The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

---x 4 TILL 0 1 OA .1 Ed I I 1 LOB-- AUGUST 6, 1890 THE BABY. 'telkinston TROD UPON BY DIANA. lowiltir eendidatee were seleeted for the i weld eorerrittbeo: Jone A. pen hit Jerre'. .101 Jenne T.

tiiiigan, IS illism Keel, Jame I'. Leetion. Miehael It Bednesh.JaMee Kehoo. AllTIER AT EIGHT HOU I i llg 'rrivm at their destination Sunday after. BLAINE CARRIES THE BAY noo See steamers Cum berlaed and bta of Mae are in commission.

la I 1 Ilt.SING I 7111 All i2ct I Zte La WII to a Jame M. L.4,146,11. Thomas flrefor Michael NO OLIDE-MAKING WANTED. McKinley Taken Out of the ES If.tY, AU UST vi I' A. Newell Injured in a rvence- A.

Ferrell. Conrad J. Rueter and Walter A. Carpenters' Constitution Up Race in 189'2. the afternoon by Frank AV Hatch The early were eberge of Henry si.

iec-rht. i a mila rniMI.en10, miniaterial lonkinz Merohant Tailors' National Exchange lailtilATIllik ALMANAC. Aueust 8 ereeePtor of Derby Aca4emy ol Ilinailistn. Tetn'S luau l't 13 a "age enec1.1 13 Race at Peabody. FIRE BUGS AT FALL RIVER.

1 With the Times. Will Not Rave London-Mads Clothes 4,, yara pea tonants Time. LORING WANTS HIS FATHER. I ear 1.tni sat a ittoft. I.4,1e4 9.121 Iro2ri Early Morninr Elate in Mill's Oil Sold Hero if They Can Help It.

young mother. while en 1.1,e bless the fifth 16121111111 convention of of the United States wa opened in floel Room Beneath tbe Gasoline Tanks-- State Arbitrators Advise Larrender ilresidc2t to Command Etszto to no says the women azo vele two vvac.oes young ladies. IP flows 4 42 I IN 3 4 am Rock 3 09 A 14 "A 7 L. a dale rzrk eeting piled it the Mercbant Tailors' National Exchange .1 tut All al, or dist 14 1 ti Items Mies I 0 144 rid Darnags raknown. At A Vendome.

The mothe-e leiArd se icterly worn cut Twe Spirited Trots. r4tr. It7TER, Aug. departreen at Lie tatalernme. The delegates were aCCAllirtrta Aldrich Imeadment.

Will Come About ratlifietorily. that he )eung ruin ack. the me goosla I 0114NC.11 Sid Otrml Vied by their wives and daughters. Cnitc SG. Aug.

the I fent in hot Can. ana ip.e.;ht to soothe Is, st vernortior, A. 7. M. morning.

Ape. IL, 11 la morn rig. Ill Ir 1 aiarter A lid 23. oh inorniug. y.

kw Mts. d'a. lib. aLm, evena.g. i-; August Edmont's Potomao Left a Big of brooms in was calied to tin Crescent mill at 1 o'clo( ic morning.

The watcl anan had discov- Presideut James S. Burbank introduced tied a number of bundles the Locl Or oil room to be on fire. and an incipient blaze 11N 0 Fixing 1112,11 for welcomed or the dole- en- Important ominaticrns Agreed Upon i for bnra 0 young Bostonian now in Ile Cook County 'rbe caw. of the bah 'a iretfainees boon te atteenr.ciss tisatas ru ed. idre- 1 teernun.selur; epPaO tiLlte.

has a despaVb. which is anearentiy from '1 Up came the wind Field Behind. In another part of Ike cellar. tha Far for aal swered the citi's hoopitality. Lewis D.

at Capa May. the father, in which tbe shier Loring asks-I I Inuit telkier eel her'. w'th tbe biaelt 'I he oil room was saePosed to be locked. Starbird. president of the Boston exchange, i l'UTTING ON AII18.

It is Jost beneath the gasoline tanks which closed to) series of official greetings. Caps MAT l'orvt. N. Aug. fora fuller statoment of the de- (.1" nit" screw red la ii ta -e.

i sit le tore 11.04 a- contain sufficient explosive to blow nil the CwicAn.o Aug. carpenters and President Burbank in his anneal address sired to know wheu be sbould come oat. lima wit such gessi greet, 1:1 th? itues,) The first formal midsummer meeting at joiners' convention today to re- Ftwke Of evil none to the AMerIC the IIT1 redent and his seretary of state are sic -I have written In a letter. and I think NO111134 12.411. a fAcit'4, pi upon awn SOU the pew Biding l'arit.

structure. trade by tue importation of Loenou-maoe I lays shown him good reweme for to hot I the hiaar Tient it was that i'ev. lin, ili .00, opened yesterday with two spirited three- It la supposed that the fire was of mien- Ports front the president and secretary. and clothing. tonight hisynig their iast conference bef out here cud OLSVIDEr by me.

I sale a state. 1-1cor. Pletherut et 'aver (1.1,,.1.1, ern- 414' 't cr, liest races In the 2.40 sad 2. claases re- ry origin, as tin ol roo .4 stectivel Y. diaim door was the following committees were appointed locked whets the watchman last made his are brought." said be.

-by every they their different ways in the morning to consider the suggetions contained means and in evere Place. from the nrst --the one to Washington and the other to to lady wbo be- 4 znent in a morning paper that I had stolen I came Lle Yaws- in-t Inte 4(1 r. 4 l' ''''st ID In lb. first taco seven horses came to the rounds. therein.

For the president's report: James olli0fat'll anteroom to the cosi hulk." He bead eps were Iwng taken to stop this Bar Harbor. eea Fire Chief Davei expressed himself of the Cannon. MemPhitt: IL Howell. Chicago; i 1 Mr. Blaine lass carre te day.

them 4 practice. (Atm ausea id money from the Boston Light in fantre i utertanan histoi does pot rest-. a in voliect, for them. It is ista en but I do lib at tescam owe ls OT the ba yr. I et na hote teat it alterwares e.titi a I grrsn rt roLelfv Molt.

I I 1,. 1, 1,.... Ainstort VOL. IVEDNESDAY, AUGUST MINIATUAL ALMANAC. August Et OTAINTIAND FA tin Pogo" 4 42 on 1.ta 7 1.4 I I 1al.

ut dist 14 Ili 1 0 4 APO' 4 SO elgirter, Ae. lla. 7. 44.04,r1, Ap IL, trsolAalPr.Autt, 23 isii Moon. At14, d'a.

I'limb Wat- I 1,11 ra talo011 3 9 a pl. bill 011 4 sic Mo. I rimming, 11 oh. snotnitili. Y.

lb. ovenksAig. 11.77'1'1:10 OM AIMS. trutk,) 41 (opened yesterday with two spirited three- It is supposed tbat the fire was or Meta. porui irons Ine preatunuu auk' IMUCIOloar," 4 i clotnIng.

oet' Lost races la the 2.40 sad 2- clses re- origin, as the cid room door was The following committees were appointed they are brought," said be, "by every r'. 74 aa tite spectivel I locked whets the watchm es an lest made his to consider the suggestions contained means and in evere Place. from the first el1- ------li 1 le the first race seven horses came to the rounds. therein. For the president's report: James 011i0faell etateroom to the cosi hulk." He la steps were I' -1 -IP took pole and was Fire Chief Davit expresied himself of tbe Cannon.

Memphis: R. Howell. Chicago; id being taken to stop this practice. (A pplatise.i TROD UPON BY NAIL F. A.

Newell Injured in a Race at Peabody. DMA, rzri Meeting poled Isitb. tit* Spiri.tod Trots. August Edmont's Potomao Left a Big Field Bokini The first formal midsummer meeting at the new flockdale Hitting Perk. Leabody.

opened yesterday with two spirited three-host reCel in the 240 and 2.26 ciliates respectively. In the fiat race seven horses came to the took trio pole and was 1 lowlet rendittatee were selected for the ward ente Ell I John A. Jilt (ol. Jarmo. Jerome T.

tp1MKon, IN illlom et James 1 Leorient filfresel It litedensb.J2PATINI Katie. Jame M. LAftisall thrsfor Michael A. Farrell. twourad J.

itoeter ond Walter A. rrench. FIRE BUGS AT FALL RIVERS Early Morminr Zia: In a Mill's Oil Room Beneath ths GasolIns Tanks-- Darnags rzknown. 114tr, WYE. Aug.

departmen was called to th Crescent mill at I ocio it twit looming. The watchman had discovered a number of bundles of brooms in the oil room te be on fire. and an incipient blaze In another part of the cellar. lbe oil room was suoPeled to be locked. It is Jost beneath the gasoline tanks which contain sufhcient explosive to blow uo the structure.

It is supposed that the fire was of incendiary origin, as the oil room door was locked whets the watchman last made his rounds. Fire Chief Davol expressed himself of the AILY Jail Cal AT EIGHT HOURS. I Carpenters' Constitution With the Times I State Irbitraters Idvisa Earreader 1, at Stw Bedfird. Local Orzanizaforis Fixing; nizza for the Parade. CfricAGo.

Aug. 5.The carpenters and joiners' convention today to reports front the president and secretary. and the following committees were appointed to consider the suggestions contained therein. For the president's report: James Cannon. Memphis: fL L.

Howell. Chicago; engem( at their destination Sunday sPw)OU Lbe steamers Cum berlaed and tate of Moine are in commission-ND DUDE-MAK1NGS WANTED. Merohant Tailors' National Exchange will Not Have London-Made Clothes Sold Here if They Can Help It. Yesterday the fifth arlinial convention of the Mercbant Tailors' National Exchange of the United States was opened in Dotal Vendome. The delegates were acouirtpaDied by their wives and daulghters.

President James S. Burbank introduoect Haile, who welcomed the delegated to filamachusetts. Mayor Hart answered for the citi's hospitality. Lewis D. Starbird, president of the Boston exchange, closed series of official greetings.

President Burbank in his anneal address reek of the evil none to the American trae by the importation of London-made clothing. Aber are bronahL" said be, "by every means and in event Place. from the brst 011i09ell atateroom to tbe cosi balk." He said steps were being taken to stop this practice. (A pplatise.l BLANE cARREs THE DAv. 1 4 1 1 McKinley Taken Out or the 9 Race in rrtsidc2t to Command Ecozto to lioa Aldrich kozciment.

