though not suicidality), poor self-esteem in particular ways, low self-confidence in particular situations, dissociation (which she intentionally makes worse with use of copperminds and slowing her mental speed), and extreme mistrust and minor phobia of emotional Allomancersand anyone else with the ability to manipulate her mind or body.

NPCs: Marie did not speak to her family after becoming an Inquisitor, and has no idea whether they survived the Catacendre or not. Even if they did, they wouldn't still be alive after the centuries she lived through. She misses them sometimes, but did most of her mourning back in the Final Empire when she was first spiked - she'd lost them long before the End of the Ash.

Marie doesn't know anyone in the Alleyverse yet; her only remaining connection at this point is to Harmony, with whom she has a very rocky relationship - she accepts by now that his actions up to this point were in an effort to help her and protect others, but she (rightly) believes that he generally failed to improve her mental situation and insteadtraumatized her further. Though he isn't worse than Ruin, she still holds a lot of anger for him...but she also has to admit that he was right in wanting to protect others from her initially, and in recognizing what Ruin put her through as Bad, Actually. She doesn't like to contact him, but does often wonder if she shouldanyway - he's the only person who she knows, and the only person so far who understands (intellectually, if not through personal experience) what she has gone through up until now.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Current Residence: None yet. Marie also doesn't have any money;Harmony would have senther with some, or let her stay with people he knows in the Alleycity, but she firmly turned him down on both offers. She'll figure something out by herself, she's sure!

Backstory:Marie was a Seeker noblewoman whose father sent her to join the SteelMinistry out of religious devotion and lack of anything else to do with her, having married off her siblings already. After being turned into an Inquisitor, she spent most of her time scouting for The Lord Ruler, and after hedied, Ruin sometimes sent herto keep an eye on areas where there were more metal - which was why she was too far away to summon to fight Vin. The involuntary spiking and change in life direction in the empire were bad, but they still didn't mentally prepare her for Ruin's arrival - to cope with the mass murder and loss of autonomy, she actively embraced the Shard and his control, accepting him as a god and his destruction as correct and good.

When Ati died, Marie wasin denial - she thought of Harmony as a thief of his power. She was determined to continue doing the only thing she thought was safe now: ruin. Sazed was obviously not okay with this and stopped her from murdering the recovering population of the Basin and causing mass destruction and chaos, but he was new to holding two Shards and did occasionally slip up, resulting in him clamping down harder afterward. In trying to help her heal and return to who she used to be, he would sometimes attempt to directly turn her thoughts away from violence, which only ever made her hate him more.

After several attempts to help her recover on Scadrial, including talking to or traveling with other people and groups in the hopes of Marie regaining her humanity (and so Harmony didn't have to focus on her all the time, with Trell taking up an increasing amount of his own attention)they reached an accord.Mariehadmade some progress, namely in agreeing that she did actually want to try having a life beyond Ruin again -even if she hasn't fully accepted yet how he hurt her;that she didn't actuallywantto kill all of humanity and destroy all of Scadrial anymore (or other worlds, as she begins to learn about them);and in general accepting that there have been things she hasn't let herself think or care about because of her time under Ruin, but that they do exist (though she hasn't fully decided yet if it's safe tocare about themnow).

Some decades before the events of Alloy of Law, Marie promised not to attack peopleif they didn't attack her or someone else first in exchange forHarmony promisingnot to mess with her thoughts, and they both decided it would be best if she, at leasttemporarily, leftScadrial. He canreach her in the Alleyverse, but only to send and receive thoughts; he can't control her actions or what she thinks about.

Loose Ends: As if figuringout what she wants to do with her life and who she even is now -not the plant nerd noble lady, not Ruin's faithful Inquisitor, and notHarmony'sfaithful Inquisitor either. What's left? -wasn't enough, Marie is finding that going from constant supervision and forced social contact to not knowing anyone on the planet (and having a lot of people be intimidated just by her eyespikes) is...kind of lonely. So maybe she'll make some friends or something.You know, if shehasto.

Links: I'll probably create a playlist at some point for her, but until then,Bitter WaterandDear Wormwoodshould represent her mood pretty well.

Art done by Star:

Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (1)

Name: Deteca Nutvry

Appearance:Thirty-eight. Short Iriali gold hair, tan skin, lightblue eyes.Not especially strong muscles; fairly slim; slightly shorter than the average height for her age. She usually wears Western Earth-style clothing. Carries a pistol on her belt.

Guild: The Underground Bakers' Association

Personality:Friendly, competitive, likes to make others laugh, loves to explore and develop whatever new ideas catch her interest, feels a bit lost without something to be working on. Some symptoms ofinattentive presentation ADHD (oops on my part) but probably not to the level of getting a diagnosis. Greatly cares about TUBA and feels obligated to lead it well and help the people of the city, but beginning to realize that this leaves little time for her to do things that interest her personally.

Concept: Conflicted Voidmaker guild leader

Motivation: Short-term - Help get the city and her guildin order after the Forgery leaving both a mess; long-term - sort out her uncertain feelings in regards to remembering beingin both TUBA and the DA and which one she was happier or accomplished more in, being a Voidmaker,andbeing the leader of a guild (particularly one in the position TUBA is now).


  • Major: Leader of TUBA, with the influence and resources that gives
  • Normal: Voidmaking
  • Minor: Training with firearms(she can shoot, but isn't an expert);general awareness and knowledge of things in manyworlds but especially the Alleyverse-if you narrow it down to Alleycity, Deteca can easily speak on several practical, social,and magical subjects; some scholarship and practical experience with Investiture/mechanics from her time in R&D

Flaws:Before the Forgery, Deteca was unaware that she was a Voidmaker and only accidentally performed it. During the Forgery, she came to realize what she was,got actual training on how to use it, and practiced often to increase her skill. Now she knows about itand has theoretical knowledge on what she can do with it and how, but is once again struggling to actually perform it when and how she wants, particularly to do anything complicated.

Deteca is very conflicted currently on matters pertaining to herself,her guild, and her actions during the Forgery, and prone to anxiously overthinking and sometimes catastrophizing about this. She's also paranoid that Storm is going to come back and either attack her or try to win over the guild, to its detriment. Thinking about her younger sibling can make herhave a difficult time staying in the moment, but she has mostly dealt with this grief by now.

NPCs:Deteca’sparents areboth alive and living in the city; she visits them occasionally. Her mother was from Iri, but worldhopped out of Roshar the first chance she got and found her way to Alleycity. Her father had lived there most of his life, but is ethnically Taldaini. She had a younger sister before the Forgery but a brother during, both having passed away young, and hasn't actually checked which is real now - she doesn't know who she wants it to be. She has also had interactions with a handful of PCs and recognizes many TUBAists on sight.

Home Planet: Alleyplanet

Current Residence: A couple rooms in TUBA headquarters

Backstory:Deteca was born and raised inthe Alleycity and had a mostly normal childhood and education. Her sister (in one timeline) or brother (in the other) died as a child, and in grieving Deteca reached a point where she unknowingly Snapped into Voidmaking. Later, she turned to the Dark Alley for purpose, something to throw herself into and work toward - and here her memories diverge.

In the Forgery, Deteca stayed with the DA andsteadily grew to lovestudying there,learning through experimentation in the Research and Development department. After discovering she was a Voidmaker, she was mentored as best as possible through testing and legends, and at one point gave herself a spike granting a minor Epic ability.

In truth, she was recruited by TUBA before she could truly join the DA, and found her purpose with them, eventually taking up the position of leader when Storm stepped down. She enjoyed helping others, though it was a demanding job that sometimes seemed not to make a dent on the world's suffering. Storm returned shortly before the Alleyverse was Forged and asked that Deteca give him back control of the guild; seeing that he was mentally unstable, she disagreed with his plans. He stabbed her and ran off - and, suddenly, the world was remade.

Now, with the city very abruptly combining states, she's found herself injured, with confusing memories and a city in need of alotof help.

Loose Ends: Her struggles to figure out what kind of a person she is and how she can best do good in the world now; her practice or lack thereof in Voidmaking; general difficulties reconciling her two sets of memories.

Links: Will add theme song and art later when I can get a good pic

@Arlin- Bell


Name:Blondie Bell (Goes by Bell)

Appearance:Male, 23, exceptionally average height, dirty blond hair

Guild (or intended guild):Alleyverse Post (Scholars Guild)

Personality:Skeptical and good-humored, is generally inviting, and seems to feed off people with personalities larger than his own. Frequently offers whatever consumables he has on hand to those he interacts with.

Concept:A true native to the Alleycity; unfortunately, it was the wrong one.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):Short Term- Getting his feet back under him after being unmoored from every aspect of his life. Long Term- Therapy, finding and making something "real"


Major: A direct line to Alleycity residents thru his column

Normal: Self-defence Training, F-cadmium

Minor: White Sand vial necklace, Skilled baker

Flaws:Is naturally untethered from reality a bit -given recent revelations- and is still sorting out the grief over his father's death, and the meaning of his personal connections, all the while doubting the validity of his existence.Is prone to hyperventilation and tended to experience panic attacks as a child, but has learned to ground himself with Ferucemmy over the years. (Possibly cognitive-being vulnerabilities, gemstone trapping, etc. depending on the mechanics of Forgery made people)

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Honey Bell (mother & old guard TUBAist), Strudel Bell (recently deceased father)

Home Planet:Alleyplanet

Current Residence:TBD

Backstory:Being raised in the Alleycity by old guard TUBAist parents, Bell had about as normal of a life as possible. Helped make incredibly complicated pastries with mom as a child. Only allowed to go asThe Baker During the Festival of Masks. When there was one not in cinders went to school. Decided not to join TUBA in college and in the past few years, has found himself writing the Alleyverse Post as a Columnist, taking inspiration from the DA stories and superstitions he was raised under as source material for his regular column entries, conspiracy boards,and other miscellaneous articles.

It wasn't until recently he discovered the was only a few months old. In truth, the individual known as Blondie Bell never made it into childhood. Succumbing to radiation poisoning due to the thermonuclear explosion during the Seven Day War. Prior to The Stranger's Forgery, the columnist who walks today never existed.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):Grieving his father, coming to terms with his existence, his relationship with his mother as well as, well... literallyeverythingelse.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):

@Ashbringer- Kalten/Byron/Cassie

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Name:Kalten Winterheart

Appearance:A 24-year-old slightly tanned Southern Scadrian man, about 5’ 10” tall, with sky, almost neon-blue eyes and short cut black hair. Wears a warm bottle-green suit while working, but no tie. Wears a gray half-mask (covering forehead, eyes, cheekbones, and curling down to about the ears, but not covering his mouth) on most days, but feels comfortable taking it off.

Guild:Dark Alley, Head of Public Relations

Personality: Excellent at putting on a false face, but also knows – especially among fellow manipulators – that sometimes honesty is the best policy. Tends to be cheerful, and doesn’t hide his emotions when it won’t hurt to do so, and doesn’t lie too often. Loves negotiating and a social puzzle. Treads carefully around other DA Heads with more experience.

Concept: Kalten is a bit of a new force into the DA power structure, another one of several short-lived Heads of the Public Relations Department. Whether he’ll make a social blunder and wind up annihilated from all existence or rise to being a true equal to the other Heads remains to be seen…

Motivation (Short- & long- term goal): Short-term, he wants to clean up the Alleyplanet as much as he can, and help ensure the Dark Alley is… correctly portrayed as it reenters the major public sphere. He also wants to cement himself in the Dark Alley Department Heads, which involves a lot of paperwork from making up from the former DA Head who disintegrated themselves. Long-term, Kalten wants to investigate more of the stranger resources that he has access to as a DA Department Head, and potentially become more of a demigod of his own.


  • Minor:
    • Emotional-Sensing Fabrial pocket watch (doesn’t work in a Coppercloud).
    • Natural Allomantic Copper.
    • Minor physical combat training, in particular applying small Hemalurgic spikes.
  • Normal:
    • Enhanced memory from Copper Hemalurgy.
    • General scholarship about history and many other topics.
  • Major:
    • Master social manipulator.
    • Master knowledge of mental Investitures, in particular copper Hemalurgy.
    • DA Department Head (Public Relations).

Flaws:Hates being externally dependent. Kalten loves to ensure things are done, and he always wants to make sure they’re done personally or by someone under his direct command, in a way that he can both understand and have control over. This doesn’t manifest as disloyalty or solitude, usually, but he doesn’t like needing other people or powers that he doesn’t know – such as the nigh-deific abilities of some of the other DA Heads.

Slightly fractured memory. Kalten has developed a habit of burning Copper Hemalurgic spikes in order to absorb the memories that he or his underlings have collected. However, between this, the major shift in his history from the Forgery, and a few things he’s placed in metalminds, Kalten’s memory has moved from being near-photographic to having several memories that he’s not sure if they’re his own, and several memories he knows he should have but are missing.

Family:Mother is (somehow) still alive, living in retirement on Scadrial and sometimes visiting Taldain or the Alleyplanet, and writes sometimes although Kalten never really explained his job to her. Father died, but his death was overwritten during the Forgery, and Kalten isn’t sure if that has been undone or not.

Home Planet:Alleyplanet, but mostly Southern Scadrian heritage

Backstory:Kalten Winterheart was born in the Alleycity to a Homeless, DA-aligned father and a Southern Scadrian mother, taking mostly after his mother but inheriting his father’s Rosharan-descended light blue eyes. When he was about 5 years old, his father died during the Seven Day War, and he was raised in the City by his mother, learning more of the Southern Scadrian lifestyle and wearing his first mask a bit more often. However, as a teenager, someone recruited Kalten into the DA to follow his father’s path, and found a natural inclination to manipulate people and get people to like him, both to get him coffee when runners would bring some to the higher-ups and to help cover up the accidental release of a hyperintelligent nightmaw into the Alleycity. (Don’t remember that? Well, Kalten did a good job smoothing things over, didn’t he?)

Kalten shot up the ranks of the Public Relations department, but only to a point due to his relative experience and Investiture. But he was relatively willing to work about 2 steps under the current DAPR Head, Delsin, so long as he was given some autonomy in how he worked. His mother retired and began travelling back to Scadrial and to warmer planets, aware Kalten had gotten a position at the DA but somewhat unknowing of the implications.

Then the Forgery occurred, and the Public Relations department was mostly a subset of Counterintelligence designed to keep the DA unknown to the city at large. In this reality, Kalten worked as a relatively low-level locater of Hemalurgic activity in the Alleycity. He also had a living father, and while he was distanced from the DA after a near-death experience, he also knew and appreciated Kalten’s work.

After the Forgery was removed, the PR Department was in shambles due to many coworkers returning to their Forged positions and the general chaos involved from reality shifts. This was only exasperated by Delsin managing to disintegrate themselves in a non-R&D-sanctioned science experiment about a week later. Of the remaining Denizens, Kalten was chosen to become the new Department Head, ostensibly because his experience in dealing with memories and his innate skill, but more because he won an internal vote of “least likely to be annihilated by Voidus”. So far Kalten has survived at least one meeting involving the near-deific set of Department Heads (and came out with a potentially threatening bottle of wine he still hasn’t opened), but as a Department Head himself, Kalten has much to do.

Loose Ends: Kalten knows he once had a metalmind containing a secret, something he currently believes to be a perfect or near-perfect copy of his own methods of copper Hemalurgy. At some point around the start of the Forgery, he lost it, along with almost all memory of what he’d done with it, and now wants it back. He also doesn’t know if his father is alive or dead, and isn’t sure he wants to know.


(Older OP Character things):

Intended Threat Level: Kalten is not a physical threat on his own (unless he can quickly and precisely apply Copper Spikes that alter an attacker’s understanding of the situation), but a guild-level threat in his ability to manipulate public perception against his enemies.

Benefit(What do other players get out of this character?): Someone powerful within the DA, but not necessarily someone who knows how best to use that power.

Foible(Why haven't they taken over the world yet?): Anything involving altering memories in the wake of the Forgery cannot be botched, as the DA being found altering memories again would be sure to go poorly for him. That and Kalten is more about maintaining a balance than actually conquering the world with words, and the other DA Departments are a large check on his ability to do that.

Modus Operandi(How do they fight / scheme? What is their plan?): Actual physical fighting is to be avoided, but if forced, Kalten likes to try and quickly implant and remove needle-like slivers of copper into an opponent, stealing a split second of memory from whatever had just happened. This isn’t enough to change a person’s real actions, but is intended to be disorienting and to buy time for Kalten to escape or help to arrive, and perhaps later get a fragment of the attacker’s mindset. Landing these spikes can be difficult on a well-trained fighter, though.

Kalton’s much better in the social sphere, where he works to shape the “public” perception of various events related to both the Forgery and the DA, in particular attempting to connect the DA more to returning reality to as it should be and the original Forgery being a rogue event from a Stranger, and that the DA returning has benefits to prevent this from happening again. He doesn’t go too heavy-handed with these, though, relying more on mundane persuasion for these overarching ideas (i.e. not trying to change the mind of any specific character) and saving overwhelming alterations to memory and emotion for when the DA wants something kept under wraps.

Lastly, Kalton likes to burn copper, particularly to gain the memories in sealed spikes or metalminds – either after he has them unsealed to gain their contents, or before to destroy them once and for all.


Appearance:A young boy of about 17who's seen a lot for his "young" age. Light brown hair and brown eyes, about 5’3”. Wears a nondescript brown traveling cloak over some leather clothing for protection. Looks like most skaa, and has worked hard to be unnoticeable.

Guild (or intended guild):None as of now, but looking for one.

Personality:Tends to be easygoing but anti-social. Prior MO was to briefly get to know people, steal from them, and vanish and flare cadmium in a well-hidden place. He doesn’t steel as much in the Alleyverse, but still has some kleptomaniac tendencies; particularly in the Alleyverse, he found Investiture made most needs easier to come by. He still has a habit of briefly getting to know most people without opening up about himself.

Concept:Byron is essentially a conglomeration of the WoBs about what a time-bubble savant would be capable of, and what that would do to a person.

Motivation (Short- & long- term goal):In the short term, Byron wants to find somewhere to belong, whether with one of the few people he’s met prior or with a new group or guild in the Alleyverse. He’s had some difficulty connecting (and Connecting) to people, and wants to try and avoid that.

In the long term, Byron wants to find out how much he’s using cadmium or how much it’s damaging him over helping him. In a stable environment, being slower is not as helpful as he’d thought, but he’s finding it almost impossible to stop.


  • Minor:
    • Somewhat skilled as a thief.
    • Somewhat skilled knife fighter.
    • Quite perceptive when up close.
  • Normal:
    • Very agile/has very fast reflexes.
    • Resourceful; good at cobbling together quick ideas and at getting people to help in situations he needs them to.
  • Major:
    • A-Cadmium Savant.
      • Can change his time bubble from between 2x slower and 128x slower speed, although any increase in time compression needs to be ramped up over a relative amount of time. This also increases deflections. With focus, he can change the time bubble to be only 1.2x slower.
      • Can change his time bubble from about a 1-meter radius to an 8-meter radius.
      • Can carry his time bubble along with him, or lock it in place as normal.
      • Can feel the deflections of objects entering/exiting his bubble, basically sensing when something enters or exits and its approximate size/momentum, or if something meets the bubble as it moves.
      • Ages somewhat slowly even relative to his own timeframe.


  • Savant weaknesses.
    • Must burn cadmium if any is in his system, and gets cravings.
    • Is jarred whenever something is deflected by his bubble. Anything small is counterbalanced, but leads to Byron being unable to move correctly when outside of a bubble with nothing to counterbalance. Larger objects with more momentum can forcibly move him.
    • Has difficulty seeing / paying attention to anything distant, even besides the impact his bubble has – some parts of his brain block out distant events.
    • Any aluminum inside his bubble exists as if it was at normal time, meaning its momentum within the bubble is essentially multiplied by however much time is slowed. While this can be manipulated to an advantage, practically it makes it too difficult for Byron to carry aluminum constantly and makes aluminum weapons much more dangerous to everyone.
  • Has an overwhelming self-preservation instinct, which gives him issues with being loyal in times of danger and in leaving himself too vulnerable to anyone.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Family is long dead from old age, although Byron sometimes wonders how many distant relatives he’d have on Scadrial. Knows a few PCs such as Aln, and has interacted with a few more (Victoria, Vivica, and unnervingly Sanax, and likely will know some NPCs at the Hospital. However, almost all of these were from the Forgery which may leave him mostly on a blank slate.

Home Planet:Scadrial

Current Residence:Alleycity, the slums.

Backstory:Byron was born on Scadrial soon after the Catacendre, and soon Snapped with his new Cadmium powers, which no one seemed to understand. He had friends with some of the other Mistings of his generation (namely Cassie), but didn't fit in very well. Along Cassie and a few others he worldhopped to Roshar, to try and understand his abilities and to adventure on their own. Cassie helped him with cadmium creation, but after his own tendency for theft got him in trouble with a local Shardbearer, Byron hyper-flared for the first time, skipping over years within about a week. He found Cassie had left Roshar after leaving him enough cadmium to last a lifetime, but Byron had found out just how useful being a Pulser when pursued by people could be. Over the next few hundred years Byron stole, met people, and saw different places in Roshar, only to burn cadmium and skip a few months when things went wrong, and eventually he burned enough to begin breaking some of the few limits he’d found. And yet, he still had no idea what he could do, and found cadmium harder and harder to come across. He came to the Alleyverse in search of more cadmium and understanding, and perhaps somewhere where his own oddities would fit in.

Byron entered the Alleyverse during the world’s Forgery, which had some interesting results. He found that Cassandra was indeed in the Alleyverse, but much older thanks to his time dialation. He also met a few other people, like Aln, Folorian, and Emily, but mostly stayed disconnected, particularly when he was attacked by an unknown entity and essentially froze himself in time as a defense. Byron eventually went to the Einladung Hospital in a paralyzed state, and once recovered (and largely out of cadmium) Byron stayed to learn more about his savantism in a more controlled setting. But that didn’t last, as the draw of adventure and the powers he held drew him out.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):Byron has some difficulty connecting (and Connecting) to people, both from a life spent stealing and hiding and from his savantism both making him view things relative to himself. But coming into the Alleyverse has given him several people, strange like himself, that he can connect to.

Byron also has yet to reconnect with Cassie, as they left on relatively unknown terms; Byron knows Cassie is in the Alleyverse, but isn’t sure how understanding he is of their parting.


Name: Cassandra “Cassie” Adama

Appearance: A short woman in her 40's-ishwith a regal bearing, tends to wear lavender and bronze dresses with a lot of pockets and a long sleeve ending in a glove over her safehand (and Ghostblood tattoo). Her skin is rigid and bronzed, flexible in some places and not in others, with crystalline amethyst eyes and somewhat darker metallic hair.

Guild (or intended guild): Ghostblood or Ghostblood-affiliated

Personality: Cassie tends to be distant from most people, and act at people how they act. She also tends to be incredibly stubborn, but loyal. Otherwise, she's peaceable (if cold) to neutral parties and innocents; and reacts to kindness and aggression in kind (although she's liable to escalate greatly).

Thanks to her savantism, she sometimes acts a lot like the metals she creates: stubborn and only flexible in the right conditions, but strong-willed. She also tends to minorly modify the metal that makes up her body, whether for function or aesthetics (ie creating a pocket to store Iron to burn, slightly changing the color, etc), and sometimes mixes up what aspects of her are normal to living things or not.

Concept: Combining Soulcasting with the knowledge of metallurgy today.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): In the short term, Cassie is dealing with the rewriting of the world and her own physical change, trying to ensure that what she’s become is permanent and if there are any ways to continue to optimize her own self. She also wants to finally join the Ghostbloods, to make good her debt of life and to learn a bit more about Investiture as a whole, and perhaps access the knowledge that explains what she has become. However Cassie’s first priority is ensuring the Metallurgic Emporium is safe, and ensuring she can be helpful in the reconstruction process.

In the long term, Cassie has an interest in the God Metals. While she knows – mostly – that she would never be able to Soulcast a God Metal, she is quite interested in their actual physical properties and would love to get her hands on some.


  • Minor:
    • Blacksmithing and sales skills
    • Some practice with knife and Lurcher combat
    • Knows most metals very well (modern-Earth level, although Cassie still doesn’t understand anything radioactive).
  • Normal:
    • A-Iron / Lurcher
    • Foil Soulcaster savant with advanced metallurgic knowledge
  • Major:
    • An animated metallic body that requires Stormlight or other Investiture to maintain, but also removes the need for food, water, and air, and acts like a mirror to Shardplate (although with some differences: is supernaturally and naturally resistant to physical damage, but will only partially resist Shardblades, will bend and dent instead of crack, must be actively repaired via her Soulcaster, and grants little enhanced strength and no enhanced speed).

Flaws:Cassie’s metallic body loses a lot of speed and dexterity. Any quick movements (such as fighting with daggers) will be imprecise, while any activity that must be done with great dexterity will take about twice as long. Cassie also cannot run, only walk up to a brisk pace. If she were to ever run out of Investiture, she’d essentially freeze as a statue until she somehow gets more.

Cassie is also incredibly vengeful, having lived eye for an eye for a long time. She will hold a grudge for a long time, and while not incredibly deceptive, is not above waiting for a moment of weakness to extract revenge. She also has a habit of escalating confrontations instead of trying to calm things. While Cassie is also very kind and will aid those who respect and are kind to her and others, this is often much more fleeting.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Has a friendly relationship with NullBlade, some dealings with other shopkeepers, and acts kindly to anyone who returns the favor. Many interactions with both Rosharan and Alleyverse Ghostbloods even if Cassie doesn’t become a full member. Family is back home on Scadrial, and she sends letters on occasion. Has Poller (an NPC, at least in this era) as an assistant to run the Emporium when Cassie is absent. Has a former relationship with Byron, but has yet to reconnect.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Current Residence: The Metallurgic Emporium

Backstory: Cassie was born as a noble on Scadrial just before the fall of the Empire and the Catecendre, originally Snapped by the mists as a child. She helped rebuild Scadrial, but never really fit in, so she first moved to the edges of the Elendel Basin, and eventually worldhopped to Roshar alongside Byron and procuredherself a Soulcaster from an ardent who didn't take kindly to her. She decided to settle down somewhere and set up a Soulcasting shop, and chose the Alleyverse. She now sells Allomantic metals to whomever asks and acts kindly, but is getting worried about the progression of her savanthood and somewhat yearns for the adventures she had in her youth.

In the Alleyverse, she started a business deal with a trader named Lord, who's first order of business was a large order of Hemalurgic Spikes, which Cassie created with some regret. When other forces - including the Ghostbloods who Cassie had contacted - expressed interest in removing the threat, Cassie obliged to help. However, the ensuing battle greatly strained her savantism, to the point she discovered most of her body was metal.

Cassie then spent most of her time researching ways to continue her own existence, eventually negotiating with the Ghostbloods to turn over the Hemalurgic Spikes that she recovered from Lord’s Trader’s Haven in exchange for information on persisting as a spirit. Eventually, using a mixture of the rewriting of the Forgery, the Ghostbloods’ plans, and a series of perfected gemstones, Cassie managed to trap her own soul within her now-fully-metal animated body. She just hopes it will stay that way.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Cassie still isn’t entirely sure what she’s capable of, and while she says that she’s defeated her changing body, internally she wonders if more damage can be done. She also wants to help those who have aided her, namely NullBlade and the Ghostbloods. Lastly, she wants to find Byron again. They both know that they’re in the Alleycity together, but it’s been decades for Cassie and centuries for Byron, and both aren’t entirely sure how they’ll react to meeting again.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):TBD

@Bookmaster007- Willbur


Name: Willbur Bright


Guild (or intended guild): TUBA

Personality: horrible with social situations he finds his comfort in tinkering with his guns. Their rules don’t change. At least not much, compared to humans.

Concept: A gunslinger an gunsmith from Era 2 scadrial who wanted to be a lawman but kept finding himself on the wrong side of the law

Motivation (Short & long term goal):

Short: Get acquainted with the new guns he’s seeing around

Long: clear his bad reputation so he get around to enforcing the law


Minor: can pick up schematics quick, carries basic tools with him

Normal: Practiced gunfighter, Survivalist

Major: Excellent Gunsmith


Gullible by being so focused on his guns he doesn't notice body language

Social awkwardness. The rules are never the same.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): while his Dad and little brothers are still alive back home, he hasn’t had much much contact with them since he left to become a lawman

Home Planet: Scadrial

Current Residence: None

Backstory: ______ set out to be a lawkeeper after some particularly nasty bandits wreaked havoc. his hometown. However, when he came into town the bandits would always convince him they were the law into town. Until the real lawmen would come down on them – and him, no matter how many times he told them he was a lawman. After he got rejected from the first few towns he ended up in, he found himself in the alleycity

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): He has yet to find a job as a proper lawman

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):

@EmulatonStromenkiin- Demaren/Balance/Malsam


Name:Demaren Technotic

Appearance:piercing blue left eye, dark brown right eye. Red hair. Pale skin. 6 foot even

Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (2)

Guild (or intended guild):Unaffiliated

Personality:Lonely, but used to being alone. Something of an introverted extrovert. Enjoys being around people, but not necessarily talking with them. Somewhat disillusioned and cynical, but has odd spurts of hope and trust. Has a very slow temper, but when his patience runs out it can be devastating. Absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

Concept:A bit rough around the edges, and wary of power, but primarily gentle and aware of others. Very much a mentor-type personality.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term:Build a successful business, and avoid trouble.Long term:Create functioning mechanical limb replacements; lessen debilitating effects of soulcasting Savanthood

Merits: Minor:Ameuture artifabrian; Enhanced glasses capable of projecting plans to be manipulated virtually, and zooming in on objects he is working on; Latent polyglot capabilities(not active)
Normal:Highly intelligent; Foil soulcaster
Major:Expert at crafting technology from basic resources, and expanding on it.

Flaws:Lost left leg to an explosion in his former home, so moves slowly with a cane, and prefers to stay in one spot; shortsighted, needs glasses; Thick accent; Due to backstory, does not trust authority, especially those in authority with some sort of magical power. Strongly dislikes Epics of any type.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Family killed in breaking of the U.S. Has contact with a group that transports Stormlight and fabrial gems off Roshar, he is unaware that the group is headed by an Epic with Gem-creation powers.

Home Planet:Reckoners Earth

Current Residence:Technotic Shop

Backstory:He was 20 or so when Calamity came. Lived through a technological revolution in calamity-era Reckoners earth. He was forced to build fancy gadgets for the Epics, which he did not mind because working for them gave him access to resources. He was primarily controlled by the one called Nightweaver(powers like a KOTLC shade, especially Shadowflux), who sometimes leased him out to other Epics. He had been constantly emotionally abused by the Epics, and so distrusts them and any magically powerful being in a position of power. Nightweaver, the Epic he worked for once brought some odd crystals (paired gemstones) to him, and he experimented with them, gaining some knowledge without any prejudices about them. Nightweaver also had gotten ahold of a Foil soulcaster, and Demarin learned how to use it. Nightweaver’s base was destroyed in an Epic battle, and an emergency destruction sequence blew off and cauterized his leg. At this point, after waiting for the fight to calm down, he salvaged what he could from the rubble, including the Soulcaster and several small machines with the gemstones, and escaped into the woods. He found, completely by accident, a circle of six strange standing stones in the middle of the wilderness, and entry into it knocked him out and shifted him to the Alleyverse.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):Haven’t developed a good way to replace missing limbs via cybernetics.

Name:Balance the Realizer. Goes by Balance

Appearance:Pale dark skinned with colored veins faintly visible beneath the skin, Deep black eyes with gold irises. Around 6 ft tall. Blue-brown hair. Otherwise, appearance is human.

Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (3)


Personality:He is wary of others and analytical. Decently smart, very imaginative, analytical. Doesn’t understand people. Due to his oddness, he was unaffected by Calamity’s influence and remains like a normalish human. Avoids friendships and closes himself off due to a fear of bringing ruin on them - this hurts him, as he likes to be around people and listen to them, it makes him feel needed.

Concept:He is lonely, troubled, and fearful of himself. Also, sad and tired of the destruction he has caused and thinks he has caused. He is wary of others and analytical.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):Short term: Get motivator from Demaren. Figure out changes in his cognitive aspect(changed to wireframe) and soon physical one.Long term: purge remnants of Calamity’s influence from himself. Destroy the Entity that he unleashed by accident, causing the destruction of his timeline

Merits:Minor:Smart; Unaging; Framesight - can see the world as if it is made of his wireframes, lets him know if a Forgery has taken place, and the location of wireframe objects created by his powers.
Normal:Skilled Swordmaster; Realized cloak(made real) - self repairing, blends into the surroundings, making him hard to notice when standing still and wearing it
Major:Epic - Realizer. Able to create blue energy wireframes of just about anything. These wireframes have innate power and mimic actual objects in such a way that they can be used as the object with more power(i.e. A sword is actually sharp, only impossibly so), but will fade after a few hours if he is not actively using them and/or concentrating on them. He can also will them to fade. Upper limit of ten medium sized wireframe objects manifest at one time. With a significant investment of energy, can make the objects real, not just wireframes, and they will not fade. When this is done, any connection to him is severed, so he no longer knows where it is. The creation of the objects and use of the wireframes drains his bodily energy, and excessive use will start to use his matter as the energy. This resulted in his cognitive aspect changing into a wireframe, closer to the spiritweb, and will start to morph his body into wireframe as well. The dissociation between his cognitive aspect and his physical brain has allowed for more of Calamity’s influence to come into him.

Flaws:Bound to truth due to history - incapable of speaking untruth, but can stay silent, cannot purposely mislead or imply untruth - this has made him wary of situations in which he would be questioned, and so he avoids them whenever possible.
He is prone to depression because he blames himself for the destruction of his family and people. Depression in reference to his past triggers his epic weakness, though his actual weakness is failing/believing he failed to protect people that he was responsible for. When the depression in reference to his past is triggered, it tends to temporarily incapacitate him, which makes it harder to fight the entity that he released.
Bad at social interactions, and often misunderstands the purposes of people’s choices, leading to bad situations that could have been fixed if he was brave enough to ask the right questions. Clumsy in non-combat situations. Rushes into things, especially when he believes people are in danger.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):no family alive. No friends alive(NPC).