Important Nominations Agreed Upon at Cape May. CAPit MAY POINT. N. 4., Aug. 6The President and his secretary ot state are tonight having their last conference before they go their different ways in the morning the one to Washington and the other to Bar Harbor.

Mr. Blaine has carried the day. Soirtralritotb4tocutothu7alteulutigviwow of Lin- i Ihe litenue imJetano Cluto Avon A mrtorievan Mlehtt Amenean rAoctety were a hand sod had a world lame. A 'Aide ho per's' i from Marshfield were driven over tate 11 the afternoon by Frank W. itateh The Party were to conrget of Henry- 'ti.

Weght, vroceotor of Derby Academy of litazbaus. 1 LORING VANTS in Farr'Sl I LORING WANTS HIS FATHER. I. Says the Women axe lesions. tut All Will Come About Catitiaetorily.

CHICAGO. AIIZ. Loriez. the young Bostonian now in the Cook County jail for bigamy. denies that he has boeu dts.

strted by his father. as bait been Ile has a which is from i the father. in which the Loring asked for a fuller stat.ment of the ease. anti de- aired to know when be should come out. base written him a letter.

and I thick I have shown him good remains for coming out here mud staving by me. I slw a state- znent in a IHOttlille raper that I had ittoten money from the Boston Light In Coi Lector for them. It is a mistake. out I do i owe them -Do think you can pacify these ladies I tWitS130 THE BABY. aa incidett That Treveit a 1710 to a ze a mild mamtier.d.

miaLoterial yourig mon was in a tweet IA western New 'Vont sAiteie So ytro Lini aJit wl.T 1.441e4 ALIA orp2r, Yount Espalier. while on the tippoolto seas vele two esac.oas youth; The mother VI-Ard so worn eta that the tuattttrt ruin the top fault in 1314 arui an.1 o.144:,t to ocothe It. The caaao of the baby's soon beeimps a ppart-a IL wag what Is known le nurnery parlance Ai WLwl on the stomach." c.tme the wind with a coshing cf mut. toAktnr IlLst borne with the tittarit sari) of 1:10 lie mature; slew red to 4 at lie to toe a lilt Iett grace atoat Otto of the NO11134 110111. a t41kd PIT upon hint and oCore.I I.

hott the lia1y 'Dalt tt was that 4'eo. 1-111lor. Plethoeut 'aver t41.4e4A t'asn ti CS loon4A in1, the lady wbo alLerw.udo came Los tehte. doe' Dot riest. lib at loicaine of the ha yy.

I et as hove tit at II siterwarcl healthy and earric like the John who 7 of Mrs laves at Canton lier tattle onto wail eery 'mail an.I weak and threw UP Veer. that tt took Us spinosa-b. lit Les two 111liths 01,1 ohe but ass ponani. it in toalthv bap. soigne' INOCatte, MOther.

1 prrinen tine with ot.rr art oteo Food. au artoci 1IAt aorilwa Perfectly wilh babies of Mrs. litigeo Kayo one trial, Lactated Food Raved her babe's Lie. In this bo4 eitora112y weather when se many children are ivii with itai tani um the atie of I etetaltii.t Foist to moos', urged. Titcpuianila of the tntellialeet mothere tint that At keeps the chtdren bealtny ant happy while many of She bpi' ini.oroaa it in the hisheoll lue wire.

Per chi, quickly tee Riot ones besdad, Jews Li. waxing otimion that a firebug was at work in this T. F. George's. New York; J.

D. Garner. The president quoted Collector Beard to wiond, In tee Wood beat P. A. Newell of cite, and that this particular fire wag of Dayton; N.

N. Biackmore, St, Louis. For the effect that durin the year ending June liar origin. General Secretary McGuire's report Messrs. 30.

1889. est.c000 worth of clothing was Boston who wee driving Lis mare Diana. took too sharp a turu at the first corner and Pecu A squad Of po lice. tinder Capt. McMahon.

Palmer, Kliver. Lapp. Phillip and Morrison imported. on which a duty of 444150 was paid. 'the total importation for the country was thrown from his sulky.

Mr. Newell were a instituted an active search about tne prem- appointed. was on whtcla 157.772 duty was wee caught with the reins envied his neck lees, but no arrests followed UP to time of The report of the comnalttee on rules was paid. arid was dragged a considerable distance 1111111g. and adopted.

I regulates the hours to He said the Senate tariff bill had stgock a 1 before the mare qn Id be stopped. The damage cannot be estimated, but be observed daring the convention and severe blew at the tailoring industry by the clause allowing a passenger to import S500 wittsbcasusee mostly toy water. limits Fpeeches to five minutes. worth of clothing duty free. Intinence had.

When icked up be was 1111COLVICiOUS. and pperatus will remain oa the premises General Secretary McGuire's report, however been brought to bear on the had three bad cuts and bruises from Diana's till daybreak. hoofs. Ile quickly rallied, however. Doe- beanies a variety of topics treated.

the to have this clause stricken out. The New York exchange tied presented a petition for tor 'Worester of Peabode and McCormack rill11 TI-1; IMITP11 RTLIF entire revision of the constitution and by- i c. 11; I haws vrAa rartinn ninndf.d.. and In ncrease of nut, on imported clothing' and the atter- 4 el-us otewlws ata tra wire. Psyche quickly not once beaded.

Jewett. mating a steeds' eeved. In the seciond heat F. A. Newell of Heston.

who WW1 driving Lis WILT Diana took too sharp a turn at the first corner and was thrown from his sulky. Mr. Neweit W34 C41.1gbi with the remit around his sock and was dragged a considerable distance before the mare exuald be stooped. When picked up he was unconscious. and had three bad cuts and braises from Diana Loots.

He quickly rallied, however. Doctors Worcester of Veabode. and kiceormack opinion that a firebug was at work in this city, and that this particular fire was of Peenitar Origin. A squad of police. under Capt.

McMahon. instituted an active search about tuts pram-me, but no arrests followed up to time of writing. The damage cannot be estimated, but was caused mostly tiy water. 'I he apparatus will remain os the premises till day break. HE LOVED THE UNITED STATES.

T. E. New York; J. D. Garner.

Dayton; N. N. Biackmore, St. Louis. For General Secretary McGuire's report Messrs.

Palmer. Kliver. Lapp. Phillip and Morrison were appointed. The report of the comnantee on rules was read and adopted.

It regulates the hours to be observed dnring the convention and limits Fpeeches to five minutes. In General Secretary McGuire's report. besides a variety. of other topics treated. the entire revision of the constitution and bylawe was recommended.

and in the The president quoted Collector Beard to the effect that during the year ending June 30. 1889. affCooti worth of clothing was Imported. on which a duty of 44,1450 was paid. 'I he total importation for the country wits $924,516.

on whtcla 0507.772 duty was paid. He said the Senate tariff bill had struck a severe blow at the tailoring industry by the clause allowing a passenger to import $500 worth of clothing duty free. Influence had. however been brought to bear on the senate to have this clause stricken out. The New York exchauge had Presented a petition for Increase of dutv on imported clothialr and in the duty every exchange country was in bound to support the demand.

The recording secretary reported a membership of 431. The treasurer reported a balance of $126243. A recess was taken till 2.30 la M. On resuming at 2.30 D. re.

it was announced that two dele-gates had arrived from MinneapolisJohn Eastbagen and Frank W. Grooves. The executive committee reported several recommendations, including one to hold the next conveation in February. 1801, and annually thereafter. The recommendation was adopted.

Another to the effect that the annual election of subordinate exchanges be held at the April meeting each 'ear was likewise adopted. Another recommendation that it be the duty of the executive committee to hold at least one ineetinic, not later than 90 days Prior to each annual convention. to consider all questions referred to them by the national convention. the expenses to be borne by the national body. was referred to the executive committee.

Encouraging reports were read from subordinate exchanges as follows: Baltimore. Chicago, Cincinnati. Philadelphia, St. Fouls, St. Paul, Washington, Wheeling.

NV. Vs. Consideration of the reportof the committee on the formation of a bureau of general information and collection was deferred till 10 o'clock this morning. to winch hour the meeting then adjourned. Oa Death of Dr.

Zoba Johnston Carruthers at Erilliant and Varied Career. PonTLavn. Aug. 5.Rev. Dr.

Car-ruttier' died at his borne in this city tonight Lie had been feeble for a. few years. and at his great age his death was not unexpected at any momeuts He had been seriously however. for onii a few daYe before his death. Dr.

John Johnston Carruthers was born Sept. 17.1800. at the village of Ecclef*cken. district of Annandale, county of Dumfries, in the south of beet land. His grandfather brought lit In UP and educated him.

He went to St. Andrew' s.ihool at the age of Id. Ile was two sears at Edinboro under the instruction of Dr. La weon anti two years at 6eik irk. He was ordained at Edinboro at the age of la, At Dumfries he was married to Eliza Sloase.

Ile was sent, to it. tetersbnrg by the hoottish Missionery Society, where he remained one year. From thence be went to Astrakbau, and then to the Crimea lot live year. As the result of the change of policy of the Itussitin uovernruent he Was obligati to withdraw at tee close Ol this period. While stationed there be and Ms wile were terribly persecuted, and were obliged to vet up with many privations.

During his stay his first chile died. The native would not assent in givirig the body a decent burial. and the deceased was CI blited to make the cellist and bury the body with his own hands, Froin the Crimea the doctor went to Gosport. Line. and was pottiest over the church which had possessed Rev.

Dr. Boyne as Pastor. From there he went to Liverpool and was settled over oateth chapel for seven years. At the close of this period be was appointed agent of the London Missionary Society. and in its employ travelled all over New Britain.

and at last went to Montreal under Its aneplees. Lie remained here five years and stab-Belied a Congregational church. In 184e the Second parish church of this city. the church of which the late Dr. Payson was pastor.

extended a call to Dr. Carruthers to become their pastor. the call was accepted in a letter dated July 2, 181e. and in August he was duly installed pastor. a position he hold for :01 years.

Rev. Jr. Codman of Dorchester. preached the ordination sermon. The church of the Second parish was then on the corner of Midu le and Doer stsi It was deCloye(1 by the tire of Dine.

Atter Its destruction some time was spent before It was decided when and bow to rebuild. through the instrumentality or the pastor the tine edifice now stand-lug at Pearl and Congress sts. was erected. and dedicated July 4. 1875.1)r.

Carruthers preaching the dedicatory sermon. He visited New Vork. 1 hiladelphia and Montreal. and obtalped subsciptions for the new church. Although born in another country, Dr.

Carruthers was a true Amere and loved the country as though it was the land of his birth. Soon alter moving to Portland he was naturalized. and afterward took pride in saying that he was an American citizen. In the darkest days of the rebellion he was a most zealous defender of the (jutted States cause. Dr.

Carruthers married Mrs. Paschal Brooks as his second wile soon alter be moved to Portland. She died in 1877. Dr. Carruthers has Peen a very lame contributor to the press.

He early wrote for the Christian Teacher. a Glasgow magazine: later he edited the Harbinger, a monthly paper published in Montreal. Ile also contributed largely to the Christian Mirror while it was in charge of Dr. Cummings. Among the contributions to the latter were "The Public and Pen." "Lila in Other Lauds." "Fifteen Nears in England," Sc) i tish and Ile Scottish Pastors of the iidea Time." The egsays which he wrote tor the Christian Teacher would of themselves make a large volume.

Amon toping discussect were "The Philosophy of Mlait011S." Christian Philanthropy" and "Lettersito Young Men. Especially Mechanics." Ho had 11130 nbilsbed sereral pamphlets, among others -The War and Its Compensation," and a 'Mental Soil-Cultune." In IA48 while in Montreal the Burlington (Vt.) University conferred noon him the honorary degree of doctor of divinity. DON'T LIKE TO BREATHE SMOKI4J West Newton People Cbject to Lucas' Chimney. NPATTON. Aug.

Newton board of health met at tho City Hall tnis afternoon. There was a bearing on the petition. signed by several protninent residents on Elm and Webster West Newton, asking for the anatement of an alleged nuisance. caused by smoke Irmo Vst, chimney of M. Lucas' Miming mill IA the rear of IV sshington which, it was stated.

hm all along entered windows and doors of dwellings in that vicinity. and, beside? covering everything with soot and cinders. is accompanied with a sickening and almost cuokirez odor. M. IL Ilussey, E.E.

kitirdon. Charles Shepard. Asael Wheeler, E. Otift and other re- monstrants were heard. Mr.

Lucas said teat other chimneys in the neighborhood afternoon the convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole. and the revieion of the constantion and bylaws was taken nix To use the words of Secretary bictiuire. "the constitution as far as adopted is up to the times." The strict enforcement of the eittlithour rule is urged in strong language. But six articles were adopted. and it will take tomorrow and possibiy a good portion of next day before the constitution is completed.

The to inimum initiation lee will be placed at $5. i In apeaking of the rumored amalgamation 'ot the hrotherhoed of carpenters and joiners with the United Brotherhood Secretary McGuire said he did not believe any such steps would be taken with a view of consolidation. STRAW HATS AND CANES. Still Making Arrangements for Labor Day Parade. Preparations for Labor day engaged the attention of the labor organizations last etening.

The Slate and Metal Roofers' Union. in Eagle Hall. decided to parade with the Building Trades Council. It was decided to hold a special meeting. Aug.

19. In the same ball ta complete arrangements. Printing Pressmen's Union. No. a.

which met In TYPographleal Hall, after considering the advisability of parading as a body, conclnded to parade with the various chattels of compositors. Twelve new meta-bens were admitted. The executive board of district :30. K. of L.

held a session at 5:45 Washington and voted to cati a speetal meeting of the assembly nest Sunday, at Wells Memorial building. Stair Builders Cnion, 1, at its meeting in Mystic hall, decided to parade with the Builsimg Trades Council. The uniou will meet hereatter the first aria third Tuesdays of each month. I II Of the Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators met in Bay state Hall and voted to parade with the Central Labor rnion division. It will amalgamate with Union 80 of East Boston and expects to have 806 men in line; uniforms, straw hats and canes.

A collation will be served at Caledonia Hall after the parade. Stablemen's Assembly. 0427. Knights of Labor, will parade with district 30 tilYiSiOIL In straw hats and canes. All arraneemente for the parade have been completed.

Five new members were admitted and six promised. The secretary reported at the meeting in Little Hail that the assembly wag doing well, and many of the members had received tacreases in wages. TAKE HALE' A LOAF. Arbitrators Tell Shoemakers They May Have What la Left. NEW BKoronn.

Aug. 5. At the request of the striking union men at the shoe factory of Bathe way, Soule Harrington. the members of the State board of arbitration were In the city today and conferred with Messrs. Hathaway and Soule and with Messrs.

Mayor, Donovan and Barnes of the employes. The board finally recommended that the men accept the proposition of the firm. which is to employ as many of the men who are out as there are vacancies in the factors. and to take back the remainder as vacancies occur. The men will give a decision at 1 o'clock tomorrow.

PLUMBERS GET NINE HOURS New 13edford Trades Getting Their Time Schedules Into Shape. NEW BFDPORD, Aug. plumbers of this city have won the nine-hour day. During the summer months the mu will work 10 hours for live daYs in the week. and live hours on Saturday, and the rest of the year will be nine hours.

The men will be paid time and a half for over time up to p. and after that time and Sundays will be paid double time. A permanent orgamzatiou of the journeymen will now be VICTORY AND A RISE, striking Cloakmakers Go Back With a Great Big Boom. The cloakmalters who left the establishment of Isaac 493 WaShingtOn On a strike. Monuay9 returned to Work yesterdav.

They report a eomolete concession to their demands. including the employment of only union labor. and an advance of from 15 to 243 cents per garment, an advance which they claim to be espeCially significant. as the house has two drummers on the road soliciting orders under the old prices. WANTED TO SEE IT FLY.

leZoung Simonds Placed Sleeper that Nearly Wrecked a Yankee. Fred O. Simonds has confessed to putting the two sleepers on the track of the Boston Pm Mr, liaperprotra -I tall Itnt di lean jail; on flip otolintmin )0o, si I hoe tonod out; 1)14 1 I loft is I Itto nnw awl then wouiti tielp wouJotlully, i'ltINTEILS FL A prom In ripty lova an fair wrnts, 11110 It wintki, hop's, prrlonnes, shred nntleg them rh. ibings It A tpirb I hinird. 111,64 about tno, rnby imiriroel them to tact roost', Put ipy ems Of tneiti siire ores condo In r.4 led 0 Lorna I rolopsail net Ovid.

Out thon iniertepet. Mimi? ehangn Ihe thing, to Oily surprise, oinking toe't II I b.Ae,r joU, 1 ti nr.t' I thrill to 'web en, rut the "type." gitippe4 the "41. hi, 'Litt it root, "my Noon." itmto tinge things twill tale Inirm- iier love my btu is crooning; lint 11011iiPl whom 'nu 101111i ibtt WM retiding lirovrnirg. Islington, kinds. Vwii.a rit SUASOT.

Ite Got the Here. Oho Got Engaged WIttu 1Jvidito.1 P. I( bilott- riot terri)le stow horse? rttihlti It. hitliffie i1egler olti procrastinator? tehol oae. 1k 141.14 --Hare him 'round to low 't at i41 Wirlefra totilight.

I lilt digliti It Wolfe li ltopot, Ste tIOS 14) tilrtite it WW1. of keteli her. Young. and ftitOpc 'Tatty yoon( lady middlatturotl pantie. to on at cot Lti Es totaitont, loin on rolindint a tvok I.Z IIIl, IT I hope ti rfwit.

At tn 'Not mach! ahall twit 1001 It don't do it attain! tic A tither's "Tilers goei nom who kai mad a for. tow. Itii cit he tio)eatt't is litTarY 0,0,6111." is nt all hot ha manorle. Iola tlie I itnitito4t pan In the inarkel." at the Coda Fountain. PIHA .1 A grrL wlin went lintlaine et A.

biir I elk $eternev. carried 4)(3 pthiu1 we's twartv ti OW i ,4 p4rinntie1 ly interostinc when we the clretntitt fOt the Aize LoAtee (.4130,1 JtAs on Snot- I'orter. iT4t0.4. votiam "That haby will ttfvar tre i good business suati IiM ho otiLorpri tro tho lit tJ, blint wgnt and 6rot born Malt wi litta" Lut ter Yeti I)on't (let Married. A lady Wile 11110 never barks iter shms when ohs goo ardlind in the dark to act gq1111 11 nj tor the babytine ltdet ward, It i' ii 'Vega but we tiatee a better elm lo wit, strike light.

Until Ile Goti Pardonel. Irnek.1 Vimitor-Ilow long ere 'ton in for, my Poor I it? 11 TimonerIninnn. ma'am. tollwr Ilow rpm that l'ammrt IL's a life SoutorACN lEm to Somebody Eine. ljtiti km.) Prom my love's bps Ito risttprir springs, stwv bow sho's olaving; Ptp it i asvil rer swoolont thitig 11, lit is utli of ileorms.

No Without Tayation. EVnoltd Ira v011111 siontA re you the bead of the I Nit Cowed I reoreient her. :te1.4,t teem 1' verawhf ret TIotre tot ot family living in Athena, timid dlohatop. in tong' Demon tor the tilhirt. hi dr-t chtiti 14 -stained ritery t1441y Siel tout 1 I 041' 4,14 t.n rot the 0444e4441.1 14 n4411441 .14 1 4 1 Ann Meth ret tho tiord ehthl i rialtoit tie ranee; 10011 ir4h144 Barrett the 1001111 l'iltitt 111I1104 Al key Buott4 l'arrNII: tWNI itI I 'Uhl I4 IIIIII1441 1114 Cory Co4ton 1 "fel I utinttnt Ettlit Imiditter Barrett: the I Ii vio hi Ntunttne It'ittiver BLit, 144t, owl the (th tit' ,4 wooed ithi.

ay '14 Barrett hos 1 itottea4 Aii444 tti itistIneiton I hut4101 111011r1111141: 1114kitt4 in If ta of 111111V 1,4011 1,04 ttinotio I t1t1 I he tte 4oridt wint1te4. be.o14441 by hitrois of shill 114 P110 Of 1110tletr 11004 through the the tIt the city of New lit the 114trer ended 0,41146 :10 be reoet 041 over I 7 444 444.4h 40 a etice tit I ()Ito 1Ntto the pre moo toter-set 3414 vent it It tint aboot 1 he teItivat on of the lateintoe haw boo la to 1, 0 Ito tit Florid, tiot only tor ito (ett for 1141 A stoll I Ittehrol in eirentuferenee i. (010 it) lor161116 I hey Cie 1,4011 ti) 0.4 I. lialPot anti inicy. A trine, it Outoitinc littadIntr, id 01114.1'4 sit actttrettott lite itt twr tidy.