Home Planet:Reckoners-Earth

Current Residence:Mac’s Boarding House

Backstory:Gained epic powers upon entering the Reckoners timeline. Due to mistakes he made, a great evil was released upon his peoples’ timeline, and it was prevented from spreading by the undoing of possibility, erasing their timeline and all other people in it. He now seeks to prevent the same great evil from coming into the rest of the universes, but refuses to tell people what it is. Through some quark, he was ejected as his timeline collapsed, resulting in him being unaging and bound to truth and landing him in a coma in the Reckoners universe, unaffected by Calamity in the same way that Dawnslight was. After Calamity was defeated he woke up and was active for a few months against some epics like Nightweaver, and in that time he learned how to use his powers. Another quark sent him to the Alleyverse, specifically the headquarters of TUBA in Alleycity. He was cared for by the people there until he woke up, after which he was very confused, with a somewhat broken memory that has gradually been returning. He feels a sense of obligation towards TUBA for caring for him, which is why he helps them when he can. Though he does not like being around people, he has gotten used to it and interacts with them. Was trained in the sword in his home world.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):Amend for the destruction of his home world/universe/timeline. Possibly also destroy the entity that he accidentally unleashed, resulting in the destruction of his timeline.

Fighting Style:two weapon-two wireframe scimitars. Prefers defense until spots opening for offense, except when vastly outnumbered, when he uses the techniques of Itari, moving so fast the enemies end up hitting each other.

Malsam Endel

Name:Malsam Endel

Appearance:barrel-chested, 4’10”, eyes are a pale gray, with a bluish tint in the whites.

Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (4)

Guild (or intended guild):unaffiliated

Personality:For the most part, she is content with her lot in life, though it hurts her when she is teased. She likes to be independent. She is occasionally bitter about lost opportunities due to her disease. Likes being around people. Picked up calling people “cousin” from the Herdazians. Does not know much about the cosmere, but learned some about Roshar from the Herdazians. Also very good at listening in to learn things, due to her smothering parents.

Concept:friendly and cheerful, but also a touch disillusioned. Strong in spite of her weakness. Prone to bouts of feeling worthless

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term:fulfill her contract with the caravan. Get tradeable goods/skills.Long term:Find a place to settle, and an occupation.

Merits: Minor:good at problem solving; minor chemical mixing/alchemy - enough to identify metals and poisons given the right equipment; observant, always watching around here and questioning things

Normal:can defend herself adequately with a short sword; A cadmium - limited experience with it, is barely aware of it due to living in Terris encampment, considers it almost useless.

Major:F pewter - allows her to move around some, though it is balanced. Tends to store while safely in a wheelchair.

Flaws:Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) bones break extremely easily, a fall will fracture something at the least. Tends to use a wheelchair on long trips, and wears sturdy clothing. Somewhat rash. Not knowledgeable about worlds outside of cosmere, and limited in knowledge of those within.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Herdazian caravan that she traveled with.

Home Planet:Scadrial

Current Residence:the caravan, which is encamped just outside of the city limits

Backstory:born in Era 2 of Mistborn, just as Medallion-tech was becoming known. When she came of age, she chose to leave the Terris encampment in Elendel, tired of the teasing and smothering that she endured due to her disease. Outside, she did not find it any better. She was still teased, and to keep herself safe she mostly used a wheelchair to get around. Her Feruchemical Pewter made it somewhat easier, as when tapping it she was not as vulnerable to falling and breaking her bones. With it, she managed to get hired on as a guard to a trading caravan passing through Elendel. This was also partially due to no one else wanting to hire on to a caravan of strange people who spoke a strange language that seemed rather symmetrical. Most of them had dark, almost crystalline fingernails. To her great surprise, they traveled into the cognitive realm, and the family of Herdazians, as she now knew they were called, explained that they traveled from world to world to trade, picking up people who didn’t seem to fit in. They were very accommodating to her disabilities as they traveled, and she helped when she could, as her contract required. Their traveling led them to the Alleyverse, where the caravan traveled the Alleyplanet, eventually reaching Alleycity. She is liking it here so far, but may move on.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):feels guilty about having no contact with her family

@Invocation- Dionas


Name: Dionas

Appearance: Looks functionally like a normal person, with the majority of his Elantrian attributes surpressed this far from what's truly Sel. That's a wide range, let's narrow it down a little. Shoulder-length reddish hair, barely constrained into a ponytail to keep it out of his way. Hazel eyes. Typical Arlene pale skin. Solidly average height. You could pass a thousand of him walking down a moderately busy street in Kae and never take note of it.

Guild(or intended guild): No guild affiliation planned, but that could always change.

Personality: Meticulous in terms of planning, but somewhat less careful (even reckless sometimes) in most other areas.

Concept: A wanderer who happens to enjoy research.

Motivation(Short & long term goal): Long term goals include researching the history of the various worlds and their Investiture and doing his best to find a way to make Dao stop complaining every time he moves. Short term goals are yet to be determined and will probably arise over time.

Merits: Elantrian (Major), Scholarly habits/research ability (Normal), skilled with healing Aons (Normal), Seon: Dao (Minor)

Flaws: A little reckless when outside his comfort zone, thinks he knows a lot more than he does, wanderlust, accident prone.

NPCs(Eg. Family and Friends): None in easy contact

Home Planet: Sel. Sort of.

Current Residence: Transient. Generally on a roof somewhere.

Backstory: Child of Selish worldhoppers, Dionas never really had a place to call home. It was on one of their rare trips back to Sel itself that the Reod claimed him, barely a decade after the discovery of the Chasm line. His parents gave him a choice: stay, reside in Elantris, by himself, or continue travelling with them. He was nine.
He regretted that choice almost the moment they left Sel's subastral, but stuck it through as long as he could: until he was sixteen. At that point, he struck out on his on and functionally wandered across the Cognitive Realm several times over, listless. He was eventually Passed a seon by another worldhopper who was attempting to move to a seon-less planet and didn't want to find a way to hide him or explain him away. Dao then became his only companion as he continued wandering, eventually stepping off the beaten path in hopes of seeing things that no one had ever seen before and understanding deeper portions of the cosmere's mechanisms.
Rarely did he ever think of his family after that, and he could never justify abandoning whatever research tangent he was on at the time just to find them.

Loose ends(What is unfinished in their life?): He would still like to go find his family at some point, no matter how much he would say otherwise.

Links(Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): I got nothing. YET!

@I think I am here.- Mavin


Name:Mavin Menton

Appearance: Muscled man, with wide eyes and golden blonde hair that's kept in a buzz cut. Clean shaven. Wears simple clothes with bright, warm colours. Has electrum earrings on each ear and a nose that looks like it's been broken far too many times.

Guild (or intended guild): None, yet.

Personality: Happy, jovial, and high in energy, yet also impatient, restless, and easily distracted. Quick to aggressiveness. A little self-confident.

Concept: Ragtag Boxer.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):Short Term:find something to steal, someone to fight, or something else to do that will keep him occupied and not bored.Long Term:Be his own person, free from the will or control of anyone else, and free to live his life happily.


Major: Excellent boxer, very skilled at dodging and hitting hard in close-range. Supports this with brass knuckles.

Normal: Electrum Feruchemy (accessed via small arm bracers and earrings).

Minor: Gold Allomancy. Also, he's quite skilled at poetry.

Flaws: Mavin's pride, restlessness, and fixation on his past prevent him from ever truly feeling like he's in control of his life. In addition to a fragile ego and sense of insecurity, Mavin hates all symbols of captivity (ropes, chains, tight spaces) and will avoid them. Not really skilled in any weaponry or fighting beyond his specialty (close-quarters hand-to-hand). Constantly feeling like he has to do something leaves little time for self-reflection or self-improvement.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends):Father is out of the picture. Mother is a firemoss addict and cut off from Mavin. Is known by a number of people in the slums, and has a few fond faces in the criminal underground he can call on, but in general due to his recklessnesshas made more enemies than friends.

Home Planet: Alleycity

Current Residence: Homeless, looking for a place to stay. His old home (the Scadrian slums in Alleycity) are no longer an option.

Backstory: A troubled youth who saw few options beyond fighting to survive. Multiple past convictions before he was picked up by a coach, taught to box, and introduced to the vast network of underground criminal fighting rings, in Alleycity and beyond. Followed his coach's every instruction and became a known threat in the ring. At his prime, he was among the top teenage boxers in the city, but the emergence of fighters with allomantic/feruchemical pewter, koloss-blood or other strength enhancements were far too much for Mavin to handle for long. He never became truly renowned. In the Forgery, Mavin's trajectory was similar but darker, with him becoming more entangled in the criminal underworld and murdering someone. He was arrested, jailed, and sentenced to death when the Forgery broke. On the streets again, Mavin is nobody.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):Mavin doesn't want to follow anyone's orders ever again. He wants to be his own person, as hard as that may be for a guy like him.

@kenod- AnLien


Appearance:Variable, since they're a Kandra, but her preferred body is that of a woman around their early 30s, with a brown, Terris skin and shoulder-length dark-brown hair. She prefers wearing a Roughs outfit, suitable for exploration and travel. Normally carries a Scandrian rifle with her, or, if that isn't possible, a revolver or derringer.
She wears a number of copper bracers and other jewelry, though she keeps her main copperminds inside her body.
Guild (or intended guild):Dark Alley (Records department, moonlights for Alleymatics and DoCI)
Personality:Someone who has seen it all. A calm and mature woman whose main motivation is learning more, as well as enjoying herself. Somewhat of a thrill seeker, as well as a knowledge seeker, frequently making trips in more dangerous areas, such as exploring the further-out alleys, to gain more information and knowledge.
Has somewhat of a Roughs persona, thanks to traveling there for quite a while, and, liking the place and attitude, the personality traits stuck.
Concept:A traveling Kandra researcher and archivist who during their travels has stumbled onto basic Alleymancy, and who moonlights as a spy/infiltrator.
Motivation (Short & long term goal):Try to figure out the nature of the world pre, during and post Forgery, record the different changes and after effects. Long term get a better understanding of the nature of the alleys, and try to map out as many of them as possible.
- Minor:
- Feruchemical copper (spike).
- Basic shooting skills. Nothing to really write home about, but she knows how to use a rifle.
- Normal
- Blessing of Awareness, granting increased senses
- Arcanist: Thanks to both her travels and experiences with the DA she has build up a large amount of knowledge on the nature of magic, especially on the various alleys.
- Major
- Kandra: A decent shifter with a fair bit of experience with the regular Kandra jobs, though she's somewhat out of practice compared to before joining the DA.
- Novice Alleymatics user: She is capable of using Alleytravel to a more accurate degree, travel faster, and can use non-alley passageways such as long hallways and bookcases for travel as well. Aside from that, she has learned a basic trick for using Alleymatics to a limited degree.
- Trick: She uses a form of mental suggestion to consider the environment around her part of the alleys, allowing her to pull the special nature of an alley she's familiar enough with into the real world. While doing this she has very limited control over how the effect interacts with the environment, generally functioning more as switching up the rules of the area the alley is deployed in.
If she wants to do this she still needs a bit of time to get into the right mental state to map to the alley she wants and adjust her view of her environment. She can also only do this with alleys she has a thorough understanding of, of which she currently only has one.

Available Alleys:
- Alley vc = −0.7269 + 0.1889i: Frozen Garden
This alley appears to be filled with numerous sharp crystals with fractal-like properties, often forming into branching, tree-like structures. Over time parts of these crystals fade away, while in other places new crystals are born, possibly spawned from the movement of small particles of dust moving through the air.
These crystals do not appear to be made from any specific material. Instead, they're formed from materials already there, frozen into place in a crystalized form through what appears to be an extreme form of time dilation. This time dilation reducing again seems to be responsible for the noted "thawing" of existing crystals.
Finally, this alley seems to have a unique response to any movement, with these crystals forming in the wake of moving objects, apparently based on the distortion of air caused by the movement.
Those entering this alley are advised to move slowly, in other to avoid provoking large-scale reactions. While these reactions themselves aren't dangerous, the subsequently formed crystals are both apparently indestructible and extremely sharp, meaning that heavy movement could leave those in the alley trapped.

Flaws:Risk-taker: She's always looking for more knowledge, which, combined with virtual immortality, means she takes a lot of risks others would consider to be too dangerous, such as traveling into the deep alleys, or trying to retrieve a highly guarded document with some obscure lore.
Like all Kandra she has a vulnerability to emotional allomancy, more pronounced in her case because of her additional Feruchemical copper spike.
She has a constant degree of awareness of alleys she's familiar with, especially the Frozen Garden, which tends to make it a bit trickier to focus, because of the background information.
NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Familiar with Azim, working under him. Also has a basic familiarity with Mac and people in the DoCI. Has a pet cat called Esmeralda, though she's more of someone who shares the house and occasionally comes for treats and pets than someone she actually takes care of.
Home Planet:Scandrial
Current Residence:Alleys
Backstory:Originally from Scandrial, one of the later generation Kandra. Unlike most of her kind she spent most her time outside of the Homeland, doing various contracts and learning more about the wider world.
After the Catacendre she acted as Harmony's agent, though she mostly spent her time wandering this new world. At one point during this she managed to come across a small group of Hemalurgists, and, once the fighting was over, managed to obtain a Feruchemical Copper spike from one of them, and, against Harmony's advice, took it into her own body.
From there she kept exploring, eventually ending up in the Roughs, where she spent most of her time, including becoming familiar with a local Terriswoman who had come out there to seek her own fortune. The two of them became close friends, with her even disclosing her own identity as a Kandra to her, and them jokingly making an agreement that AnLien could use her body after she died.
Sadly enough this agreement came true much quicker than either had wished for, with her friend getting caught up in a duel, and, with AnLien being unable to talk her into accepting her help, she died during the fighting. Afterwards AnLien, sticking to their agreement, took her form and then left.
Eventually she managed to find her way into the alleys while exploring, and from there, to the Alleycity and the DA, where she decided to stay, though more because it'd allow her to travel and explore than alleys than because of an interest in Hemalurgy.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):She is currently busy compiling a report on the various alleys, and trying to find their source, as well as building up a complete catalogue of them, something that she has, needless to say, been doing for a long time, and can likely spend an eternity or two doing before finishing it.
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):

@Koloss17 Perses


Name: Perses (based on titan of destruction)
Appearance: fairly young, probably early 20s, maybe. Basically made to have a lot of talent but clearly younger than most people they’re interacting with. He wears a coat, probably not a mistcoat. Has one grey eye, the other grey with a golden stripe cutting through a noticeable portion of it.likely doesn’t wear glasses. He’s definitely lanky, but not exactly weak looking. Probably looks like they would lose a hand to hand fight, though.
Guild (or intended guild): none (yet)
Personality: He’s overall an underdog that doesn’t know how to navigate the world. He’s not the best at interacting with people, and has a hard time relating with others or feeling like they belong. He overthinks every interaction, which means he can pick up on a lot, but also can pick up on the wrong things. Is inexperienced with the world at large, but is used to being taken advantage of.
Concept: A-bronze F-tin twinborn with second heightening (400 or so breaths). Cool fella, but he’s blind.
Motivation(Short & long term goal): mostly wants to make a name for themselves and feel wanted and valuable
Merits: Twinborn of A-bronze and F-tin. This allows them to reverse compound bronze and sense many magic users with relative ease. Obviously still needs bronze to store the bronze sight, but can get away with not having any with a full A-bronze tinmind. He can sense feruchemy and awakeningbeing used, but is not experienced with other magic systems being used.

has second heightening with about 400 breaths. Is not very experienced with awakening, but knows how to do it. So expect basic commands (I.e grab when thrown etc), but not particularly clever or complicated commands (yet). Can store the lifesense granted by these to detect when there are others around, and can do so with extra prescision if need be.

past magical ability, he’s a decently quick study and a pretty good shot (which is an AMAZING shot for being blind). He has no physical capabilities hand to hand-wise, however.

due to his abilities, he can decently deduce people’s affiliations and motives through interacting with them, so he has some detective’s info skills, but is hindered by not being able to properly see someone’s physical appearance.

Flaws: Is blind, fully blind. No abound of sight storing and tapping can change it. Persesis 100% blind. This can be slightly mitigated with lifesense and bronzesense allowing for some amount of person recongnition, but doesn’t really make up for it.

additionally, he does not know how to maneuver the world. He lived a tough life in Scadrial, with very few people to help him, and many people that want to take advantage of him. He has spent most of his life alone, with very little lasting relationships. He can’t maneuver social interactions very easily, and has no experience with being secretive or being tactful while speaking.

past just basic survival skills and being an ok pickpocket, he has no particular skills in general. So he’s not a good writer, not experienced in any sort of job, is not well educated, nothin.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): none anymore. Had a mother, but vanished for unknown reasons when he was a teen.
Home Planet: scadrial (era 2, likely outer cities)
Current Residence: somewhere in the Alleyverse, mostly wandering around without a clear place to live or stay. Currently living off of the cash gotten on his trip over.
Backstory: Persesis a Scadrian from some of the outer cities about 50 or so years after era 2 of Mistborn. He’s mostly lived off of what he could get and survived alone. His dad was never around, and his mother disappeared when he was young. Very little relationships were formed, but he made do. Perseswas taken advantage of quite a bit, and got into some minor crime.