oo trlitii iron tilAto three feet equate, Vettrolg 4,014, tr11 4. If. "'wit Inthaea oli of Ma 1414414 sod ha' einelwrit on Isle rovere ndf The to.aro i itowttetion ih tiPrthatE ttg im4iieltP41 II14t )rA'111 t.r stoiro outdo t4erte.tsty (If 014,1, A tlIAI 1140 IN'OIN rIIMI14 sit Voerhva, ttl dew ttti 1010n tOtt lv Nlittlor I 11,1 1111VC11 1001 1111111110'111. A1141 from 1401 foitr it 114 iterrod 01141 oroe-11441 wAler oy led viten. window hula .04 601,10 11litter lits 11.11144, It VIAV 10 140,1, tor ttestructIve toorpomot In Cote ot war.

ti414-6. I 0144414t 144414441 hoot', pato 'N 1,140 11.0,1111W Ott iur 01a0 tit I iii it, or ho I 11111.4 Sf ate tt 41 III i Vfor 011111e sett the tLr and were exquisite, t-41414 4 141 t44 terhzer tor 000 I. 111114 a titan ItL nava 'came. lei lad-I tot 41,1 ,441444141 of She' tv when be wee to the Or a it 1100111,11 1 vit 1 titetere of tont4011, toot tt was toat ito r44 ent: itie 141 haute tit it list o1 lettere in Itio 4134tietter ottive tiering 1,0 a ar it eh 1 tio titree mot to the oew 4i441 tat 41i I he ii.i mot are Unitize a t444.1 of no unor tea it other '1, 0.1011k ble ot 11) tle.0(1 011 'Oe 4e44 for toetoes I he i liii Nitut iv Ie metto tit eeetur. 0,1111, wr, a 1th a Ittl sit sod p-1 uror Wrtiti too rottot of biseutt tool better, 1 titi known tiottlibrit ere tlittte littriitititt tit, front ttit eeran oor, Off be (44,444 if tertil 44.

i I tIA. of MoLloct. fee tittle, teitlzo genre. of I rit.14 w.t.r 1,4,., to the aurtiore 111rts1millinAg go, in hos wen mot rotor. gibe 4111, It ttlt in tie.

414a of too telt eittpr the ttitiv 'tole troat 'tie e4-itern bore 141 1141t.4124 ohototto 44, or 14 e-1s tor Is UP in great a hove ta thot poring thAt la kr, tit, 1,6 'WI tittle eot.1 earvoy tv. too "the and it RivaNtevt to toe sole by tb tontick; 114 lo 4 cr Li. ef; t'P'a r4 4 41t. if 41 3 T7 0 1 1 A. se iii'v' ell li i 1 ri I ir kt I li 1 1 I Tr i 'C.

a NC's, i ''''r --7e -6' 3, Tr' tea, Li inilna I It itti Vitt ii Attila of tie tie heel tie telt ele wee. heetitel by tientis tit c.i.f." dull at. 4,4: ro. 0 through the attelsof th ot the city of New tee, el the aletrair ended aanot lie pooet 0.1 os or I 7 oi 41 mend lug a mei. thee tit I i imio roil tilt tifeViOila Wilt.

too, ditiil it eit tutt Intuit teetoo.00 0. 1 hr to It Iv at on et I 0 I W0111)4410 Is to La tit Florida, 1144 Dilly lot ila ate tAtelvetteta tett tor itaitilliiia A epee l) $tlif 1 flu II it einem letehe7 ate to 1 rea.ett iu tett horn ihey ate ellotil li) be Ot anti et icy. A miter of antenna. nest Heading re, In oilirtIiiti sit eeeevetton the te tier Ult. it Mee a laree iron Mete three feet gust evarree elett mail 4.

le, le Iwo are trat ireeesited eit ime ite'it of the oleic, stet lii ot t.n lite reveree side. The 1....1 taart ett itewrietion th tiermati. )1. Oehelteil Inalltie eon Mete et pert, tit el 0 tliiid0 ill titifitiAli)t of 11Itif veers etre, Witt limit tit'on et CI vile Yeeehie Of a ant till Ortt lite ts Ba l. a stereo it te sutra feet le theme' or and ciao line) feet tt met clotted tir, Sint 4 mei it eteered tei erott-legt muter wster us, deer 4 te" anAt el reveler, eel beetle cell tier np it toes I meet tor it estructeett tout-tweed in ti me of wee et c.

I OhitItA ttitota lately rell et sse rio t' VT i ttO 1 1.0,1 Ot Mt tt Mat. et tier I ist ti nem. I loi i lie I tilled staio eir a aii et ti tit NI vet oh I lie isr.1, one tee ter.11it, anti were exquisiete 4 ittatit Cititlit 14) iefi larked' iw orate milt titAit ties nava titanic is l- A 1114 1441,, hie' 1 entlelo of Stet' to' Y- when ne Hi to the Ora, a Saul le et gni ure A tonetel I Mot was lot I is 1 a i tv, lii tiaitiOitt a list of le tiers in the deed letter teteet tierin tta a a I eo en tor the pereer. nil to the eta I. al tli the 'Mill.

Met are Mines a on.i ot io, inor lel Ot 4,474. egnietile OM; Ore ra'om'i 1,, 1(1 rs ge etol 34esi fig' wrote I ha I er wee! a ilia, andst le li is made ot acattle. 10 St 1th ili lilt ei snit sild ri en LA0 rvalyi ices of biseutt uutt Potter. I tie 'anent) anittnitl Cr, Ititoie Ititt.tiMt toi front the eeran cote, Ott he etteet t. itt the will of alexion.

tt (eve mile I Sliore, a latfo monea tst free. e.t.a tens te tile iturface Inralahnne to bet men ono miter who top it tie in the ta eta of the malt later of the ept ii til tee ili iiiiii, troin liis o4-torn bore tit ammty ouelettto Matafiette, ere a et telt a suer teals ts it in great a OWI-Lt Linz 0 is I li IS prang hal I la ort tie hie tittle oot.t eore tt oe ait on 1 an fa ear A iir tat side the snin iig iihit itt It is agreed that the President shall command the Senate to adopt Aldrich's amendment to the McKinley bill. Thus reciprocity wilt be made a treaty arrangement. The President is the treaty-making Dower, and the secretary of state frames the treaties. Therefore.

reciprocity will be in tilainets hands to deal with. The McKinley bill. with this important change. will now go through. but its author is robbed of ita honors by Me 'Maine's master stroke.

More than this it looks as if Maj. McKinley is taken out of the presidential race in 1893. tor Blaine stens in as the tura. leader. To make himself a great man in his party again McKinley must run for governor of Ohio, and reclaim the State from Caniebell.

Mr. Blaine will. by agreement with the President. keep his hands off be force bill. Its foster father.

the other man from Maine. Is welcome, so far as Mr. Blaine is to all the glory that Will attach to its passage. The Republican leaders must put It through. and Mr.

Blaine will not help them. His friends say that be knows that the bill is unpopular. and that it will be a deathblow to Mr Reed's aspirations in 1892. The Behring Sea controversy was considered by the president asd secretary. The previous secresy of the administration on this subject will be adhered to.

but as a result of the conference. more of the correspondence between the United States and British governments may be given out soon after the President's return to Washington. Some appointments were agreed upon by' the President and the secretary. One is stated to be the plaeing of William Elroy Curtis in chugs of the eureau of information in the State Department. an outgrowth of the Pan-American congress.

Another i5 the appointment of Maj. Moses P. Handy of Philadelphia to a consulship. An agreement was reached before the President and secretary' went out for drives. the brat with Mrs.

Harrison and the second with Postmaster-tienered Wanamaker. at 5 o'clock this p. m. The talk tonight was to arrantre some of the details. There never was as ranch political exciterneut down here by the sea as there is tonight, and there possibly never will be again.

As the result of his visit to Caps May. it is said that Mr. Blaine appears as a candidate for the Republican nomination in 181,2. COULDN'T CROWD HMI OUT. Ways and Means Committee Bows to Blame.

WASHINGTON. Aug. 5.The attempt 3o crowd Mr. Blaine out of the cabinet and party has failed to come to anything. It is very generally understood at the Capitol now that the ways and means committee are weakening in their opposition to the Blaine reciprocity plan.

The attempt to drag the President into an attitude of an active antagonist to Mr. Blame has failed. Whatever may be the natural antagonism between the President and Mr. Blame, thel are at this time necessary to each other. Senate was first to see the futility of an open light atrainst a proposition so popular as that proposed by Mr.

Blaine, and since the suggestion first came the senators have been trying to devise some compro mise by which the plan might be adopted without destroying the rest of the McKinley bill. Having practically conceded that some such amendment as that proposed by benator Pierce or by Senator Aldrich cotkid reconcile the Blame idea to the rest of the bill. they have been trying to reach some sort of understanding with the majority ot the ways and means committee to end the tugging at cross purposes. The ways and means committee assumed a belligerent attitude at first. and there as been a aeal of planning and talkiag about driving Blaine out of the party.

The war talk. which reached a high pitch. has greatly subsided within the past few days, and members ot the ways and means committee are understood to have given a sort of half way consent to some sort of a reciprocity amendment. if one could be drawn that would not mean too much. The indications are that the ways and means committee is preparing to let Isir.

Elaine stay in the party and to take the other alternative that seemed to present itself to them when they said they would have to down Mr. Blaine or surrender to him. LAST MAN OF LAST CENTURY. He Honors the Gathering of the Elder Brethren-, MANC1TESTER-BY-1FIE-SEA. Aug.

glinting of snow white beads in the sunlight among the trees and the savory. fragrant steam from the big chowder kettle rising over Tuck's Point today told all the neighborhood that the Elder Brethren bad rallied once again for their annual outing at the old town landing. The party came from Gloucester. Boston and Salem. Beverl3r Farmasind Manchester.

Rev, Cyrus A. Bartol. D. whose pet institution this old organization is. was on hand promptly with the rest.

who included Stephen Danforth, who takes pride in the fact that he is the last man of the last century. for he came to Manchester on New Year's eve, ye 31st of December. 17U8. and beside him Joseph Price, who is 87. The other patnarchs were: George Allen, W.