Eventually Persesgot tied into a gig that was much larger than he thought it was, taking him off-world. He learned some about the Cosmere and got himself into a very peculiar situation, which ended him with about 500 breaths and basic training.

During his time with this Cosmere-wide crime syndicate, he discovered the existence of Alleycity. A few members were thinking of going and hoped it would be a way out, and a place of new beginnings. Persesdecided to join up with them, and, with a few supplies and a simple rule (do not accept any cookies offered by strangers), Persesheaded into the Alleyverse. It has been a few weeks, and Persus has lost what little peoplehe knewand is off on his own looking for a job and a new beginning. He’s lost most of his cash, but has a small amount still on him as he journeys to find his true purpose in the greater multiverse.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): has nowhere to belong and doesn’t feel valued. Hopes to change that in Alleycity.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): none

@Lord Meeker- Lord Everette Meeks (Steelshot)


Name: Lord Everette Meeks, vigilante name: Steelshot

Appearance: Man in early 30’s, messy brown hair with an oval face, piercing green eyes. Often seen wearing the distinct customized aluminum armor of the Meeks family. Helmet includes an early prototype voice modulator otherwise voice sounds staccato, abrasive, suave yet sophisticated and steely. Carries several needles

Guild (or intended guild): None, but up for recruitment

Personality: aloof, cautious, callous, cold, calculating, composed, logical, lonely/loner, hardworking, organized, patient, poised

Concept: Medieval meets Star Wars. Though armor is just customized and just metal, no other special additions other than the aluminum. Helmet is a little special, experimented tech that reads vitals, and has a voice modulator and a recorder.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):

Short term: Clean up the streets of crime, rebuild estate

Long term: find family assassins, purge Ghostbloods from company


Minor: Business smart(includes the expertise in metallurgy), tai chi meditation,

Normal: Nobility, Steel allomantic savant,

Major: Twinborn(Coinshot & Bloodmaker)

Flaws: fresh trauma of loss, survivors guilt, depression, does not allow people to get close or allow emotional attachment. Does not kill, death returns trauma. Lol

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Assassinated parents, younger siblings, and fiancee in a house fire. The butler, Jarvis Edmund Brandt(Jeb), is the only other survivor.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Current Residence: Oasis City, also where the estate burned down

Backstory: Ghostbloods carried out a successful assassination and cover up of his parents, younger siblings, and fiancee in a house fire.

Little to nothing remains of the Meeks family. Family dealt in the mining metals for allomantic, feruchemic, and hemalurgic use as well as the refining and creation of some of the alloys. Also in charge of sales and distribution(including transportation). One of the more well known in the industry but not a monopoly, as they were in the process of being able to split ettmetal into atium and leriasium, but was incomplete due to the early assassination attempt by the Ghostbloods due to faulty intelligence. Now mostly infested with Ghostbloods members.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Establish estate for goals listed above

@MacThorstenson- Mac/Ives


Name:Mac Thorstenson

Appearance:Looks to be in his late 30's early 40's, solidly built. Always in a black suit or overcoat with his bowler hat and mustache.

Guild (or intended guild):DA

Personality:Very controlling and calm, prone to outbursts of anger if things get too bad, but he prides himself on being levelheaded and in control. If he wasn't so powerful and terrifying, some could call his workplace antics goofy.

Concept:A Gentleman Hemalurgist.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):Long term is to become immortal and unkillable, to obtain control over even death. Short term is to protect the city as a whole and keep it and its institutions alive.


Major Boons:Hemalurgy, Alleymatics, DA Department head.

Normal Boons:Adept at intimidation and all sorts of torture techniques, proficient in most history and fairly knowledgeable about who's who and whats what. He won't make anything groundbreaking like the stranger, but chances are he could hold a conversation with most people in their fields.

Minor Boons:Constantly pumping connection. Baking. Voidmaking.

Banes:He views is word as law, he won't break it. Believes that the greatest power comes through restraint and control, yet he constantly struggles between asserting his power and using restraint. He's aware on some level that the DA is not good, and that the means that he has used to cheat death and get to where he is often come at the expense of the city and those around him. His love for immortals and long lasting institutions and the comfort that stability brings often clashes with the fact that for him to continue surviving, they may have to die. The city can't thrive while the DA is there, yet he can't survive without hemalurgy and the power he gets from the DA.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):His parents are long dead, Voidus is someone he would count as a friend/collegue/boss person. Stranger was formerly a role model and idol of his, now less so.

Home Planet:Scadrial, pre the lord ruler.

Backstory:Grew up before the lord ruler, didn't have a particularly good relationship with his parents. Left to find power in the dark alleys, only returned to kill them and make sure nothing else got the pleasure of removing them from the physical realm. He joined the alleys, and slowly rose the ranks, learning a little about everything while becoming particularly knowledgeable about big stick diplomacy. Was fascinated and loved the alleys for a long time, and uses them as his biggest stick. Its hard to push back against them when he holds a meteor over your continent after all. His big break came when a Hemalurgic Beaver escaped containment and destroyed a planet. He spun the escape as a test of its destructive capabilities, and claimed credit for the invention, using that to rise into the upper echelons of management, eventually becoming the Department of Counter Intelligence head due to his penchant for getting results. After an extended lunch break, he has now returned to the alleys as the head of Alleymatics.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):The city, which has been about the only constant in his life, is constantly struggling ever since it became the focus of an RP devoted solely to causing and then averting apocalypses. Also there are now several alleys of hyper intelligent penguins that are a constant pain in his butt. They need to be dealt with but at this point Mac's not sure if its possible to stop them.

On a more serious note, he still needs to mend his relationship with Voidus after the barrier incident, as well as enable the city to protect itself should a rogue member of the DA ever attempt to forge it again.

Name:Ives Melancthon

Appearance:Lots of eyes on his body. He needed to see more, so he got more eyes. Dark brown hair, in a terrible, ragged haircut. A bit taller than average, about 6’3’’ in freedom units.

Inspired heavily by the Yahar'gul armor set in Bloodborne, he constantly wears his covered hood up, covering a grinning metal facemask that he rarely takes off. When he looks in different directions, one can see the metal eyes of the facemask move as well, as they are secured to his eyes by small pins.

When he removes his gloves and rolls up his sleeves and pants, one sees several dozen eyes surgically installed on his arms, hands, feet, and legs. Many of them are whited out, as if blind, for they do not see into this realm.

When he pulls his hood down, his mask isn’t held on with any visible connections, and his hair seems to not be blended well, upon closer inspection it is revealed that his skull holds several other eyes, though these ones appear to be pointing into his head.

In the cognitive realm, he looks like several conjoined twins that have been surgically attached to one another. They share the same brain but the otherbodies float listlessly at the side, their only purpose being to provide them sight.

Guild (or intended guild):DA

Personality:Eccentric, and a bit mad. Sarcastic and a bit rude, but willing to work with people because it helps him better understand connection. Attempts to isolate himself from everything so that he doesn’t end up forming more Connections than necessary. Yet his current goal involves learning about how connection forms, and he seems to be willing, in small amounts, to go outside and document changes to his spirit web while he does so.Seems to be very very surprisingly logical but progressing toward nonsensical and self destructive goals. Has an odd thing for eyes. Writes down most things and people he interacts with beyond passing.

Concept:A hunter/scholar from bloodborne.

Motivation:Long term his goal is to be an eldritch god, short term his goal is to meet some people and study how Connection forms.


Major Boon:Very skilled fighter in multiple types of non invested combat.

Normal Boon:Skilled surgeon. Can see on multiple realms with focus. The cognitive with ease, and then connections in the spiritual realm with some difficulty. He doesn’t particularly care for seeing the future, and, unless he’s about to perform an operation on himself, he won’t ever look into it unless mind controlled (unless his is being forced to).

Minor Boons:Intelligent, a scholar of eldritch knowledge, and a weak hemalurgist.

Equipment:Spikes, swords, guns. Nothing particularly magical in terms of weaponry. His metal facemask pierces his skin, so it cannot be easily removed.

Routinely meddles with things that people definitely shouldn’t meddle with, risking death and dismemberment.Makes terrible decisions most days, has a sense of self preservation but is remarkably single minded toward accomplishing his goals. He works logically to achieve quite insane goals that are potentially incredibly destructive toward himself.
Mentally he is quite broken, certainly less mentally stable then a koloss.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):A wife, and two kids, had initially for the social pressure, but later on they became valuable tools for understanding the spirit web and how it formed connections. They didn’t last particularly long.

Home Planet:The Alleyverse

Formerly a great doctor, a surgeon to be precise. He saw how malleable the human body was and loved the control he was able to exert on it. Eventually after getting kicked out of the medical field for malpractice, he found his way into the alley’s and joined up with the one group that really likes former medical professionals.
He became fascinated with the eldritch when he stared into the void one day. Unlike most, who’s minds are broken and destroyed by staring into the void, he didn’t feel any different. Immediately he took the perfectly rational step of dropping everything and trying to become an eldritch god. He swears he saw something in there. Perhaps it was a tentacle, a sinew, or an eye, but he became fixated on it.
Now he sits in his forgotten clocktower located deep in the alleys. He stares into the void, gazing and longing for any sign of movement of motion, when he finds it, he writes it down instantly. He believes them to be eldritch gods, long forgotten by the world, and he seeks to join them.
When he’s not gazing into the void, he spends his days and nights experimenting on and analyzing the beasts and abominations found in the alleys. If he can learn about their natures, and how their spiritweb is intertwined with their physical form, he can learn more about himself, and how to ascend.
When he finds some truth, some step he can take to move him closer to the right place, he takes it instantly. I.E. When he found out he could use more eyes to see better, he started throwing them everywhere on himself, even putting them inside his skull, in hopes that he could observe himself.

@mathiau-NullBlade,Marie Lemoine,Marie Lemoine


Name: Aurélien Lemoine (although he almost never use it)

Epic Name: NullBlade

Apearance: he is almost two meters tall has Makabaki skin colour and topaz yellow eyes, fit. He is 35

Guild: TUBA


He is relatively cold with people he doesn't know and has remorse about not settling down with his wife when they still could

As a result of having lived with people with powers far beyond his for years, and marrying one, he doesn’t fear the powerful people.

Concept: A grieving swordman haunted by his dead wife’s past

Merits: Major: Accomplished Swordman

Normal: A decently powerful ensemble of fighting equipment including an aluminium chainmail, an unboundable Shardblade, an aluminium longsword and an aluminium handgun

He is an aluminium savant, making him immune to all types of investiture and Epic powers directly applied to him. This include Fortune or Connection effects like A-Atium and F-Duralumin. Additionally, Shardblades cuts his flesh instead of his soul. Portal-type teleportation’s like Alleytravel and Elscalling works on him but not the others don’t.

Minor: Know how to use his gun, though his not good at it.

Unranked: an Epic power making it easier for him to attain Savantism, which is the reason he managed to become an aluminium savant in the first place


He rarely checks whether he is immune to the investiture of his opponent or not, except for the obvious ones like energy beams, though this have the advantage that his opponent may not know if he is immune either. He is a bit paranoid about opponents -or “allies”- tricking him into believing they don’t have any negated power just to use mind control power or the like as soon as he stops burning aluminium. There are powers you would actually prefer not being immune to, typically A-blendalloy or regrowth, especially while unconscious for the latter.

Becoming an Savant made his passive resistance to Investiture really low when he’s not burning aluminium, though not as low that a modern day Soother could control him. This allows some entity not normally supposed to be able to interact with people like Sprens in Shadesmare or his late wife’s projections to touch him if they want

His shardblade don’t have the gemstone needed to bound it, meaning if it leaves his hands someone else can steal it

More of a limitation than a weakness but his clothes under his chainmail are not immune to investiture and a dulled blade still kills

Due to the way his team died, he reactsreallybadly to body horror

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Has a friendly relationship with Cassandra Adama, a complicated relationship with his sister Marie and a differently complicated relationship with her spren Polaris (whose also basically his uncle).

While his wife PerfectProphecy is dead, she was an Epic able to send projections of her mind to the future while she lived. These projections were normally unable to interact with things present but due to NullBlade’s weakness she’s able to touch him while he’s not burning aluminium (note: this won’t be relevant beyond the fact that this is very unhelpful to the process of letting go)

HomePlanet: Reckoners’ other Earth (the one with Invocation instead of Calamity)

Current residence: TUBA guild carter


Aurélien Lemoine started relatively normally, except for the fact that his mother’s spren helped his parent raised him and that they had took him a few times on a trip through Shadesmar to the Alleyverse. A lot of thing changed when he turned 10: his mother gave birth to his little sister, Invocation flared in the sky making his parent far more open with their powers and he snapped to aluminium allomancy.

Up from that point he started dreaming of becoming an epic to fight as one of the now real-life superheroes. His parent told him he didn’t need to wait for that to happened and decided to train him in the usage of the longsword and the shardblade, to encourage him to become an savant and that if he still wanted to be an super hero once adults, they’d give him his father’s shardblade.

At the age of 22, he then joined a newly formed team of epic under the name of NullBlade, compared to the other member of the team, he was very weak, but was appreciated by his comrades for his ability to take down mind-control and hallucination epics and by the ones who feared epics for his ability to stop his comrades, should it be needed.

The leader of this team was PerfectProphecy, an epic with powers of future sight and reality manipulation who later became his wife when they when 28, she was the only member of the team to whom he told the real nature of his powers and of the multiverse. They were considering leaving the team and founding a family in the Alleycity, which NullBlade believed still to be in the fifteen years peace.

The whole team was recently died during a fight where and enemy epic made his wife lost control of her powers, the reality distortion that ensued caused the building to become full of more or less recognizable bodies, every person in the building had at least three distorted corpse of themselves in the pile of bodies -NullBlade too, all heavily distorted.

He was declared dead in the accident and decided to leave to the place he had so much wanted to show his wife, the Alleyverse.

Lose ends: The fact almost everyone he loved is dead, he is unsure whether he’d want to stay a savant if he had the option to stop being one

Name: Marie Lemoine

Description: 25 years old. Tall from her father’s Terris and mother Rosharan origins, Makabaki skin colour (dark), yellow eyes.

She wears a pendent made of animperfect amethyst embedded in shardblade metal

Guild: None currently

Personality: Brash. Alternates between blaming her brother and herself for the death of their parents

Concept: Radiant with a spren making her issues worse

Motivation: Proving her worth to the world and to herself, rebuilding her life.

Merits: Major:1stoath Willshaper

Normal: Skilled swordfighter, decent with a dagger. Decent stone carver even when not using her surges

Minor: An aluminium longsword and dagger, a few perfect gemstones

Weakness: Hot headed, almost a blood knight. Has an inferiority and superiority complex, the inferiority part is particularly strong toward NullBlade.

Unable to return from Shadesmar without a perpendicularity (and is aware of how hard it would be to find one in the Alleyverse).

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): A complicated relationship with his brother NullBlade and a tense relationship with her spren/uncle Polaris.

HomePlanet: Reckoners’ other Earth (the one withInvocation instead of Calamity)

Current residence: A rented flat in the Alleyverse

Backstory: Marie was born on Invocation earth the same day it first rose into the sky. Growing up she always felt like she was lagging behind every other member of her family, especially her brother who was her mother’s squire at the time.

She became her mother square at the age of twelve, when her brother stop being a squire and left to join an Epic team. The timing was a coincidence, -her parents just thought she was too young before that, and still had doubts at the time but Polaris insisted- but it didn’t feel like one.

A few weeks after NullBlade left for the Alleyverse, the same group who had killed his team came to exert vengeance on him by killing her parent and attempting to kill her, she escaped them and fled to the only place where they would never find her, the Allyverse.

Lose ends: The fact almost everyone he loved is dead, her dysfunctional relationship with her Spren. Would like to take revenge on the people who killed her parents, though they currently live on another world.

Name: Folorian

Appearance: Folorian is a Terris of average build and size. He is25years old; his skin has a colour similar close of the Alethi one, he’s bald and his eyes are brown.

He wears a traditional Terristinningdarwith V of gold, copper and silver colour. His use the sleeves to hide the important quantities of cooperminds he bears. He also has a silver plated pathian earng on the right hear and a gold-plated imitation on the left one.

Guild: Scholar guild

Personality: He easily gets excited by new knowledge and experiences but has no patience for people who try to explain him things he feels like he already knows, he also loves sharing his knowledge. While he is hesitant with initiating a personal relationship with others he easily accepts when someone else initiate one with him. He tends to overestimate his knowledge and almost never changes his ideas about something until he is proved wrong, even if everyone he knows as an opposite opinion.

Concept: Disabled Scholar, also Friend of someone for whom closeness is a curse (Alanis)

Motivation(Short & long term goal): rebuilding the relationship he had with Alanis and Kerr during the Forgery, gaining more knowledge.