U. Tappan, W. E. Wheaton, W. C.

Rust, L. r. Allen, Bev. G. L.

Glemon. Hoary F. Bingham, Edward Dow, J. H. Dow, S.

Driver. George H. Hartley. Ileary liilL C. B.

Hoyt, E. A. W. H. Hooper.

I loft who are after yos now:" 1 1 es. I think lean. Thee are both good women. only Jealous. I have no doubt but that I can arrange matters satisfactorily ail ar4und." CHELSEA VOTES MOO.

Meeting of Both Branches City GovernmentDonation for the Craud Army 1 FundlitOutine Business. Both branches of the Chelsea City Connell held meetings last evening. President Brown presided at the SPecial meeting of the Common Council. Councilman Holmes offered an order at'-propriatring $lOoo for the entertainment of veterans during the national encameinent of the Grand Army next week, the amount to be charged to the city incidentals Councilman Bliss opposed the order tau the ttrouutt that the city could not afford It. The order was adopted under a suspension of the rules aud sent UM Councilman Morse presented an order.

which was adopted. that the mayor be requested to petition the city of Boston to operate the drawbridges on Cheisea bridge. between Charlestown and Chelsea. with steam power. iti place of Dy horses.

as at the present tme. Councilmau Butler offered an order. which passed. that flags be displayed from ail city buildings on Aug 12. and that ail city offices that can be closed en that day.

The highway committee reported that thev had carefully comociered the petaton of the emplovea in the bighway depart-went for an increase of wages. and that the matter would he settled as- they deemed best. At the seamier meeting of the Board of Aldermen Mayor Champlin presided. Jurors for the superior Criminal Court were drawn as follows: Edward P. kb.

Patrick Carlow. Charles D. Stone and John A. Notices of intention to build were received as follows: From Jobe Clerk of a wooden dwelling 2200 feet. with I.

lox20 feet at Louis et, from W. Hubley of a wooden dwelline lisxatt feet, with 22x213 feet. at 10 and 12 Tremont et. from Frank T. Lawrence of a wooden dwelling 44124 feet.

two and one half swriess. at 40 Cook from S. K. Lovewell Co. of a one-story wooden building.

35xba feet at Broadway. to be used as a foundry; from Fred E. Pheips of a wooden dwelling 4sx27 feet. 21-e stories. on iota 43 and 44 Cook from Henry Keough of a wooden dweliiag 2i3x 35 feet.

at 4 Lambert i from James A. McCann of a wooden building. 46150 feet. three stories. at 47 and 49 Slaribero et, to be used for tenemeets; from Augustus E.

Phelps of a wooden dwelling 4612d feet Vie stories. at 42 Cook ay. A communication was received from Michael Murtha. through his attorney. la.

W. James. remonstrating against S. N. Lovewell Co buitding a foundry at Broadway.

and asking for a bearing on this same. it was referred to the committee on laying out streeta. Prescott Lawrence aud other real eetate owners and residents isametaised of the bad condition of Addisou between Spruce aud Eden and asked that it ne repaired. Thomas S. Hoyt complained of the stench caused by three melte In rear of houses at.

and 42 Beacon st. and asked that they be abolished. as there is a good sewer La Beacm it. Tbe board of health sent a communication stating that there was a terriiiie state of affairs la the vicinity of Highland and Mathews its. and Gerrien ay.

owing to the lack of a sewerage system. and unless immediate action was taken toward remedying the evil, about 40 houses la that loealny would be ordered vacated by the board of health. Alderman Dyke. chairman of the committee on sewerage and health. stated that the city mitt, neer bad been at work on plans for a sewerage system in that locality.

the Witting of which would be Slaws, or 1112.00. end would be submitted as the eroper time. alicial notice was received from the school committee that a vacancy existed their board, caused ev the death of Jonathan Kimball of ward 4. end tor a Rent conventioa. Later in the evening Tuesday.

Sept 2. at maa D. m-. was set as the day. and the matter was concurred in by the lower branch.

The bonds of Nathan E. Sanford and Nelson H. Sibley as constables were received and approved. George W. Kohlrausch was appointed a special police officer for duty at tbe public litorary.

Clarence 11. Leman was appointed a special police for duty in any part of the city. subject to the civil service rules. Edgar T. Levan was transferred from the hook and ladder company to engine corn.

Daily 1. to fill the vacancy caused by the death of F. A. Hadley. and Ernest V.

SVee. Shen was appointed a member of the hook and ladder company. The order laying out Sumner at. was taken trete the table. and.

after amending the order so that the street mhall be catled saga. bore it wag adopted. The orders from the Common Council were passed in concurrence, a motion by Alcierman Lonarard that the 1111ato for the Grant Army be cut down to $500 being defeated. litkewan were given leave to withdraw on their for an abatement of tames. Michatit Dwyer and James Mullen were each wranted first and fourth class Honor licenses, these ben allowed under the Increase of population.

The board adjourned for four weeks. THREE PISIILES WLNT 8AILING All ober, ButThere's a Boat Eunk on Nix's Mate. Early Monday evening three men went to Congress lit. bridge and hired a small catrig boat from Samuel Warren. One of the men said his name was James Benson residence Ss of ho were on the track.

attended Neweil. They could find no fracture of the Skull, but. hi their edytcc a mattrees and etretcher wore procured, and be Wan taken to the Lynn itoepitel. At midnight his was vpry vottilde. tie wili recover, but he has an ugly deep gash on the cheek front his mare's shoe.

in the third heat Indy Allen acted badly at the first turn. and as seen from the milted. tried to leave the track. foreime k'ete MceoY out of position. The indite the mere.

and refused to reverse tapir decision. on the ground that it woe not fleavoidable. Jim Skinner, who was behied Lady Allen, was thrown from the sulky by the dishing ol the wheel, but was not hurt. The SU id MACIAS. R4CIINAISI TNOTTIN PANS.

ANL 15.OnenIng na4onnnnor mPoLing. Woothor Atm Mel Vor in 2.4n el000; par of 026 dividPdi mkt hoots, nest 2 In 5, to borne. J. 'front, Mwtfor4. n016 so.

m. rit 1 I I b. 2 9 14. W. Porker, 1.41Well.

no b. g. John 3 4 a Lynn. no. ro 4 7 4 II.

Torroy, liaoarbol, no.eb gJohn E0 6 A II, X. nrnigo, fincon no. b. 9. bloCoy 7 6 it V.

A. Newell, no. bk. In. Nona 8 gr.

ft, on4 IL A. Hodgkins, GIONOCINIT, fn. Lon" alum A 3 die 71fl 1t. gnorter llolf. Pole.

Pint boat 3o 1.1712 2.42 aeoonti lie 2.341 burn boat. 59 1.17 2.87 2.2IS cLoso. Pomo elsiv and track; for horses In 2.25 class; pus of J. Avon. A Ow no 1h.

m. fitolv Pbortilon I 1 1 John I rout, Aledforel. no. b. 9.

John 4 2 2 A. Wortley, Loningion, no. en. g. Everott 4 2 1.

rookie. 'Stew POilfoni, no. b. g. Pr1ne0 iliennon I 4 4 IL M.

Inu)and, Lynn. on. br. g. Vred 2 6 TINS.

Quarter. Halt Mot. 1.1711 esetiou beat IPtis 1.1516 2.346 'I lard beat 891,6 1-101o 2.11 a4 Judgoo Joon of Lynn, Alrino 1Volton lVakon14. Chris. (o.

stone of Peabody; cletk of coo 1 t4o I i miry of baton). for today two splendid are Promised in the anti 2.41 classes tor PUMAS of gi()) and rettoectively as the fol. lowing nominations show: ivy; cLass. Trot; verse. 1.6oco.

J. 1 ktedroot blk. rn Modern J. Medford 1.1k. It.

Jerry Alutont .1. C. Ilatrinvon, Evorett. h. tn.

Prlooto4 Wilbain Lynn In. Amble c. IL Ito, ell, 1.40VISIMI it. Dr. rinnth 4.1.

It. Met, Alloton Wk. 9. I iynxttitte S. J.

limn. NOW' C. Elvin) l4ro n. Wootorly In. Christino M.

Plurnienos in. Katie 9.31 VLASS. Trot; puss, f250. A. Newolt, bilk, m.

Lady rat(Then V. l'. Cloligh, ch. tr. Mood.

E. E. u. il. Frank Wass' IV, 1.

mash. tn. Kitty )4, J. 1 cont. p.

Franklin I'. J. 'retold, Medford Or. g. t4tattlev U.

H. Illoks. Allston tilk. 9. Dysamtto H.

P. Woreaste hr. a. Tao Eyes 1, .1, tone. Neu, br.

it. Johnny Knott U. V. limos ItoohliOor blacksmith llotles callel at 2 o'clock. POTOMAO A Youngster Galloped Away front a Big Field.

MoNsiotrrti Paha Aug. racing developed another "crack" 2- yearold in the person of August Beimoat's Potomac. Dais youngster is the one there has been so many rumors about. and right well be sustained his reputation by galloping away front a big field in the Red Batik stakes ilk the asiest manner. It wais a kind of it lielmolit day.

as Clarendon captured tho nret event with 12 to 1 against him and ir Highness ran second in the fourth race. It Wad a good day's sport, on the whole. I. the tirkt race the finish was so close betwetm the first aix homes the public bad to wait for the ildstes' decision before they knew what horspit Ware first, second and third. diohre Morrow showed that he had recovered his form by easily winning the Palisade stakea.

butninarvi two isolistakes: three-quarters of a mite. Clatendon. 1.01 lir. 1 I 4, arYtee 2 Maj. taly, tub, tavicr Volunteer.

1'141111'111er. Berensder, Tulle Black bnrn. riltilames, Lady itcol. linitarrit, rellow, tJvI and Vella It 01A0 rim. 1 1.13.

10 to pretiND The Red Mn stakes for 2, years-olds: threl-gnar. tele of a wile. Hamilton ..1 FA3- IA, 'Nervice 2 Arr gancto. Taylor 8 l'iiitrignante. Vagabond, Bermuda.

Eclipse. Pick-nicker. germs and fitment also ram tine-- tleiting-Boionittoi th to THIRD 140k. The Palisade stakes, tor S-year-oldoi one mile and a turiolig. hullo Morrow, 115, Narvice Covington 2 Diltele.At, tub.

Littoineld 'lane --Lbtike. Betting-Judge Morrow, 2 to 6. PQUMTH Fres handicap sweepstakes; ens mile anti a furerock ton. VAL Arlor 44.101. 1 SOUTLI DOSTOS.

A thief entered the laundry of Walk Leo On Emerson st and ran MT with 1130,, takes from pair of pante which were 311 ILL shoo. Henri A xt. a German. 29 Team of lag was arrested yesterday on a warrant ey taxer Porter of station 1 charged wab assault and battery on Jacob Heaton oaths ai inst. Irnwright of station last eventne brought from statiou 4 tilts a Bemoan.

charged with asasnit and batters, with a dangerous weapon on illiam lamer. rh assault took place last batardaY. Turner receiving an mili eat ma the flab thigh and has since on at the City Hopeital. Both men work in a shoe hoe ast the comer of Vio eat 1st and IS eta 1 The Cash House Furnishers. CARx PROCESSION 500 CHOICE SEATS FREE Buyers at our establishmerA this week are entitled to a seat in one of OW large show windows to view the parade.

C. E. OSGOOD 74t to LIG Washington Street. We Are Offering SOLIE GOOD BARGAINS IN Furniture and Carpets TO SAVE MOVING THEM TO OUR NEW STORE. SayiyorNalbrikoliBrIEEs 21 23 WashIngton Str ALL DISEASES -Ot Genito-Urinary Organs moot skinful frairtmeufuteolomOto of VT pot enslivit iv.a,:vittooia in us ILI NA it IF DE rm This twpirtmont, Is eqtdpved eirtelthe brae, sad Mist approved applLators Uo the arrocesulul livesiartatat iLleatele peculiar to these Chi ryes rae4ease sad Prune easy.

Panenta smut sa putjetry ae e.Tt pareardraiordi sod apalmarea are turn-abed ts addteanat et "Gulds to yalutass amoddabessauann, malage'. I trap. DESLON-OUPRE. MEDICAL COMPANY, unc.rporemd Alex thalweg of the tido at Mafia. 195 TREMONT 81p BOSTON, Doors: 9 to 6 dale; Wedneettay min1 Mew day EVOLlilialli autedaye 10 to 1.

9 Son ft eta ENFORCE IT OR REPEAL IT So Says a Democrat of Cumberland County, of ProbibitionCounty Candidates Named. PORTLAND, Aug. 5.The Democratic county convention for Cumberland county was held at Reception Hall today. Thomas J. Feeney of Portland was chosen temporary chairman.

Mr. Feeney paid a hign tribute to the character and distinguished public services of Hon. M. P.Frank. The mention of Mr.

Frank was received with great applause. John B. Kehoe of Portland and L. W. Moulton were chosen secretaries.

The county committee rePorted 143 delegates present. On motion of E. S. Osgood of Portland the temporary organization was made per E. L.

Poor of Selig moved the appoint. tnent of a committee on resolutions. 'this motion was approved by Hon. ham Henry Clifford. Ile argued that the danger of a conflict between the resolutions adopted by a county convention and the platform adopted by the State convention should be avoided.

Ho moved as an amendment that this convention approve the platform adopted by the Democratic State convention. The motion made by Mn Ohilord was seconded by Gen. John J. Lynch. Mr.

Poor replied to Mr. Clifford. He said he was willing to endore the platform adopted by the Democratic State convention. held June 8. He declared that he would never consent to endorse the "rum plank" of the Demooratio convention of July 2.

He made a strong speech advocating the prohibitory system. He would ask the part to demand the enforcement of the law: no man knows what the law would do if it could be enforced. if it can't be enforced. reveal it. he demanded.

Hon. A. F. Moulton of Scarboro said the speeches bad already taken up much valuable time. "This convention is here for business.

Let us proceed to do the business of the convention and then leave the rest to those who want to The resolutions of Mr. Clifford and Mr. Poor were laid on the table. The episode kad been looked for. as Mr.

Poor hod announced in advance his intention. Edward B. Winslow of Portion Daniel R. Stover of Harpswell. AlDhenS Boothby of Gorham and H.

H. Cole of Harrison were nominated tor State senators. Larrabee was nominated for County attorney. Hon. A.

E. Moulton presented the name of George L. Scott of Portland. and his nomination was seconded by J. A.

McGowan of Portland. A vote was then taken. Hon. William Henry Clifford presented the name of W. S.

Sanborn of Portland as a candidate for sheriff. and the nomination was seconded by Elliot King of Portland. The whole vote for a candidate for sheriff was 127. W. S.

Sanborn had 58. George L. Swett had 73. and was chosen. H.

Green was nominated for county treasurer. Col. George McQuillan of Portland was nominated for clerk of courts. William II. Lyons of WestbrOok was nominated for register of deeds.

1 nomas B. Haskell of Cape Elizabeth was nominated for county commissioner. RAZOR GLEAMED ALOFT. But a Policeman's Club Prevented It From Slicing. There was some excitement in the neighborhood of (191 Washington at.

last evening. where tf. F. Masning has recently kept a barber shop. An expressman and a gang of men and W.

who claimed to own the furnishings of the shop, attempted to remove them. when Manning threatened them with a razor Patrolman Sennett was slousyur. xlin LN VW LItiaill aim ilia 0,, WI- anu ma were plebe reeponsible with hie eS, hen S. Maine railroae in Chelse a. one of Which called in and quieted the disturbance.

The son. Samnet Knight, F. P. entrant. John companions were two cigarmaker but did s.

asked by the chairman of the booted what the Flying Yankee express train strook last barber claimed that he refueed to give up ton. David B. Kimball, Thomas Leach, II. C. Leach.

not give their IMMO Beason said thee petting- the ditlerence itt expense woule be if coel the goods Men Daniel Leach no John lenda Lea legal iot He did proceedings a Aellt Wednesday night. wore ko recover them. Andrew ch. ll. Samuel would not be gone over one and a hall II A 'OUSE was burned.

Mr. Lavas answered thet it sweeratases tor 3 yearelds anti upward; three. Sergt. ebepley has been vieorouely at deuy Jourden's ownership. however.

Lendall. D. W. Lee. D.

C. Mann, C. E. Mann, I. M.

hours. sect left as security for the return would cost about es eer day more, and coal qiidatOrtk 0( Wasters. eve s. Nevins. William Pear John Prim, get the boat.

They did not return as evould wake gee Atter cousiderable die. work on the case ever since tbe accident COURT SQUARE, BOSTO3r. N. 111040 103, De.lter 4 cuscon the heating was closed. occurred.

and suspecting young Simonds, Records in Danger at Buffalo. Horace Ross, Asa Richardson, M. Richardson, J. P. Med.

and yestereae captain on one of the ft hieret. ea cievien Biebardson. Abraham, weather interfered day rted new a (te the riereneee Plan' 7 3." 11is. 105,,t 2 Edward I. Bond and others were heard followed am and account WC.Ittet.

J.V.Itatiardy Ilintcham steamer epor tat he ed for his en- BUFFALO. Aug. Ittati to small catboat sunk inside of Nix's Mate. 1St and wee oar. '01 wn.

aril Lama en a oetitioa for rainage of River st. the Ir. Rodliff. N. B.

Sargent, John M. Taylor. FrFet tSrlttflt ChtkrieV, els" este tire time with the exception of 15 minutes. i i There is little doubt that the trio have rs 11,1,1.1:3. Estlins- tituo Kalil, 2 to 1.

Auburndele and Oak ave. A was have been the first ot the grand crcut Tebbets, W. E. arheaton. J.

B. West of New Or- a i it Nr Ai granted the Trowbridge heirs on the pen- from tete i to of ilea evening'. Yesterday atterneori the sergeant went to ng here but the weett leans. C. A.

Bead. Gtrtner, J. T. stantey. found watery graves.

Seeepatakaa for nytattolas and upwerd; one tion to continue the use to an overflow well the (A arlee se wbere ennotele is con- and the opening had to be put off till Benjamin Tuck. Albion Gilman. Joseph O. Proctor, DetiVrbienng tabnedP(R'niiecattelliteaortd the re'hrrrootrt-Isffiticertuad Ittot. tu It was finall eon with a cesspool.

'voted to build a drain ng': lined aiti triAl. and after reve ated tomorrow. It cease raining about noon owe?) Carus. Henry T. Binghant.

Benjamin Corlisa went to 3e Charter st and the first person I. of the manatee 102, 1 through the land about trate and Auburn- questioning tee boy confeesed los aulit aud the track will be in good shape if the Daniel W. Friend. Deacon A. E.

Low. Alfred Anna, they met was Benson's wife. who informed Intern cerbo(a. bendier. 'taloa Matto 41 tal tesetateette et, A.

oevinto.on 2 Ile said the deed was dose that he might hem that her husband had not been at Inwe c't al "'I "I'thig ble, George Bennett, Amos Bennett, I E. Bennett, Wrenn. Wu, miter 3 dale vs. under the city enaineer's euper- weather coutinues clear. vision.

The boare adjourned till next Era see them fly. as he bad done previouslY Doble, Goldsmith, Hickok. Marvin and D. L. Bingham, Joseph Bingham John Curtis, W.

borne all night, and that during all their ali 6111 "'la' It ll" Cr eer CraftsCo Cook of (o Nlati4r an Jra Courtney Mho ren. dav aftentoon eu the other petitions with small eticks and stoues. other notett drivers are here and the fields L. afts, Elar. l.

Pentices. tu all the events are large and include the ser. Jacob Cheerer. W. M.

Cbeever, James Canning- and married life be bad never staved ay OLD CROW After the three men from Forbes' re- time 1,4 L. Bening 7 to 5, will be decided upon. before. IN toren saes that the men were ll moved the first sleeper he Placed another 1, perfectly sober when starting that Ben 4 Years 014 3 wer thealleme. west performers of the year Or OAS 3 OWN BRAKE.

one on the track. aalti then went on Forbes' Stenol Is to trot attainst her record made at "mot Bst11. ben appeared to know all aitout handling a BILANCIIAILD Irallltan an PRLESTS BEATEN. 6 TO 3. bride to eta tee result boat lie wag a decorator.

sod wae under 3 years. 2.1.0"-.2. and Belle Hamlin is down 14 to 17 DocA sq. aud 31 Ball rat. Siznonds Is Mel yearA old.