Merits: Major: 2ndoath Lightweaver (1sttruth :my best friend's mind broke by my fault)

Normal: Quite intelligent, between his copperminds and his own memories he has a wide knowledge on investiture and the magic of the different Earths, skilled enough at drawing to copy images stored in coppermind without major distortions

Minor: F-copper, a F-copper medallion

Flaws:Bad at social interactions

His old magic bane force him to focus on only one thing at a time, which means the conscious part of his brain ignore the sensory impulse coming from the rest of the world as well as hunger and the perception of time. For example, if he was reading a book, he wouldn’t hear or see anything but the world on the book and the sound of the pages turning. If he tried to store a memory, it would not store see anything he was not consciously feeling.

As his senses are not turned off but simply ignored, it is possible to make him temporarily snap out of it, making him able to use his senses normally for a few seconds, before he start focusing on only one thing again. The amount of sense stimulation needed to make him snap out will increase with how focus he is on his task but will never be lower than “enough to wake up someone sleeping”.

The “thing” he’s focusing on can be a physical object or something more abstract like a task or a discussion, the more the “thing” is wide, the less he will perceive the details, for example the faces of the people in a discussion will get blurrier as more people get in it and their voices more distorted, putting an effective limit to the number of people he can speak with at once to three.

His focus is the memories in his copermind, this combined with his bane means that any complexe illusion (like changeing his appearence) will effectively consume the stored memories.

A side effect of this is that he cannot control how much he peers in the CR while he’s Soulcasting, meaning he risk slipping into the CR every time he attempts to Soulcast something which in turns mean he almost never Soulcasts (and that I’ll roll a dice to see if he slips or not when he does)

He shares his bane with his Spren Kerr but each of them can focus on a different thing and communication via the Nahel bound is not impeded by the bane.

NPCs(Eg. Family and Friends): Close friend of Alanis Sheneth, is bounded to a Cryptic name Kerr, on generally good term with the members of the Scholar guild (at least the one who know about his bane and know that he is not in fact rudely ignoring them). His parents are still alive on Scadrial though he hasn’t talked with them in years, his (very) former friend Aliece is still out there somewhere in the Cosmere.

HomePlanet: Scadrial

Backstory: Folorian was born in a small community of Terris Worldbringers in the south of Northern Scadrial. After discovering his ferruchemical power when he was eight, adults of the community then started training him intensely because he was the first cooper ferring to be born in two generation and therefore the only one able to use their library without southern medallion. He then passed the next three years doing almost nothing but Archivist training until the elders were sure he’d not destroy the stored information’s when he’d read themwhen he was 10, he snuck in the copermind reserve with his only friend Aliece because she wanted him to show her some of the memories, at some point she suggested to go in the part with the classified minds, there they found the recording of the experimentations on non-lethal hemalurgy. As a punishment for destroying an original recording by watching it, they were kept apart until she became his assigned connector. Unable to cope with the memories of the event, he sealed them in a coppermind.

After he had finished his archivist training, he passed 10 years copying cooperminds in order to learn as much as possible about other civilisations, their investitures and developed a fascination for shadesmar.

Around the end of these ten years the knowledge on the cooperminds he read seemed to loop and he had more and more trouble finding new knowledge. He asked the elder for the authorisation to go on a journey to find new knowledge, they agreed and assigned Aliece, now a connector, as his translator. Together they went to Roshar in order to learn more about Knights Radiants, a subject about which their library was particularly lacking. But as it was before the Everstrom and the rediscovery of Urithiru, most Radiants were still hiding and they wandered for a long time across Roshar without ever spotting one. One day Folorian realised they were close to the Nightwatcher and, pretexting he wanted to study old magic, he asked her to see wonders he had never heard, and she send him to the Alleycity, close to the scholar guild’s building.

During the Forgery he recovered the memories of the incident and managed to speak his first truth (My best friend's mind broke by my fault)

The forgery had the relatively unusual effect of not only rewriting his life but also adding years to his life, years that disappeared with it.

Lose ends(What is unfinished in their life?): he is still processing some of the memories he had sealed and the fact four years of his life just disappeared

@Mrs. Voidus-Valeria


Name: Valeria Esserethel

Appearance: Valeria is tall with strong arms, and well dressed at most times in a simple elegance instyleof her country. Blouses and form fitting dresses designed for the heat, with her honey coloured hair usually piled somewhat chaotically at the top of her head, with more than a few stray curls that refused to be tidied by her Silverhairclasp. She has Amber coloured eyes and a hawkish nose.

Guild (or intended guild): DA

Personality: Deeply intelligent and insightful, she is usually drawn to the more exuberant people around her as she loves to employ a dry wit, though she has a strong sense of "right place, right time". She has a very good read on people but can sometimes rely on first impressions too strongly. She enjoys piano sonatas and Shiraz. Does not suffer fools gladly, unless they are paying her to.

Concept: Psychiatrist mother with a singular goal that dissipateson arrival to her new surroundings. A fish out of water that discovered that breathing air is easier.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Find and protect her toddler daughter Laurelai; understand their mortality, the heightened abilities of this new world and forge a new life for herself (but not like that)


3 minor: ex Semi-professional Harpist, and loves music. Goal oriented, with a strong work ethic.

2 middle: Cold reading, and insightful. Intellectual and academicallytrained.

1 major: Elantris-ishstyle magic


Has no training in said magic, and it has only worked twice as intended. It has not been easy for her to use or understand because of its inherently chaotic nature and she thrives in order and sense.

Can sometimes loose sight of the forest for the trees when it comes to a project that needs finishing, or a relationship that needs a more relaxed approach. Though she is too practiced at following the guidelines of councilling her patients to realise that she often fails to follow the same advice herself.


Her husband Lucien Esserethel, who destroyed their universe when he became the new Voidus.

Her 3 year old daughter Laurelai Esserethel, who went missing at the same time, and whom she searched for an unknowable amount of time in the Void.
Her friends, family, and entire world, now deceased.

Home Planet: Un-named.

Current Residence: N/A. Previously everywhere and nowhere, the Void. Previously Un-named.


Valeria grew up in an affluent political family as a single child. High pressure, academic and societal traits were her parents focus, until she left home at 18 to live on campus at her university. She graduated with top marks, and stayed in contact with her parents, if somewhat illusively. She joined the University choir and orchestra and deferred her final year of study to travel abroad as second Harpist.

She almost did not return to study when she was offered a full time role as a solo concert Harpist, but found the travelling and baselessness to be emotionally starving. She worked as a cleaner while she saved up to open her own private practice, which became very financially sucessful.

She met her husband at the unviersity he was tenured at when she was treating the Dean in a visiting session, and at several parties and faculty functions after when she left her practice to lecture instead. Enough people suggested that she got the job through nepotism that she was only too happy to leave it behind when she gave birth to her daughter. It was at this time she came into her magic.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): pretty much everything but her sense of self.

@NerdyAarakocra - Sei/KanDraa


Name: Sei Lu
Appearance: A tall woman of Rose Empire descent. Long brown hair, blue eyes. Wears glasses.
Guild: Most likely to join the Scholar's Guild.
Personality: Open, likes to talk about her research.
Concept: I wanted to build a character with access to Soulstamped Murder Camels and went from there.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term goal: Get away from her family. Long term: Research Identity.
Merits: Minor: Has soulstamps handy, a Spanreed, and has Soulstone. Mid: Bow & arrow, tools for carving Soulstamps, a pack of useful items. Major: Talented Forger. (Currently has access to these soulstamps: One that makes camels (or other quadrupeds) aggressive, one that makes quadrupeds loyal, several misc. soulstamps that Sei used to decorate her quarters, and several to change her bow's draw weight.)
Flaws: Overconfident, physically weak.
NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): A brother and a sister that Sei is in contact with via spanreed.
Home Planet: Sel
Current Residence: Alleycity.
Backstory: Sei came to Alleycity to get away from a stuffy family.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Research, becoming a better Forger.
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):No Time at All

Name: KanDraa(There's actually a reason for that, I'm not being lazy. Also, for the sakeof convenience, I'll just type their name as Kan in most cases.)
Appearance: KanDraa is a kandra (Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (5)). They often appear as a semi-transparent humanoid with a slightly luminescent, semitransparent crystal True Skeleton and four Hemalurgic spikes made from an unrecognizable metal. The spikes appear to have rusted.
Guild (or intended guild): None yet. Kan was made by the DA, but wants nothing to do with them. They might join TUBA, but probably not.
Personality: Kan is unable to understand the emotions of others, and often is unable to identify with those around them. Kan just wants to live their own life.
Concept: Insane DA-madeexperimental allomantic Kandra with severe limitations.
Motivation (Short & long term goal):Short term, Kan wants to escape from the influence of the DA and find peace.Long term, Kan wants to "fix" themself and find a way to "be normal". Kan also wants to escape from the DA's loyalty spiking.
Merits: (These are what I'm worried about...)
Minor Merits:Kan was made by the DA. As such, they have a baseline knowledge of Hemalurgy. Kan also knows how to bake cookies. Will this ever come up? I doubt it.
Normal Merits:Kan was made by the DA, and has skills that they want in an operative. Kan can navigate through the Alleys better than most.Kan's DA design hassomebenifits. Rather than have normal Blessings, Kan's hemalurgic spikes are far more powerful. Once each day (for you D&D players out there;during a long rest), Kan can give themself an Allomantic power, essentially becoming a powerful misting. While not quite a Mistborn, Kan's versatility is not to be underestimated.
Major Merits:Kan is a Kandra. They have all the benefits associated with being a Kandra, except for one. Kan's skin is always transparent. Kan can't make themself look realisticat all, making the disguisefactor rather useless.
Flaws: (This one's gonna belong) As previously mentioned, Kan can't disguise themself. They're somewhat insane (See thepersonalitysection), and have trouble in social situations. Kan was designed by the DA, and has trouble avoiding alligning themself with the DA's goals. Kan is also filled with self-loathing due to being 'useless'. Kan's actually quite powerful, but they're a faulty prototype. They can't avoid blaming themself foreverything. Kan has also been loyalty spiked by the DA, and can't betray them or get in the way of their motives. With four spikes, Kan is easier to Allomantically manipulate than most Kandras (Kandra? Kandri?).
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Kan is an insane Kandra, what are these 'friends' that you speak of? Kan hates the researchers who made them with a burning passion, though.
Home Planet: Alleycity! Technically, Kan was originally a mistwraith from Scadrial, but that matters very little.
Current Residence: The alleys, Alleycity. Kan never stays in one place for too long.
Backstory: Kan was originally a mistwraith on Scadrial, but was quickly taken by the DA for experimentation. The DA wanted to create a mistborn kandra with no free will. Kan was their prototype - something that they made when working out the bugs. Kan was treated harshly by the DA for not being perfect. When the WorldForgrey ended, Kan was able to escape from the DA with a fractured sanity and novel hemalurgic design. When Kan was asked who they were by a random passerby, all that they could say was: "I am Kandra."
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Kan seeks perfection and wants to escape from the DA, hopefully stopping the Loyalty Spiking. Escape won't be easy, as the DA doesn't take too kindly to a rogue experiment.
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): None. I'm sorry. How about a cookie instead?

@Rushu42- Aln/Acacia


Name:Alanis (Aln) Sheneth

Appearance:Very short for an Alethi, which translates to roughly average height in other places. She has has slightly curly dark brown hair, streaked with a lighter brown. Her eyes are either brown or green. She wears practical clothing with lots of pockets. Her mode of speech is noticeably stilted and oddly accented, though still understandable.

Guild (or intended guild):The Scholar’s Guild

Personality:Aln is generally reserved in social situations, often concealing anxiety. However, she gets very excited when discussing interesting research topics, and will ramble for hours if given the opportunity. She has a strong moral compass, and can be very stubborn when challenged.

Concept:A brilliant scholar who has prioritized her work over anything else in her life, but is slowly coming to understand the value of human relationships and personal happiness.

Motivation (Short & long term goal):

Short term - Aln wants to help the Alleycity establish free trade of information and a scientific community independent of the Dark Alley.

Long term - Aln dreams of creating a complete, unified theory of Investiture that can be used to understand all the worlds connected by the Alleyverse.

Minor - she dabbles in fabrial creation, so she has ready access to basic fabrial technology (about comparable to modern smartphones, for example). She also enjoys gardening, and has been using Progression to cultivate a courtyard full of plants from around the Cosmere. She writes and understands (though doesn’t speak) a number of languages from around the Cosmere, including Scadrian, Azish, Arelish, and ASL, and has been trying to develop a way to translate Alethi into sign language.

Normal - She’s extremely intelligent, and is an expert scholar who has dedicated her life to the study of Investiture, Realmatics, and the Cosmere.

Major - She’s a third oath Truthwatcher.

Flaws:Aln is deaf. However, she has visited the Nightwatcher, who granted her the boon of being able to visually see speech - like video captions. The bane that was exchanged for this was that all her investiture (including the boon) works increasingly poorly when she’s around people she knows well.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Aln is close with Folorian (@mathiau), and is generally on good terms with other members of the Scholar’s Guild. She has an older brother, an ardent named Torenat who lives on Roshar, and a younger sister, Temeria (@Sorana) who is somewhere in the Alleycity. She also has two living parents, but she hasn’t spoken to either in over a decade. Her spren is named Pel.

Home Planet:Roshar

Current Residence:The Scholar’s Guild



Aln was born to a darkeyed family of the second nahn in the Thanadal Princedom. Her father was a merchant, rarely at home, and her mother was obsessed with gaining status. Despite being only half Alethi herself, and darkeyed, her mother adhered strictly to the rules, religion, and social practices of the Alethi lighteyes. Her greatest dream in life was that her children would marry into lighteyed families, and her descendants could eventually be nobility. She believed that Aln’s deafness made that impossible for her, so she largely neglected her second child, leaving Aln to the care of the nearby ardentia, where it was assumed she’d join once she came of age. There, Aln spent her childhood reading dense scholarly texts or playing alone in the garden. Her one point of human connection was her older brother, Torenat, who she loved fiercely. In defiance of Alethi standards of masculinity, he learned to read and write, and the two would sit together and have long written conversations, mixed with their own invented hand signals. They spoke frequently of traveling to see the world together, Torenat’s enthusiasm wearing away at Aln’s trepidation. They didn’t expect that their plans would begin so abruptly.

When Aln was 16 and Torenat 18, their mother caught Torenat reading and writing. Furious and determined to turn him into a ‘proper’ man, she enlisted him in the army. When Aln returned home from the ardentia that day, Torenat was already gone.

The following period of time left Aln more alone than she’d ever been before. Torenat had been helping her learn to speak, but she had very little idea of how to interact outside of the ardentia, and her mother was becoming increasingly difficult to live with. It was in this period of time that she began to attract the attention of a spren, Pel. A few months after Torenat left, Aln swore her first ideal and set out to find him.

They reunited on the Shattered Plains, where Torenat was serving as a lookout. Eager to fulfill their dreams of seeing the world, the pair set out to travel Roshar together, and along the way heard stories of the Nightwatcher. Aln decided to supplicate her for a boon, although Torenat was apprehensive. The Nightwatcher granted Aln the ability to see speech, giving her the ability to at last understand the people around her, but also granted her the bane that her magic would fail around the people that she knew the best.

With Torenat’s period of leave nearly over, they returned to the Shattered Plain. Torenat was reassigned to the front lines, and badly wounded on a plateau assault. Aln found him on the battlefield and tried to heal him, but her bane prevented the magic from working. She managed to get him back to the warcamps to recover, but the process was long and left him permanently unable to walk. It was during this recovery that Aln stumbled upon the Alleyverse, and was astonished to learn how much larger the universe was than she thought. Torenat was still recovering, but he convinced her to leave without him. Aln did, and swore her second ideal in the process (“I will seek knowledge wherever I can find it”).

Aln found the Alleyverse to be a dangerous and frightening place, so she moved through it quickly and on to the rest of the Cosmere. She spent time visiting Scadrial and Sel, but ended up settling in Silverlight to study at the university. She buried herself in her studies, absorbing information in almost every subject, but largely retreated to her customary solitary existence. In breaks between semesters, Aln continued her travels, building a book collection from all across the Cosmere. After three years she graduated and began work on a PhD in the mechanics of Investiture. Her project was overambitious, a theory for unifying models of Investiture from the Cosmere with magics from the Earths, and every time she got close to a finished thesis she’d inevitably end up broadening the scope of her research. Eventually her advisor retired, and Aln was faced with the choice of starting over with a new professor or moving on to something new in her life. At Pel’s advice, she decided she’d had enough of solitary research, and returned to the Alleyverse to begin the Scholar’s Guild.

Details of her life in the Alleyverse can be found in various threads, but important plot points have included her capture by PlasmaCore in Era 3 by a Sleepless, resulting in a very traumatic experience, her brief and contentious reunion with her sister Temeria in Era 4, and her attempts to destroy the WorldForgery in Era 5.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):She has some unresolved conflicts with her family, especially her sister. She also completed nearly all of a PhD at Silverlight University, but never finished because she kept adding new topics to her thesis until her advisor retired. She still tells herself that she’ll finish it soon.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):5, by Sleeping At Last

Name:Acacia Smedry
Appearance:She's about average height, and would be unremarkable if not for the fact that she makes a point of dressing differently every day, to 'confuse her enemies'.
Guild (or intended guild):The Scholar's Guild, through the Alleyverse Post
Personality:Acacia is far more rational and orderly than most Smedrys, traits which trouble her as being far too much like a Librarian. Because of this, she will occasionally act aggressively reckless and ridiculous just to prove that she deserves her surname. Even with her relative level-headedness, she genuinely enjoys adding chaos and variety in everyday life. She’s habitually mischievous, instinctively playing minor pranks even when there are no Librarians around to thwart.
Concept:Newspaper editor who is trying way too hard to act like a Smedry.
Motivation (Short & long term goal):

Short term - Acacia is easily bored and wants to inject a little more chaos into the lives of those around her.

Long term - Acacia's trying to figure out how to use her suddenly influential position for good.

Minor - She's surprisingly adept at library science. She'sa good writer, and knows how to keep a newspaper running, though tries not to show it.

Normal - Her Smedry talent is being underfoot, which often leads to her showing up in inconvenient places at just the right time - convenient for sniffing out secrets. She is also trained in infiltration and general mayhem.

Major - Head editor of the Alleyverse Post.
Flaws:She has a hard time respecting authority, and tends to cause problems for herself. She's also severely claustrophobic.
NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):Acacia left her whole family back at home in the Free Kingdoms, so her main relationships are now with her colleagues at the Post.
Home Planet:Earth (Alcatraz)
Current Residence:A small apartment near the Alleyverse Post


Acacia was born in the Free Kingdoms, and was taught the standard Smedry ways. However, she displayed a greater talent for Librarian-related skills than the rest of her family, and was therefore chosen to go undercover in the Hushlands to spy on their operations and to undermine everyday operations. In pursuit of this, she trained to pretend to be a Librarian, and to be able to defend herself in high-stakes situations. As soon as she was old enough, she was sent to the United States.

In the Hushlands, she found a job filling out paperwork for the Librarians, and began to send reports of their plans back to her family. Throughout it all, she endeavored to create as much minor chaos as possible. She prided herself in her ability to create dozens of minor inconveniences without drawing attention to herself. She’d deliberately misfile paperwork, or subtly rearrange furniture. One night she snuck out and switched all the “push” doors to “pull” doors and watched people crash into them all day. After a week, she put them back.

Throughout all this work, however, she began to have doubts. Though she detested how the Librarians lied to their people, she couldn’t help but appreciate some of the efficiency of their systems. Not only this, but she even began to befriend many of her “co-workers”. She began to wonder whether the chaos she spread was really the right way to fight.

To distract herself from this internal conflict, she decided to do something big. On some false pretense, she got herself into the Highbrary, and managed to replace the key to their filing system with a slightly incorrect one. On her way out, though, she was caught, and her cover was blown. She fought her way out and ran. As she was running, she took a shortcut down an Alleyway, and suddenly found herself in an entirely new city. It took her a while to become accustomed to the idea of a Cosmere, but eventually she found a job as the editor of the Alleyverse Post.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):Acacia is still torn between her loyalty to her family and her secret love of the Librarian way of organizing information. She often worries that she's not Smedry enough.
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):TBD

@Sherlock Holmes- Tena


Name:Tenareo Nightshade “Tena”

Appearance:Female. Forty-three years old; looks younger. Five feet eight inches tall. Lean, broad-shouldered build; strong upper body; curvy hips. Medium brown skin; warm-tinted. Oval face; full lips. Short, semi-mohawk hair; 2a hair type. Dark brown eyes. Wears a long-sleeved pale shirt, dark vest, long trousers, and boots at work; wears sweatpants and a tank top at home.


Personality:Tena usually comes across to others as a very capable, confident person, if a bit too aggressive. To herself, she is often worried about being a good mother and focusing too much on work, and has to purposefully make time to spend with her family, lest she works all the time. She works well in professional and combat-oriented situations; she is uncomfortable and sometimes incompetent in emotional and personal situations. She is introverted and dominant in conversation. She has long term depression and this manifests in an inability to trust her emotions and reticence to making personal connections.

Concept:Tena is a Feruchemical and Allomantic warrior learning how to be a leader.

Motivation:Tena has the short-term goals of paying attention to her husband and son and learning all the pieces of being a good leader to the Ghostbloods. She has the long-term goals of raising her daughter well and ensuring her guild’s success.

Merits:Tena’s major merits are her Allomantic steel and Feruchemical iron, and her skill with using them. She is highly skilled with fighting without Investiture, but due to how Invested most people in the Alleycity are, normal weapons aren’t very useful. She is very good at tolerating pain and working efficiently under stress. Her minor merits are her Shardaxe, which she rarely uses, her common sense, and her skills with lying and thieving.

So for this one I would say that the misting/ferring abilities are not effectively joined enough for me to consider them a single major merit but perhaps
Major - Allomantic steel - Particularly when paired with Feruchemical iron
Normal - Feruchemical iron, strong willed
Minor - Shardaxe, Common sense, Thievery/spycraft skills (Including deception)

And approved as such!

Flaws:Tena immaterially fears her own emotional removal from her family and having all her problems be her own fault. Materially, she fears very enclosed spaces and is annoyed by very tall people. Her immaterial fears cause her to cling moreso to her family than she feels is appropriate and her material fears cause her to avoid being inside as often as possible. She’s insecure about her own emotions and avoids expressing them for this reason. She gets angry when people are ignorant or behave stupidly, and she responds to anger by growing more aggressive and deadpan, then eventually becoming violent.

NPCs:Tena is very close to Anthony-- her husband-- and spends as much of her time with him as she can, though she gets annoyed with him when he’s too emotional (her nickname for him is Ani). She doesn’t spend a lot of time with Silas-- her son-- but wishes that she could see him more often. She loves her daughter very much, but feels like she’ll go mad if she has to listen to any more crying. Her grandfather-- Zeyeom-- stops by to help out with her daughter from time to time, which she appreciates very much, but she doesn’t see him often otherwise, though she has a good deal of affection for him. She uses her Shardaxe, made from the body of her dead spren Shethilin, very rarely, and doesn’t like thinking about it. She hasn’t seen her siblings or parents in more than twenty years.

Home Planet:Kharbranth, Roshar

Current Residence:Alleycity, Alleyplanet

Backstory:CW sexual abuse, miscarriage, serious trauma

Reveal hidden contents

Loose Ends:Tena has yet to figure out how to be a good wife and how to raise small children. She also doesn’t know how to be an effective leader, and is trying to learn.

Links:Mumford and Sons - Unfinished Business [LYRICS] - YouTube

Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (6)

She's going to be heading the Ghostbloods this era, so long as I can get a couple people to make Ghostblood characters.

@Sorana- Althea/Temeria/Lena/Vivi


Name: Althea Tenira
Appearance:Long white hair and skin, crystalline red eyes, slight build, medium height
Guild (or intended guild): former leader of the Ghostbloods, no guild for E6 defined
Personality:Problem-oriented thinking, limited sense for jokes/ fun, can be taken for cold-hearted, prefers to hide her emotions behind a mask on her face, prefers to solve conflicts without fighting
Concept: I needed a strong willed character to represent me in game in the Ghostblood leadership
Motivation (Short & long term goal):to find a new place where she belongs, happiness
Merits:5th ideal Elsecaller (Spren is called Brashen), Mind link with Max(allows for wordless communication, sharing of memories)
Flaws:direct strong light hurts/ blinds her due to the structure of her eyes (Photophobia), is able to move around in the sunlight when wearing appropriate protection (sunglasses, longsleeves, sunscreen); doesn't trust her own senses/ emotions to 100% anymore (e.g. she tries to touch people to make sure what she is seeing/ hearing and what her touch tells her correlate); not trained with Shardblade or Shardplate
related PCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Max Tenira (Itiah) her husband, Zokora (Sorana) her assistant, Tena (Axe) a good friend (and all other characters she interacted with so far to various degrees)
Home Planet:Roshar
Current Residence:a small house outside of Alleycity
Backstory:Althea grew up in an orphanage close to the horneater peaks, as her parents gave her away when they discovered her outer appearance. She usually kept to herself and spent her time reading, learning. When she was allowed to, she left the orphanage to travel the world and further improve her abilities. She was recruited by the Ghostbloods soon after she left the orphanage and they taught her about hemalurgy and how to soulcast. After she bonded her spren, she spent more and more time in shadesmar or soulcasting. Especially shadesmar was a place she grew to love, as the light there didn’t hurt her. From her thirteenth birthday on she worked in the laboratories of the Ghostbloods, advancing through their ranks until she was appointed Righthand shortly before Solace returned to take back control.
Althea learned that she had a sister, shortly before the start of Era 2. She then had her followed and finally decided to appear in the open at the Ghostblood Ball hoping, to meet her there.
After Solace/ Sephtis appearance and the conflict in Oasis City she and Max followed him. They managed to find out about his weakness and stopped him from conquering the world, by making him face his own fear. Afterwards she married Max and now lives together with him in a small house outside of Alleycity.

Althea challenged Lusk to a duel, after Lusk recovered from his illness, as she wanted him to stop mobbing Max. They ended with a tie, both of trapped in Shadesmar for a short while. When Oasis City got attacked by the Bureau of Villanry she helped kill Sebastian, but got wounded during the fight. A few hours later Vesuvius kidnapped some Ghostblood children and killed one of them, as he wanted to free one of the prisoners in Oasis City. Althea followed Vesuvius together with Max and the Ronin in the Sewer System where they managed to find Vesuvius after a long search. When he exploded a large bomb, killing himself, she managed to elsecall Max and herself away, only to be poisoned by Lena afterwards. Max saved her, but had to call the Phoenix to do so. Leaving the Sewers they went up into the city to help fight Lord Ajax and his Minions.

Loose ends:After having had a family during E5, Althea is utterly lost at the beginning of E6. She changes her live drastically, giving away the Ghostbloods to Tena, deciding to finally follow through with Max advice to be herself and stop playing roles. Now the only thing she needs is a new destination.

Era 6 oaths:

1st: Life before Death, Strength before Weakness, Journey before Destination
2nd: I will allow logic and facts to guide my actions.
3rd: I search for all dangers and take appropriate actions to counter them.
4th: I won't let my emotions control me.
5th: I will be myself.

Name:Temeria Sheneth
Age: 20

Appearance:average sized woman, brown hair reaching to her shoulders, usually pulled back into a ponytail, muscular body, dark brown eyes, several scars all over her body
Guild (or intended guild): depends on rp
Personality:likes to fight and likes to provoke a fight;doesn’t give her word lightly;trusts strangers too easily;afraid to be left alone
Concept: awoman who covers her fears by loud actions, OT: write a Radiant who isn't the typical good guy
Motivation (Short & long term goal): start a new live in Alleycity / find someone worthy to serve and to learn in order to gain some meassure of power
Merits: Dustbringer 1st oath, experienced soldier
Flaws:doesn't like to make decisions, instead she prefers to follow the lead of others; stubborn to the point where it gets ridiculus;will keep a bargain at any cost
NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):sister: Aln Shenet (Player Rushu42), an older brother and parents
Home Planet: Roshar
Current Residence: The Boarding House

Temeria grew up in Roshar. She was loved by her mother, who saw her youngest child as the ideal one. Whatever desire Temeria voiced, her mother fulfilled her wishes. And while it sounded like heaven, Temeria hated her situation. Her siblings spend time with each other, communicated, while she was kept apart from them, brought to tea parties and showed off to friends. She took great care to remain the nice and perfect daughter, as she feared to loose her mother as well. Without her mother, she’d have nothing left. She was ten when both her siblings left shortly after each other, leaving her behind with her parents. Her father spent more and more time away from the house, her mother watched every movement of hers with cold, unforgiving eyes. Suddenly Temeria was never good enough, never perfect enough.

One day she walked into the city and was robbed. By accident she killed the man and managed to escape. For a moment she considered to go home, but then she heard the shouting of the guards, looking for a murderer and so she fled instead, too afraid to go home again. She hid in a cart and fell asleep. When she woke she was in a strange world, she’d never seen before. The next years she spent in Nalthis and, mostly because there was no other choice, joined the army. At one point she stopped searching for a way back, only occasionally asked around. There were tales about people travelling between the worlds, but nobody seemed to know any details. She learned how to fight, left the army after a couple of years and finally worked as a guard. Slowly she lost the traits her mother had instilled in her, and instead adapted behaviours of the soldiers around her. She never forgot about her parents, or about the man she’d killed and while she killed others afterwards, his face never left her.

Content to stay there for the rest of her life, one day she stumbled over a cart, that looked oddly familiar. Tinkerers, the people murmured, from far away. Temeria headed over, recognized the colourful stripes of fabric. They could take her home. Taking her weapons and her money, she hid in one of the wagons again, this time she couldn’t fall asleep. Whatever happened, she couldn’t grasp it, couldn’t describe. What she knew was, that suddenly there were strange noises all around, and then they discovered her. Throwing her out of the wagon, in the middle of a city (=Alleycity), that looked like it had been partially razed and she was left behind.

In Alleycity she headed towards the boarding house and met Mac there, who introduced her to city's history and showed her around. When he had to leave, he left a part of his possesions with her, which she handed over to the Dark Alley to let them know that he was gone, keeping only the coin that had been a gift to her. Afterwards she took over the boarding house as he had asked her to do and later met her long lost sister Aln, although they weren't able to solve their year long conflict.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): her fight with her sister

Name: Lena (originally Lanera Aander)
Appearance: caucasian,long red hair, small and light built, unassuming, but charmingface, always carries a bag over one shoulder
Guild (or intended guild): none, she'll join a guild if rp leads to it, but isn't actively searching/ applying
Personality:delightens when she is able to poison somebody, especially if she has the time to study the reactions of her victims, cold-hearted, is willing to sacrifice others any moment for her personal gain (or as soon as she feels like she has nothing to gain from the relationship), has no regard for the law, would do anything to protect her child
Concept:red haired, cold hearted witch
Motivation (Short & long term goal): keep her personal freedom, have fun and do what she wants to do
Merits: major: poison & draught mixing; normal: disguise, connections throughout the city (especially the slums and craftsmen, the blackmarket where she sells her goods); minor: cooking, healing, her bag (contains a couple of poisons, some food, a pocket knife, some make up and/ or a wig
Flaws: tends to rush into situations without a plan how to get out of them, acts on her impulses, has trouble to understand the emotional connections between people apart from personal gain
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): her son Mart, Alask whom she uses to get a better relationship with those around the Forge to help her, an older brother who lives and works in Alleycity
Home Planet: Sel
Current Residence: Alleycity, a small flat in the Cauldron
Backstory:After the birth of her child, Lena and her husband lived together in Teoin. The marriage had been arranged by her parents, as they hoped, that having a family would ground Lena. Shortly after the birth of their first child, Lena poisoned her husband after a fight, since she felt, as if he was trying to control her. Avoiding arrest, only by her parents connections, she left Teoin late at night. With nothing but her son and a few cloths she travelled to her grandmother. She stayed there for the next few months, but after a while there, her grandmother caught her observing the death of the village smith, making notes as to how improve her draught. The incident was followed by a longer discussion, and ended with a choice for Lena. Leave Sel and never return, or face arrest and a trial most likely ending in her death. Lena left Sel, leaving her child with her grandmother, something her grandmother insisted on and joined some travellers on their way to Alleycity. After her arrival there she started to steal and to scam andfinally met the other members of the Thieve’s Guild and joined them on their most recent heists. She now owns a small flat that looks like a laboratory, full of plants, and chemical substances, as she is earning her money by selling poisons.
She never changed her habit to test them personally, and prefers to carefully note down the reactions of her victims. She doesn’t necessarily kill them, believes incapacitation to be even more interesting, as it means, that she has to work with more precision.

Lena participated in a few scams, the largest one being Alleyzon where she and a few others members stole a whole plane full of goods. Afterwards she joined Gonev and Pry to rescue Pry’s siblings from Crow.

Afterwards she met someone called Sebastian. He kidnapped her son and killed her grandmother and she served him for a while to pretect her child. After he got himself killed, she was free again and organized a place for her son, Mart, to stay. After she saw Alask at a party at the Plasma Core’s headquarters she followed him to the Forge. During the invasion she and Alask blackmailed Max into summoning the Phoenix. Contrasting Alask Lenaagreed to the plan as it offered a chance to use one of her more dangerous poisons on a Knight Radiant. Afterwards they returned to the Forge and stayed there together with Eve and Mart until the battle was over.