Tios ease eomes up la the Chelsea court to try and worked wll on Monday aad did a quarter To the Editor of Tete Globe decorate a beat her mark, 2.12ee. hunol Gilbride is a Pegular. engagement to go on to Roxbury Trittenay te pole. 'Elie police Hietorio Paton Given the Old Fire- Miele St. Catharine's Parish olds men In Their New Home.

this morning. at a 2.04- gait- tor will bo sent to rale the boat wreProtee PORE CALIFORNIA WIWINES, ck and M'estival at Ilaceett's Pond. There are several additions from the East I am a can for election to the ward investigate. al ver east lam- a lleiellee ell. n3ttut eteran.

F.jr,enten'a Asanciaa At the annual picnic of St. Catharine's Milford Ledies Invit ed- to start here, such ai R. rebedd's tta al- and city committee of ward a on th read- etit ettr enesAnD. TA. ll lill Ala As Vlt toos.

poseeio atn et teen' Pew rooms at a all rid tiersee Hanson. from Boeton; Miss lar Democratic ticket I meke this state- Augusta Buildings Gone. la te 12Dock sq. eta ill ileaneetll Mattel parish of Chaeleetown. at Ila agett'S pond, The relief c-orps associated With Maj.

E. and Alleante. train New York men and in justice to the Democrai tn voters of 1 01 IVAtiltingt. fit. last evening.

ta, lill'a apt, Iv. T. (Ammon itt the jamas Yestereav. late suorts anti wiuners were: F. Fleteher Post.

22, of Milford, Masa, has Is atheriue 8., from Philadelphia. ArGUSTA. Mile Aug. ot ward it. as it has come to me ears that I am sae ball teatch-et.

neat a picked it 'teen aseed to accept the hoepitality of the ft Clark, formerly of engine it and truck I Al ays am of asteentee, 6 ten -known house furnish'ugestablithment Tbe card for tomorroW is the 2.30 trot, and stable occupied by John Gould and omE FURNITURE COMPANY 1 also to be placed on the so-eelled Moe- owned by J. a Nichols were burned this 2.21 pace anti 2.20 trot. was aleCted It setts(' memtier. Capt. Saill llama ball mateh-Snainrocks beat Volunteers.

25 Weil 'pendent ticket. The use of eve name on afternoon with content. Cause unkuown Complete House Furnishers. uttl Aebott ere was appointed Janitor of to e. of C.

IL Robinson ee Co. The building any ticket other than the reenter Demo the new rooms, his eatery to be desiguateu tette bell tnntels---13nnker Hilts beat Sne-livilies. 12 occupied by them is located oePosete the Pulp and Paper for Machias. crate. headed by lion.

Edward J. Donovan. insured. Loss unknown. arecereati, large.

is without m7 cot. FULL SIZE CANVA COL lee the eeteetene too. err an reviewina stand in a ock se and is M. Ang syndicate of at lialeatitte L. GleeUDE.

Cut Ris Throat with a Razor. the most desirabe place On the route to Bancior capital 'its has bought the Dublin Vote ban-ereeitee game. vieW the proettesien. '1 he hrm has been water power iind mill privilege. and a ete)00 An savitetion woks received from the raw.

roys nvotine reee-Jehn Edia )n Mat-. Boston. Aug. 5. Burton.

Me. Aug. Carr. 63 aPtit' the Itet eteran Awe tattoo to earticmate ILI overrun with trettleree trout their friends Leary's Raft at Anehor. their ton rnatuent Th uretlar.

Oct. referrea Other event, cheduled were a girls' reu and patrols folt: ety-ery inch of seating room pulp and paper mill is the talk. years Old, of Lagrange. committed anicide s-- to tile directors. nine reee old wen's running rare three they be toseess.

they ave een obliged to cutting hi throat with a Hartford I lavenmirt was unanimonsly mime lathes' fa 0 maton and tile.Of-war thi ew YORK, Aug. 13 remaining' eloeted nuanced eecretary, vice W. ke Cher the Metropolitans of New York clanY them: reeogaire the fact that Temporary insan the day is for the it. A. le.

and their people. Itecal 'lance. -The Pedlers' Protective Union met ha sections of the greet Leary raft arrived in razor. ity wa the canoe ringlet' and a picked tetain from tee parish, a he apd sa have, generously given them the use Carroll Heti last ever and cotnpleted the liemostead bay at D. na.

today. in tow of A eautisou ie ALMA made from the tweet eticisions on the file four event dl be an- tet their entire building-. i in tto Other occa- peon would the win lows be given to anY eur oat t)aaa ot the Caseee NO. It. mind engine tiotatiCel Wel i in the tug-tit-war the Metro.

of roviis was 4 Pineo. prtonintod She Norio- refused to pule and a crew eetett se wfi Illatel tinwrei lia a rein at rit, a Vie Ian, idoenn' lacyn IC 'clamiel Bark Ethel. laIordineektrist c. tier Et-non via Price for Thursday, to ono but their eust einem N. araved at 1.enano.

June elation the veteraes of that min as a subettute was pulled over by the parish --The box terace of the lit ston Theatre toms were lost Defore tile raft rounded litill2" will Ire opened tor easiness on Saturday Care Cod. an113. Think They Can Beat the Other Steamer sailed yeerculei. terday from bereft Shame.hiladelphie for 99 Cent S. 'shen tickete for any Vit the per.

kin. sm Lo in the Buminees World, te un with lt in. formanties of eacempment week may be ears. Lucy N. Evans Commits Suicide.

ItIEME3.113Ele THIll ill V011i Ceews. 711 rtittiitS A It. A Val- Iii Phillips Prettier. (Isaac and Henry). deal- The Donoven crew were unable to take Tiebtfenetelltr'srtaLituunroettleilasawalirlabisctegiavnetni PettertAieta Mee Aug.

LUCY N. It.arit Clotilde of Boston. Bowden. from Capt. Ned Greektn.

Who is spoken of as ell in gentlemen's furnitibings. 1 eS3 Tre- teanetear tor New liage. was oft Cape lien- 'need a bestat am, Gram irtietteaetti eats one of the best cancers tm the pollee foree, a aver teny e. el- Boatnn have cone into insolvent'', part in the fonnoared working' boat race, t- heifer Se Biattely's New ore. spemaity Evans, wife of Da Aloert Evan.

committed lute: 3 esterde tate pa e' I 11n3 been spendiug his vatration it Crescent given in couneetion with the O'Connell l'-' eide th iti a te moon he Lad teen i Snsane ezeamer hath am. erch and tug -It- vt. J. elariela wall Palters, Prerridence. I.

tt Jo011011. ail time Wag up eionuay. and a -Eng, ish mutton chops Park usy ale for some year and WAS in a Prirate St 's mt. astluin derwriter tner fro Boston arreed e. i -corman's minstrels.

strouger than ever. in lentring. At the time of her death she HO fill FURNITURE CO" It L. bat steamed. Asseunele.

le. of I-. at Late Waltime men number of triends gathered on the beatth Charlet. erawtelle Co- grocers. Water- et 1 It al day.

owing' to an aceident to their boat bat on at, evenine an esOOttet le C3D it and with a greet company ot burnt-cork 601 Wa Sellactoss Vilia. els- are seititne in msoiveney. to Croveley'n, and there elltoSed an excel. thee are confident that the defeat anv et was toeteeteet wester at. teve tea are to open telobe Theatre who has spent Hanscom.

will remam at home fer. a titer I he Pustou ilehtters i Manu teeturing lent tish dinner Ohere wa sin 's ging and lots of the other crewv that rowed. and would Cant. of schooner Howard H. Cototteny, ionised.

Mae bets called a meet- of Inn geeerally. cud the ceitoon's faen as like to arrange a match rat e. teet ereitine next ag. Guttiries weeks end Cate. ernitla will tate claainte uf Wie le AWE a to, mr I' ki rats? 1 esestss LS 1 ll e' by.

xt foe tee-, the restos' ouring his a beenen I tow ita rraditors. be greeted but men vesterette morning had Capt. Donovan rated at nee G- tete teeee --elen. H. Ccareurit fr, GeTriere.

eiclaborna. Aug clean. i.di tors- are aro I lo John farmer. Garland Shiro Emily te la hitnee of Boston. bs 2 "nu.s ow.

24 a.s It. IL It town was glad to se, bon beet again. all three of 'the other crews to row theta for etea a I eamine gigolo. 'Everybody in tertaries. and posted a forfeit to set and 'eataleae-eet much lame among toe ludiails.

is tee tact-- aloe has gout" into 1111101Yallef urer in the end South, tree emirs for youne took Lila in the 'Territory today for mem- born. at Melbourne. A from New Yore. people, on the Amerman Indmits. the.

after- 1 bers of the council, representatives and has made rive voeeges holm New York aud e' ll AVE the neat 10ml-own lin Ili'seel eeI46 aeel. int ladder Et ona in a rem. Toe as, roiagi.aisZdi rt. Se ts Committee 110034, Ille subject Is arbe Indians Ne horn delegates at large. and the I le.n6II1 lil MAlbcarue.

85 NV tied 22 lec- re urns rece Ye at ate Test-mental to Seneca A. Flanaxare eau or Woe, Utu latbers louud." An enthututietle meeting of the Democrats test hnonial concert wait tendered I Mei Tripe Between Poston and St John. -Thonne J. Lannery who was recently tonight show a Beepublitaa victory Caet Barrett of sehoctuer Joitte Book. at 'IL .4 VI-L! 11" this port vesterdav from Bangor.

reeorte t-Imitgago, wililltis ter arms ,,...1 Of ward eJ was bald at Columbiau Hall. A eil I 1 airagen. er hatt resenee severe, tier- In errat ona i Ctremeneing ene le the transferred from engiue 251 i I 43 2 as eels tease invued to the Picnickers at Downer Landintr- that Mdvi. ri Henry Devi se a trietil I of to A. mrtt.Va ot71141 ut- tr.

Tremoot ate. it evening. John henuedi I of his former comrades. wbo re ter of the crew beionaing in iiangor fed, 11 '45 la att. iroa at sae sons front drowning tit late.

at the Tawkst Steamehip Company will melee five three. I oler --I set et raise teach la asio-Imraosis 44 chairtnau and J. Ptieter awl bur 'am i Aal teff Whro Oe tr ee 'eto el t-jo ite. i ine teeteea rell e' atIL N. ele Lm with a ya.ule iab eitemond eeetrecan LtoPteree.

A odaTlt theroughly bethe German Cathol-ic i ard aid thougn tte vessel mai hove was to art4 every enort wade. be could riot lAt LA kiwi iiski siv I 1.1111011, MeCarthy secretaries. The tot- I la evenuar. 1 lestena e.tiltir CitY eatertlav tied rime to ir Globe or re. Am.