Loose ends:one day her parents will pay


Name: Vivacia (Vivi) Tenira

Age: 12

Appearance: brown hair (shoulder length, colour like Max' hair), green eyes (like Damaya's), slim, but trained for a child her age

Guild (or intended guild): depends on rp

Personality: lively, happy, lately: less happy and started to arrive in reality

Concept: lively, inexperienced character to be thrown into the madness

Motivation (Short & long term goal): make her parents proud, be important, adored and looked up to

Merits: A-Copper (major), trained with a rapier (normal), amazing dancer, carries a backpack with some items (see Equipment)

Flaws: takes most things too lightly and rarely considers the consequences of her actions, skips classes whenever possible

Equipment: a rapier (her size), always carries a backpack (contains: her favorite stuffed animal (a white and pink unicorn, small, called: Rainbowglow), jelly beans, the rapier, a device so that her parents can contact her, paper and a pencil for school, an (sometimes empty) lunchbox, a flashlight without power, dancing shoes)

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Mother: Althea Tenira, Father: Max Tenira, Brother: Reval Tenira

Home Planet: Alleyverse

Current Residence: Alleycity

Backstory: Vivacia is Max and Althea's daughter, their younger child. She grew up in their house close to Alleycity and when she's not skipping class she attends one of the schools nearby. She greatly adores her older brother and would do anything for him. If possible she follows him around, although she regularly runs off once she gets bored. She feels very guilty by having inherited an allomantic power while he has nothing and therefore never mentions it when he is around. She reduces using her power to situations, when he can't notice, but tries secretly to protect him if possible.
She is intrigued by the thought to join a guild just like her parents and in general strives to make them and her brother proud. As she is the one with Investiture, she decided that she needs to step into her parent's paths and asked Max to show her how to wield a weapon. He picked a rapier and so she started to learn how to use it.
Vivi's real passion is dancing and she pours all her energy into these classes. They are one of the few appointments she's always on time for, and she trains hard all the days in between.

When the forgery ended, Vivi's life stopped existing. Everything she knew was different, her home belonging to a different family, her dancing teacher nowwhere to be found. She spent her days on the streets ever since, trying to find someone she knows.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): find a place in the original Alleycity

@Voidus- Laurelai/Whisper/SeKaan/Lucien (Voidus)/Derit


Name: Laurelai Esserethel

Appearance: Female, 22, approximately six feet tall, willowy. Long straight blonde hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes. Has an enormous wardrobe that she is constantly changing from but tends towards Alethi or Selish fashions primarily with some Scadrian formal dresses.

Guild(or intended guild):Dark Alley

Personality:Intensely curious and a touch arrogant, Laurelai loves to watch people and try to understand them better. This can appear as empathetic but can be offputting when people realizethat her interest is much colder and more analytical than they may have thought. Laurelai loves acquiring new knowledge, preferring subtlety over wielding outright power as some of her colleagues do. While outwardly incredibly confident, capable and cool, Laurelai is far meeker than she may appear. She suffers from continuous anxiety attacks and crises of identity, provoked as a part of her Forging abilities.

Concept: Socialite Forger and scholar.

Motivation(Short & long term goal): Short term - Wishes to achieve the respect of her peers. Long term - Has been chasing a sense of belonging all her life.


Major: Unrestricted Forgery - Can Forge from a slight distance and without actually creating a physical stamp, just visualizing one.

Normal: Scholar - Highly intelligent and well-read, Laurelai's scholarship is of particular use with her Forgery allowing her to almost instantly become a dedicated expert of decades of study on nearly any topic, Insightful - Laurelai makes a habit of reading people that she meets, both as an intellectual exercise for Soul-Forging and also for social manipulation.

Minor: Fashionable, Respected DA Member, Spy.

Flaws:Laurelai's Forgery abilities result in sudden unpredictable bursts of Investiture which drive many people away from her and give an impression of lax control. Her sense of vanity is closely tied to her desire for respect, however it does give some difficulty in connecting with certain people and can be off-putting. Finally her desire to connect with others is constantly stymied by her own emotional walls and facades as she almost universally puts some form of barrier between herself and others to avoid being truly vulnerable.

NPCs(Eg. Family and Friends): Estranged father Lucien Esserethel (Voidus), and a long-departed mother whose face Laurelai can only dimly recall. She has numerous ties with the denizens of the DA and is at least passingly acquainted with the more influential members of each department. Particularly known to people in the DoCI and department of Records, including its keeper, the Singer Azim.

Home Planet: Unnamed Voidworld from a lost universe. However was raised in the Alleycity.

Current Residence: Within the Alleys Laurelai has a large apartment with a comfortable sitting room, study and immense closet space.

Backstory: Born to her parents, Professor Lucien Esserethel and his wife, Laurelai remembers almost nothing of her earliest years. When that universe was destroyed, her father severed her connection to it so that he could save her, leaving her in a timeless void for countless eons until she was finally returned to the Alleycity during the Seven Day War when her father was sealed in a barrier. Since then she has believed herself to be an orphan of the war, moving from one orphanage to another, plagued by strange and dangerous incidents as her power manifested. Failing to find the love and support she sought from foster families and orphanages, Laurelai left as soon as she was able and began working odd jobs around the city to make ends meet. During her teen years she joined the Dark Alley and spends most of her time there flitting between the Department of Records and the Department of Counterintelligence. She was sociable and personable enough to have many acquaintances both within the DA and without but few actual friends until she met a redheaded Tineye in a bar one evening and recruited Lita into the DA, the two becoming fast friends ever since.

During the Forgery she was reunited with her father, though not her mother, and joined the DA a second time. She was instead recruitedbyLita in this timeline, the two gaining a substantially different relationship which Laurelai has not quite squared with her pre-existing memories.

Loose ends(What is unfinished in their life?): Laurelai still searches for meaning in her life, not quite feeling like she has ever truly belonged in either timeline. Additionally her relationship with her best friend Lita has become recently complicated due to the events of the Forgery, as has her relationship with Voidus whom she is now aware is her biological father.

Links(Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):Mood Board

Name: Whisper (Real name unknown)

Appearance: A young woman, somewhere between 17 and 19 years old. Whisper very rarely appears as her genuine self, usually covering herself with a Lightweaving to disguise her appearance. Typically appears younger than she actually is, often as an innocent faced street urchin of varying gender. While in the Alleys she generally still appears quite young, wearing gray and black tunics, shirts and trousers. Only about 5 feet tall Whisper has dirty brown hair cut into a pixie cut, a round face and steely gray eyes along with incredibly thin lips. She also possesses some therianthropic features due to early experiments on her but these are almost always concealed.

Guild(or intended guild):Dark Alley

Personality: Whisper presents two faces to others, the first is the one she wears outside of the Alleys. Usually she appears shy, helpful and innocent. She goes out of her way to help those around her where she can and especially if there is any method by which she can help someone vulnerable and alone. The second she wears in the Alleys or when dropping her former guise, in this state she appears coldly calculating and nearly emotionless. Competent enough to complete her work and working with others as required but rarely connecting with them. Neither of these however are her true personality, which is simply a maddeningly zealous worship of her gods and a willingness to do absolutely anything in service of them. Her growing madness also leaves her with very sporadic bursts of intense pain and vulnerability, she wavers in her devotion sometimes in these moments however has adopted the approach of ignoring them as best she can rather than admit herself to be anything other than an utterly devoted tool.

Concept: The intensely zealous mute.

Motivation(Short & long term goal): Short term - bring others to the service of those she worships. Long term - Truly understand the whims of her gods and give them what they desire. Currently she believes that the most efficient way to do so is to find a way in which to kill Voidus.

Major - Intelligence: While she lacks formal education and scholarship, Whisper is a prodigy of intellect and is particularly apt at predicting complex patterns.
Normal - Lightweaving - Whisper has the ability to Lightweave audio and visual illusions from Stormlight though neither possesses a secondary Surge nor a spren and so cannot progress through Oaths or wield a Shardblade. She is particularly skilled at manipulating sound however, and subtle enough to rarely be noticed doing so. Strength - Whisper has enhanced strength, though limited primarily to her legs but this has given her an increased speed and greatly increased jumping distance.
Minor - Spy, hand-to-hand fighting skills, strong-willed

Flaws: Whisper is unable to speak above a whisper, a trait which gave her the nickname she bears. Attempting to do so causes increasing pain and damage to her throat. She also has a tenuous grasp of sanity, devoting herself utterly to the worship of her gods to the point of willing self-destruction. She also has a great deal of trouble empathizing with others, though generally able to predict what someone might do she rarely has a good grasp on why.

NPCs(Eg. Family and Friends): Whisper has a number of cats that she has adopted and keeps in her Alley. She also has a mixed relationship with the Seekradors of the DA, both regarding each other with wary respect. Beyond this her only long term meaningful relationships are with the figures of madness that she worships and, more recently, the members of the DA that were added to her pantheon.

Home Planet: Unknown, assumed Alleycity born.

Current Residence: Whisper has a small apartment in one of the more dangerous Alleys used by the DA (Alley 937). She prefers her solitude amongst the other experiments that are housed there, and has managed to create her own living space that is accessible only through a small hole in one of the looming grey cobblestonewalls of the Alley.

Backstory:A former DA test subject, Whisper spent a lot of her early years in the labs from the department of Zoohemalurgy. She has several abilities derived fromanimals from various planets, this has also resulted in some changes to her anatomy as well, though these are usually hidden with careful disguises or Lightweaving, these experiments also inadvertently removed her ability to speak beyond a faint whisper which eventually led to her nickname.
After the conclusion of the experiment that created her, Whisper was deemed one of the more successful subjects and had managed to maintain her sanity throughout the process, she was then recruited by another department of the DA and began actively working for them, putting her intelligence and abilities to good use.
During the last few years of her work, Whisper has begun to hear voices trying to communicate with her and has occasionally been seen talking to a shadowy, indistinct figure. This has led to her being a little alienated from many other members of the DA who feel that some lingering insanity from her childhood of experimentation may have developed.

Loose ends(What is unfinished in their life?): Whisper has unresolved feelings towards the DA due to their experiments on her, this is further complicated by her recent acceptance of a number of the immortal leaders of the guild into her pantheon for worship in the Forgery.

Links(Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):Mood Board

Name: SeKaan

Appearance: Varies somewhat greatly, generally when not disguised however wears the form of an attractive, androgynous person in their mid-late twenties, wavy shoulder-length light brown hair and a pair of warm, chocolocate-coloured eyes. They primarily wear Scadrian noble-clothes however have enjoyed experimenting with the new fashions to be found in the Alleycity, including a set of tan coloured Ardent's robes that they are particularly fond of.

Guild(or intended guild): Initially guildless, will join the Dark Alley

Personality:A rather curious Kandra, SeKaan is a well-mannered individual who enjoys the company of others, both human and thoseof their own kind. They enjoy humor and trying to understand human customs and are somewhat thrilled to arrive in a city that has so many new cultures for them to explore. Chided somewhat by their fellows both for being more brash than is appropriate for a Kandra as well as their appreciation and occasionally even affection for humans, SeKaan has occasionallyfelt a little out of place in the Homeland.

Despite their seemingly affable nature, SeKaan also has a somewhat vicious side that occasionally flares, an aggression that they generally do their best to keep hidden.

SeKaan is also somewhat confused by many of their comrades insistence on clinging to specific genders and is happily malleable with their own. Though they often appear somewhat androgynous when not in a particular disguise they also shift frequently more towards masculine or feminine appearance and mannerisms as the mood suits them. (Gender fluid, generally uses nongendered pronouns but happily answers to any)

Concept: Confidant Kandra

Motivation(Short & long term goal): Short term - Explore the new cultures of the Alleyverse. Long term - Break free from Harmony and their comrades, choosing their own path rather than following one that has been laid out for them.


Major:Kandra- Is able to shift their appearance at will, as well as being long-lived and hardy, able to survive normally lethal wounds. They are particularly skilled at infiltration, even among their kind.

Normal:Perceptive- With the Blessing of Awareness, SeKaan has greatly enhanced senses.Deceptive- SeKaan is also highly capable of deception, both in assuming a role and occasionally when concealing information.

Minor:Copper feruchemy- SeKaan has been given an unsealed coppermind that they keep in their body at all times, storing their experiences and information on a number of topics.Comforting- SeKaan has a reassuring presence, and can be quite persuasive in the right settings.Musical- As part of their enjoyment of human cultures SeKaan has familiarized themself with a number of instruments and enjoys playing, most frequently the piano.

Flaws: Highly indulgent, SeKaan greatly enjoys tasting all that human cultures have to offer, a side result of this and their appreciation of humans in general is that they are also something of a kleptomaniac and enjoy taking small tokens from the people they meet. Shares the Flaw that all Kandra share of vulnerabilty to emotional allomancy. Also while usually good tempered, SeKaan's temper when it flares up drives them to reckless action, and even when calm they are far more brash than their peers. SeKaan also often has a dualistic relationship with people, they are often fond of interesting or powerful individuals and the events that surround them. However often the closer they grow to someone the more they become distrustful of them, beginning to suspect them of deceptions or manipulations. This trait has led most of the Kandra's relationships with others to be short-lived or strictly transactional.

NPCs(Eg. Family and Friends): SeKaan is familiar with most of the other Faceless Immortals however most of their close acquaintances are worlds away.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Current Residence: Currently unhoused, SeKaan has been spending their nights in temporary lodgings in the city. (Most likely the boarding house)

Backstory: A Kandra of the sixth generation, SeKaan prefers not to discuss their life pre-catacendre. They tended mostly towards apolitical action in the Homeland, and during this period of their life they vastly preferred to be out and working Contracts to remaining with their own kind. It was only after Harmony's Ascension that they began to feel any form of real comraderie with the other Kandra.

Their time in the Elendel Basin was initially enjoyable, they found a fondness for watching over humans develop finally after so long stagnant. However this was soured some fifty years after the city was founded, when SeKaan was found out by a particularly powerful Soother who discovered the Flaw. Forced into involuntary servitude and acting as an occasional assassin, SeKaan developed their tendencies towards mistrust during this incident which was only eventually quelled when they were saved by another Kandra, one of the few with less than complete loyalty to the First Contract.

Since that time, while they are as affable and friendly as ever they have a great deal of difficulty in placing their trust in anyone, including Harmony. Becoming suspicious of anyone who becomes too close to them, especially too quickly.

Loose ends(What is unfinished in their life?): SeKaan has some lingering trust issues, as well as wishing to cleanly end their connection with Harmony.

Links(Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):TBD

Name: Lucien Esserethel / Voidus

Appearance: Male, early thirties in appearance, 6'4" tall, with an average build, darkly inviting or terrifying depending upon his mood. He has short, straight blonde hair and piercing black eyes with perhaps the faintest hint of deep jungle-green if the light catches them right. Generally has a proud but exhausted bearing, straight-backed but with a slight hunch, dark circles under his eyes. Almost inevitably found in a grey or black suit and occasionally a labcoat.

Guild (or intended guild): Leader of the Dark Alley

Personality: Overwhelmingly apathetic for most of his life, Voidus' personality is one of usually muted and subdued emotional states interspersed with occasional spikes of intensity. Voidus is generally irritated rather than angry, tired rather than sad, satisfied rather than happy. But the experience of the Forgery and creating personal connections has rekindled some of his old personality, now tempered by a near eternal existence. Often perceived as cold Voidus tends towards ruthless efficiency with anything that needs to be done. And begrudging, and still somewhat exhausted, attention to those other chores that are less important, such as his unending supply of paperwork. He is not often deliberately cruel, but is uncaring and willing to make almost any sacrifices that he needs to for his own goals. Incredibly possessive, Voidus reacts most harshly towards any encroachment of what he sees as his own authority or property. He largely does not care what happens to the city, though will make an effort to protect it from complete destruction at least should it be necessary, but it is the Alleys that he sees as his own territory.

Concept: Eternally bored and lonely Voidgod who is now perhaps only one of those things.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term - A break from the paperwork would be nice. Beyond that he is currently investigating some means of reducing the damage to Vivica's soul after her stay in the cognitive realm during the Forgery as well as the other incidents throughout her life that have caused it damage.
Long term - Voidus' eventual goal has always been his own death, though he has reconsidered that in light of recent events and is currently interested in the pursuit and exploration of his humanity.

Merits: (Redacted for length but most prominent abilities listed)

Major: Voidmaking - Voidus has complete mastery over this ability as its foremost practitioner. Capable of opposing and extinguishing most forms of magic, as well as draining energy or utterly destroying matter. Hemalurgy - Voidus has collected countless magical abilities over the years and generally speaking has access at least to acquire any form of Investiture he may require. Intelligent - Voidus was a scientist in his original life, and has kept both the knowledge and curiosity from that vocation. Having had near endless amounts of time to study he is well versed on most subjects. Leader of the DA - Voidus commands the vast resources of the Dark Alley, though would almost never make use of this for personal benefit.

Normal: Skilled manipulator - Practiced both at diplomacy and subtle manoueverings as well as specifically the application of abilities such as emotional Allomancy, while he rarely if ever actually needs to resort to such tactics Voidus is nonetheless skilled in their application. Combat - While not a particular specialty, immortality will lend towards general excellence in all areas and so Voidus is at the least a capable and somewhat practiced combatant in armed and unarmed combat though firearms and their application are an area he is particularly lacking in.

Minor: Not particularly relevant

Flaws: Voidus' lifespan leads him towards patience and apathy. Few events provoke genuine wrath from him and while he may have an initial flared reaction to certain events he is generally quick to calm and sees little point to vengeance merely for its own sake. He also tends not to recognize the agency of most other people, blaming events on the most influential person who incited them rather than acknowledging the potential collective agnecy of a group or of less powerful individuals. As a result even when aware of the actions of such people Voidus will typically dismiss them as irrelevant or inconsequential in the grand scheme, prefering to look to the long term. Finally, while his recent emotional attachments have helped Voidus in a number of ways they also prove perhaps his largest vulnerability. The two most important people currently in his life, Vivica and Laurelai, are themselves both relatively vulnerable and he fears that some may seek to use one or both as leverage over him.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Estranged daughter Laurelai Esserethel, Vivica was his friend during the Forgery whom he has grown incredibly fond of, the various department heads and DA denizens that he worked with.

Home Planet: Unnamed Voidworld from a lost universe.

Current Residence: Voidus typically resides within his office, sleeping only incredibly rarely. Is considering repurchasing the home that he and Laurelai lived in during the Forgery.

Backstory: Born a mortal man in a universe that is now entirely destroyed, Lucien Esserethel was betrayed by a man named Voidus who he had thought a friend. Voidus claimed he needed Lucien's help to save their world but revealed that he was in fact destroying it, simply to occupy the time during his immortal life. He was helping Lucien merely out of a twisted sense of amusem*nt but when that came to a conclusion and Voidus tried to destroy the world completely Lucien opposed him, drawing in enough of the void himself to replace Voidus as its avatar and ending the life of the immortal. He was able to save his daughters life by severing her connection to that world but as a result she was cast adrift on time. The universe collapsed around him and Lucien drifted through an endless void for countless years, eventually forgetting even his own name and taking the name Voidus for himself.
Eventually he founded the DA and with their assistance created the Alleyverse, using a spike created from his original world as its center. When he was sealed away in the barrier around the worldspike, his daughter was freed from her stasis. She grew up without Voidus, without even knowing he was her father and eventually joined the DA herself. Voidus realized the connection some time before the Forgery but had never had a chance to discuss the matter with her, and during the Forgery the two were both made aware of each other, living out a somewhat wholesome family dynamic though his wife remained departed.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Voidus has yet to entirely discuss the nature of their new relationship with Vivica, and has also not had the chance to really speak with his daughter since the Forgery ended either.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): TBD

Name: Derit Sylvete
Appearance: A young woman of medium height and build, Derit has short, black hair with bangs that cover a forehead she thinks is slightly too large. Her face is rounded, with a strong jawline, full lips and a small nose that often twitches when she's particularly excited or passionate about something. She often prefers the practicality of trousers to a skirt, and particularly avoids wearing a dress, as they often expose her broad shoulders in a way she dislikes. Her hazel-green eyes are usually framed by somewhat square glasses.
Guild(or intended guild): Intending to join TUBA
Personality: Virtuous, self-deprecating and stubborn. Derit firmly believes in the inherent goodness of most people, and wishes only to be able to help all of those around her. She struggles particularly with the often violent history of Alleycity, and how best to help it.
Concept: Idealistic charity-worker
Motivation(Short & long term goal): Short - Gain enough chrysts to help her mother more, ideally hiring a nurse to help take care of her. Long term - Derit wishes to help lift the city out of the violence and resource disparity that she feels is currently crushing it.
Major- Derit is a prodigioussharpshooter. Trained by her mother, a coinshot, from an early age and has always enjoyed target shooting. Though she is quite unfamiliar with applying this skill to actually harm anyone.
Normal-Strong willed- Derit possesses a firm belief in her own moral code that is highly difficult to shake,Student- Clever and reasonably well-studied, Derit has researched a number of topics including various forms of Investiture. But is most familiar with topics related to sociology and civil infrastructure.
Minor-Writer- Derit is an experienced writer, primarily of essays and reports though she has dabbled in some fiction that she refuses to ever show anyone.Singer- Similarly to her writing, while Derit is a somewhat talented singer she rarely shows this talent except when at home alone.Researcher- Her time as a student has given Derit particular proficiency in sourcing and tracking down information.
Flaws: Derit is idealistic to a fault, she is all too happy to believe in the goodness of people and very easily duped by acts of innocence. She is also quite self-deprecating, undervaluing her own abilities even while overemphasizing those of others. In social situations while she often seems very confident and assertive due to her stubborn tendencies around her beliefs, she is quite self-doubting on most other topics and particularly flustered when attention is overly drawn to herself.
Relationships(Eg. Family and Friends): Derit's father Tomas passed away when she was very young, another casualty of the seven day war. She was raised by her mother who was a coinshot and something of a Lawman in the Roughs before moving to Alleycity. She knows a number of people from the university and is even friends with many of them as well, but her often overzealous speeches and unbending morals make it somewhat difficult for her to be truly close to others. One of the Professor's from the university is something of an idol to her but she believes he may have vanished after the Forgery.
Home Planet: Scadrian by heritage but Alleycity born
Current Residence: Derit lives in a small house in Mistkeep, taking care of her sick mother.
Backstory: Raised in the city by her mother, Derit was taught since a very young age how brave and important people like her father were. People who left the safety of shelters during the Seven Day War to help others and bring them to safety, even at risk to herself. As a result she grew up with a very strong moral code that makes her occasionally difficult to be around. Her mother taught her a great many things, including how to shoot though for Derit she learned this as a sport rather than a means of harming or killing others.
Over the years her beliefs only firmed and when she enrolled in the Alleycity University she immediately dove into all the research she could about how best to help her fellow citizens of the city, along with the study of morality and the philosophy surrounding it. At about the same time her mother became increasingly ill, her body being slowly overtaken by an illness that no doctor seems to be able to recognize which has led to her leaving much of her social life behind to stay at home and help.
During the Forgery she was inspired one day by a guest lecturer, a professor who during his lecture seemed to lay out a near-perfect plan by which to help reduce the poverty of some of the city's most downtrodden districts. Most of the other students found the lecture somewhat off-topic and dull to listen to but Derit listened with rapt attention and wished only that there were more people like this Professor in the city who gave real, serious thought to how they might solve the city's problems. Since the Forgery she has not been able to find him again and fears that he was yet another casualty of the machinations of the Dark Alley.
Loose ends(What is unfinished in their life?): Her mothers illness, as well as the fate of the Professor who inspired her
Links(Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):

@ZincAboutIt- Lita/Vivica/Raef


OP Character

Name: Lita Attar

Appearance: Female, 25, average height (~64 inches), slender. Long red-auburn hair, usually braided over one shoulder. Lightish skin, olive tones. Green eyes, large, widely spaced. Rounded face with pointed chin.

Guild (or intended guild):Dark Alley

Personality: Extroverted, charming, cunning, and perceptive. Lita loves secrets, and will do what she can to ferret out any hidden knowledge she thinks will give her some power or edge. She does not trust easily, but she does enjoy company, so she simply does not reveal much about herself. Naturally flirtatious, enjoys games of wits and seduction. After a childhood of relative scarcity, Lita loves the finer things in life. Lita is very self-absorbed, but generally aims to make friends not enemies when she can.

Concept: Femme Fatale Tineye Spy

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short Term: Acquire secrets that will allow her to gain power over herself and others

Long Term: To belong to someone she can revere, who can use that power and use her with skill and surety, never abandoning her


Major: DA Department Head (DoCI), A-Brass Spike (grants compounding)

Normal: Skilled Twinborn (A-Tin, F-Brass), Spycraft/Espionage

Minor: Hemalurgically-granted A-Pewter, Socially connected, smart

Flaws:Lita’s insatiable power-lust leads her continuously down a path that whittles away her sense of empathy, humanity, and connection to others. She becomes more and more willing to sacrifice these things to feed her hunger for secret knowledge. Her ambition and surface-level desire for autonomy is at odds with a deeper conviction that she is and has always been a tool for others, and this belief leaves her vulnerable to the manipulations of the very powerful who can play upon her need to be owned and her core desire to be cherished as the perfect object.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Mother estranged, on Scadrial, no contact. Father left on Scadrial, also no contact. Both presumed still alive. Numerous short-term romantic partners. Long-standing friendship/complex relationship with Laurelai Esserethel (PC). Extremely fraught/complex relationship with the Stranger/his Cognitive Shadow.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Current Residence: Within the Alleys in the DoCI living quarters, apartment has a blue door

Backstory: Lita was born in a Sixth Octant slum in Elendel to a Terris woman and her lover, a Soother named Conrad Attar. Her mother abandoned her at the earliest opportunity, ashamed that she’d diluted her Terris blood with an Allomancer, and refused to recognize her. Lita grew up running drinks and listening in on conversations in her father’s Soothing parlor. From birth, her tin allomancy especially made her useful, while her brass feruchemy was largely ignored beyond physical convenience. When she was 17, she managed to join a smuggling ring operated by a low-status member of House Tekiel named Forian, who’s gang often met in the back room of her father’s parlor to discuss business. She provided her services as a Tineye to the gang and quickly became Forian’s lover as well. After running with the gang for several years, Forian’s numerous slip-ups with the law led him to attempt to frame Lita’s father for his smuggling crimes. Lita poisoned Forian and fled Elendel, meeting up with some S.Scadrian worldhoppers and eventually making her way to the Alleyverse. She met Laurelai Esserethel in a bar by chance looking for new work, and was recruited into the Dark Alley under their Dept. of Counter Intelligence. After impressing the enigmatic Stranger with her ambition, Lita was given a spike granting Pewter Allomancy and she quickly fell into a dysfunctional obsession/fascination with him. During the Forgery, she replaced Mac as head of the DoCI since he had left the Alleyverse. Now that the Forgery has fallen apart, Lita has retained her position of power but now has to reconcile two separate versions of her life, in addition to the personal revelations that came to her as she confronted the object of her desire, worship, and loathing.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Increasingly complex relationship with her best friend, Laurelai, after they slept together during their period of mere acquaintance during the Forgery. Desire to run the DoCI efficiently and prove herself competent/earn the respect of her peers. Process the fact that she has been claimed and then abandoned by two versions of the same person - who now will fill this position in her life? Anyone?

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):Mood Board,Playlist

Name: Vivica Roth

Appearance: Female, 28, long light brown hair, blue eyes, pleasant-looking face, slender and short. Her left ear is missing and there is a long thin burn scar running down the left side of her neck. She also has a single thin scar running along her left wrist and one along her throat, both carried over from the Forgery.

Guild (or intended guild): Dark Alley

Personality: Vivica is pleasant and perceptive with an alert awareness of her surroundings. She is incredibly devoted to the ones she loves. She is introverted but genuinely enjoys the company of people she trusts. When she feels comfortable, Viv will talk about the things that interest her. However, she is also crazy. Her view of reality and morality is completely fractured. She will often begin speaking to one of her hallucinations, which some people find off-putting. Her air of polite sweetness can immediately turn to one of enthusiastic, violent bloodthirst. She will, however, remain polite as she eviscerates you.

Concept: Manic Pixie Blood Cultist

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term: Spend time with Nox (Voidus), try and fix her new memory/cognition problems. Long term: To find security, safety, and acceptance of who she is

Merits: Major: Relationship with Voidus (whom she calls Nox)

Normal: Bronze Compounding (hereditary Seeker, spike granting F-Bronze), Intelligent

Minor: Research/medical experience, skilled artist (recreational)

Flaws: Total insanity - Vivica unknowingly mentally bonded with an eldritch entity when she was eight, and this creature has been slowly devouring her sanity for the past two decades. Complete dependence on Bronze compounding - Vivica has not slept for over ten years. If she were to stop compounding wakefulness, she would almost immediately die. This sleep deprivation is naturally also exacerbating her insanity. Spiritual/Cognitive degradation due to extended time in the Forged CR.

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Family deceased (Mother, father, younger sister), Bennington - formerly-mentioned eldritch entity that manifests as a small, glowing violet octopus that she believes is a hallucination; Voidus (PC) - happenstance meeting that turned into friendship during Forgery, deepening toward something more post-Forgery

Home Planet: Alleyplanet

Current Residence: Somewhere in the Alleys

Backstory: Vivica was born in the Alleycity and her family died during the Seven Days War. Her house caught fire and killed her family while she was asleep in bed, she almost died too but was woken when the roof fell on her, burning her ear and the left side of her neck. She lost the ear, but fled the house in time to survive. Vivica spent the next few years in and out of orphanages and homes, always hating having to sleep and being plagued by terrible dreams. She met Bennington while peering through a crack in the orphanage wall; shortly after she attempted to extract one of the maid’s eyes because “they were so lovely,” and was moved to a different orphanage. One day in her early teens, she had a panic attack in a large open square and fled into an Alley. She found the winding, enclosed space a comfort, and joined the DA after realizing they could help her avoid ever having to sleep again. Her intelligence and perception allowed her to rise to the station of a R&D research assistant, helping observe experiments at any and all hours due to her ability to stay awake all the time. During the Forgery, Vivica was a long term patient in the Cognitive Ward at Einladung Hospital. During her stay there, she developed a close friendship with Voidus in his time as Professor Lucien Esserethel. Due to her insanity, Vivica was able to remember pieces of the true world which she called the “other life.” After drawing a hemalurgic diagram, Vivica realized that the shadow creatures policing the Forgery would seek to erase her, so she spiked out her own insanity to give to the Professor, and then killed herself before she could be fully erased. She spent the rest of the Forgery in the false CR, which greatly damaged her mind/spirit. Years of compounding bronze have erased her ability to sleep, she has lost the ability to do so even if she wanted to. She will regularly hallucinate, so regularly that she has made a catalog of her recurring hallucinations and their expected patterns of behavior. Her most regular “hallucination” is Bennington, her glowing eldritch octopus companion. Less regularly, she will break down. This is generally triggered by stress, large spaces, or large and unpredictable fire. Loves finding and entertaining “guests” in her lab, though no one ever seems to stay very long. A skilled painter, Vivica enjoys illustrating her dreams, delusions, and her work in the lab. Her favorite color is Red. Rarely leaves the Alleys.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Processing her suicide and time in the Cognitive Realm during the Forgery and its impact on the one she loves. Slow realization that perhaps Bennington is actually real. Learning how to interact in relation to others after a life spent mostly alone.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):Mood Board,Playlist

Name: Raef Lapis

Appearance: A young man of 23, fine-featured and almost delicate. Is right around 6’ tall, perhaps a bit under. Shoulder length ashblonde hair, fair skin, light hazel eyes. Attractive, but not particularly striking. Tends to dress in Nalthian fashions of slightly muted colors. Wears considerable silver jewelry and has multiple non-invested piercings. He simply enjoys the aesthetic.

Guild (or intended guild): Intends to join the DA

Personality: Initially aloof and somewhat sardonic,Raef is nonetheless quite affable in most social situations, especially those with people he already knows. Something of an ambivert, Raef enjoys his own company just as much as the company of friends, and might spend one day studying alone and the next out drinking till the small hours. When pursuing a scholarly goal he can drill down into a state of hyper focus and become fixated to the point of obsession. Is somewhat overly concerned with the opinions of others. Will occasionally speak rashly and use his wit to offend before thinking of the consequences.

Concept: Bored Bloodsealer

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term: To augment the capabilities of Bloodsealing, perhaps creating a new system altogether. Long term: To make his own mark on the world and step out of the shadow of his mother’s heritage and his father’s personality


Major: Bloodsealing (advanced practitioner) - capable of all potential uses of Bloodsealing and is exploring new avenues for the magic

Normal: Surgical/medical expertise, especially dissection and post-mortem procedures; Scholar training

Minor: Culinary arts - Raef is a skilled cook, having learned from his father since early childhood; Rhetoric/Wit - Raef is skilled at communicating his points effectively and can be very convincing; Well-adjusted - While no one is perfect, Raef had a very stable home life and foundation and continues to do so, giving him a stability of personalitythat many lack

Flaws: Rebellious streak - growing up with two parents that were forces of personality in their own rights, Raef has a tendency to overcorrect when pressured too hard, acting out of character with his typical more rational, thoughtful personality and making rash or contrary decisions. Addictive personality - Raef’s tendency toward obsession and hyper focus can also get him into trouble with addictive substances, especially those that either augment this hyper focus or allow him to turn his mind off and escape

NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends): Mother, Anwyth Lapis, Father, Zezekin “Zeke” Lapis, both alive and in Alleycity; acquaintances from his university days; various family friends/restaurant employees

Home Planet: Alleyplanet

Current Residence: His family home - he is seeking new lodgings

Backstory: Born in Alleycity to Zezekin Lapis and his wife Anwyth, Raef grew up on tales of the colorful markets of T’Telir and the wild, untamed swamps of Dzamar. He spent his childhood helping out in his father’s successful Nalthian restaurant, learning the art of fine food and developing a truly astounding spice tolerance. When not at school, his mother taught him her own art: Bloodsealing, which Raef proved to be very adept at from a young age. He learned quickly and grew to love the art, though he was always rather put off by his mother’s dour and serious approach to both life and magic. His father Zezekin was very much his mother’s opposite,charismatic, and bombastic to a fault. Both are beautiful and compelling in their own right, and Raef always felt a bit lost in his own family despite how obviously they loved him. He was much too reserved for his father and far too frivolous for his mother, and though they both remain incredibly proud of him, they never quite understood him. After completing his university training and learning the extent of his Bloodsealing art, Raef became exceedingly frustrated with its limitations. After the fall of the Forgery, which altered very little of his family’s life, Raef has remembered the existence of the Dark Alley, and has decided to seek them out to attempt to find any possible ways to augment his magic and make his own mark on the landscape of Investiture.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Raef has grown bored with what he can do with Bloodsealing and wants to find new, more interesting and powerful ways to use this power. More than this, he wants to solidify his own place in life and discover his own force of personality.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): TBD

Era 6 & 7 Character Thread (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.