1 ruitoure tut layton tiloatuMs and Kern aiso ran. Sa. Fit Tit lc ACC siwriiersamt tor 3 year-olds MOO upward; three. oar ter ot a au N111040 Mani. 103, Cloytott lier.t Mod.

105, Littlefield tSrown Charley, SOY, res aril Cameo als, rati. Ceiling- Woo light. 2 to 1. POI! A(Y. ditoritstakes for 3-7var-ol1s arid upward; one 102, cnesspetise, itt, A.

Cosinit.on 2 titPah. 41.J, Tio tor. 3 It in tor 8,1,1 Joal Courtney stittet itan tine lietiths-kleriiicn, 7 to 5, or 011-8PEL'3 OWN thistorio Paton (liven the Old Firern-n in Their New Borne. 'fit. Veteran Firemen's Association took possession of their new rooms, ftt lot IVAnIfingt, lost evening.

V. T. Cneewell in the chatr. James Clark. formerly of engine ii and truck was elected an Active member- Cam Sam-net Abbott.

was appointed lanitor of the new rooms'. hts salary to be designated hv the directors. An laritotten was received fres the Pawtueftet eteran t.ttion to barticiuste J11 their tournament urstiar. Oct. referred to the directors.

flartford 1ivenmrt was unanimously elokitod ntionciiti oesretary, vice W. Cher mutton resigned. A handsome atom nimitt trout tbe notnal Mose ot Gootiee tuni StigIntl 4.1 rrOVIgitIleet. WWI presented to She aierociatton bv the veterans of that city. Tretible in the Puirness IhiIhps Prothera (Isaao and Henry).

dealers in gentlemen's furniabings. Tretnont IL tioiton. ave gone into Insolvency. NV. J.

Ilarlev. wall papers, Providence. bas assigned. Charles E. i-liwtalle grocers, Ore Sem in insinvency.

ko liustou ilithossa Manufacturing ComPAel tAtLIantl bag called a meeting of its creditors. John F. lisiniiion farmer. etc. Garland.

has gout, into Word 2'2 Selects Comm litre. I An enthuslastie meeting of ftia Democrats of ward was held at Colutublaa flail. Tretnout last reutne. John 4. henuedi actinc chairmati, and C.

4. Lamer and isnotoT aocretaries. Ttla were etuallY responsible with his. Vti hen asked by the chairman of the board what tho ditlerence in expense wonla be if coal was burned. Mr.

Lavas answered that it would cost about par day more. and coal would wake gas. Atter consuierable discussion the hearing was closed. Edward I. Bond and others were heard on a petitioa for the drainage of River st.

Auburndale and Oak ave. A hearing- was granted the Trowbridge heirs on the petition to continuo the use of an overflow well In colt iunetion with a cesspool. It was finally 'voted to build a drain through the land about Oak and Auburndale vs. under the city engineer's tupervision. The board adjourned till next Friday afternoon.

when the other petitions will be decided upon. PRIESTS BEATEN, 6 TO 3. St. Catharine's Parish Raids nigh 'estivnt at Lag stetts Pond. At the annual picnic of St.

Catharine's parlsh Of Charlestown. at Ilitageit's Pond. YeAterslav, the goons and winners were: 1 Noe ball match NZ. liaus oeat A pictou ieLne of Caraynaen. 6 to 3.

Base ban watehSnaanrecks beat Velonteora. 25 to 6., lotte b.fl torttettlinaker Hills beat Saalivi ilea. 12 go O. r.1 ballFraettae ganat. hay raualm: Edit In Other events scheduled were a sziris' njnc r3ee old wens rununig rare, three jutoos, rir insten and tile-of-war betweeu the Metr000inans of New York and a incked team from ine parish.

I be cecislons en the four events be an. nouncenl later; in the the Metro. rtoiltans refused to ouli, and a crew Asa was pulled over by the parish teallt a Lots of Fun with Cant. Gas lin. Cart Ned Gnsktn.

who is spoken of as ono of the nest otticers on the pce fore. bas been spending his vacation at Crescent time was up Monday, and a number ot friends gathered on The beazh Mondsv evening and lescored the CaDtAIL1 to Crweley's, anti efooyed an lent fish dinner. 'rhere was singing and lots of fun generally. and the captain's face as he a roeted tit* men yeater.lay MOrning had a iiwta Rnt1e. Everynoey in Charlestown was glad to him bat a again.

eta Lomat Mee. Toetrrtlntal. to Jxnaes A. ttnot ate DornocrAts A testimonial concert wait tendered at Colutubiaa Hal A. hipt rescued several rerling.

John -1 hennodr one from drowntrtz at the Tetrks14 C. 4. Lamer awl bury Memortel ca1. Wtnthrop eecretaries. Tao tol- 13 et-entulr.

Maine railroad in Chelsea. one of winch the Flying Yankee express train last Wednesday night. Sergt. Shepley has been vigorously at work on the case ever since the accident occurred. and suspecting young Simonds, followed lom up and accounted for his entire time with the exception of 15 minutes.

from e.tif to ii.o5 of that evening. Yesterday afternoon the sergeant went to the Charles M. aI where sunotuts is confined awaiting trial. and after repeated questioning. me boy confessed his guilt Ile said the deed was done that he might see them II y.

as he bad done previouslY with small sticks and stones. After the three men from Forbes' removed the first sleeper he placed another on on the track, filid hen went on Forbes' bridge to ate the result Siznonds is ont7 I years old. The ease conies up in the Chelsea court this morning. Milford tindis Invited. The relief (torus associated with Maj.

E. F. Fletcher Post. 22. ot Milford.

Masa. has been asked to accept the hospitality or the weil-known furnIsh ug establishment of C. 11. liobinson 6: Co. The building occupied by them is located opposite the grand reviewina stand iu Dock and is the most place en the route to view the pracefsien.

1 tirm has been overrun with antiiicatiOus trona her friends and patrons for every inch of seating room they rossesso but they have been otiliged to deny them 'I he rel'outii7e the that the day is for the A. i. and their people, and so have generously given them the use oi their entire Eui hi iu. ho other occasion would the be given to any one but their n1.151011101'71. Think They Can Beat the Other The Donovan crew were unable to take part in the for-oared workin g.

bolt race, given in connection with tile o'Conneli AcsetublY. K. of I. at Lake Walden. owtng to an aeodent to their boat, but they are confident that can defeat any of the other crew that rowed, and would he to arrange a match tar e.

Lalit eventaz Calm. an eAi L. cl mt Gt and postai a locket of Sit). and challenged al) three et the other crews to row thorn for 3u or 6100a Ida. Tripi Eoston and St.

John. Comminrinc Aux. 1A, the Intereations1 1 Stfmnashin Company aril urtke tivn ihrect tripl; t-evaeert itn anti t. sTokau. N.

eAAlor city. t-aturtlaY called in and quieted the disturbance. The barber claimed. that he refueed to give up the goods because no legal proceedings were taken to recover them. He did tiot deuy Jourden's ownership.

however. Records in Danger at Buffalo. Buirtrstio. N. Aug.

5.Th1 was to have been the first day of the grand circuit meeting here. but the weather interfered and the opening had to be put off till tomorrow. It ceased raining about noon and the track will he in good shape if the weather continues clear. Debit Goldsmith, Hickok. Marvin and other noted drivers are here and the fields in all the events are large and inolude the best performers of the year.

Sunol is to trot against her record made at 3 years. 2.1012. and Belle Hamlin is down to try and beat her mark. 2.124. hunol worked well on lionday.

aad did a quarter at a 2.0 gait. There are several additions from the East to start here, such ao4 .1. R. ishedd's Jean Valtian aid Jersey Hanson. from Boston Miss Alive and Alieante.

front New York. and lk Chorine 8.. from Philadelphia. Tbe card for tomorrow is the 2-30 trot, 2.21 pace and 2.20 trot. Pulp and Paper for Machias.

civtAs, Aug 5.A sYndlcate of Banzor capitalists has bought the Dublin water power and mill privilege. and a $ii000 pulp and paper mill is the talk. Lccal Lines. The Pedlers' Protective Union met In Carroll Hall hist and completed the final preparations for the union's memo which will be held at Lake Walden today. The box Tice of the N.

ston Theatre will tor rituoness on Saturday tickets for any -Pt the per. forinates of eacsrupment week may be 8Poured. The entertainments will be given by Luropeass artists anti z-haffer Blakely's 1ew or specialty company. mutton chops musty ale. Corman's mnistzels.

stronger than ever. anti with a great company of hurnb-rork tivorttes. are to opeu the (slob() Theatre next Mondav evening. 4tOU. H.

B. Carrington, who has spent much time Cala the Indians. is the lect: uror in tbe Old South free coarse for Yonne peopte, on the American Indians this after, 10011. HUI subject is -Ile Indians bons uar Fathers Found." Thomas J. Lannery, who was recently transferred from engine 25 to lathier 2.

East 1 was evening invtted to the of his former comrades. wbo presented "din with a ya.nable diamond Hooper. John Harris, William Johnson. Samuel Knight, F. A.

P. Kilharn, John ton. David B. Kimball, Thomas Leach. II.

C. Leach, Andrew Leach. Daniel Leach. John Landall. Samuel Lendall.

D. W. Lee, D. C. Mann.

C. N. Mann, I. 31. Wasters.

W. S. Nevins. William Pear John Price, Horace Rom Asa We1lW(16On. X.

ItlellardS013, J. P. Bichardson. Abraham Rodliff. Jr-.

N. B. Sargent, John M. Taylor. Fred Tebbets, W.

E. Wheaton, J. S. West of New Orleans. C.

A. Read. Amos Girdier, J. T. Stanley, Benjamin Tuck.

Albion Gilman. Joseph O. Proctor, Caleb Corti'. Henry T. Bingham.

Benjamin Daniel W. Friend. Deacon A. E. Low.

Alfred Amiable, George Bennett, Amos Bennett, P. E. Bennett, D. L. tingbam, Joseph Bmgham.

John Curtis, W. L. Crafts, Elearer Crafts. Col. B.

F. Cook of Gloucester. Jacob Cheever. W. 31.

Cbeever, James Canning-ham of Boston. ailbride fis a Begular. To the Editor of The Globe: I am a candidate for etection to the ward and city committee of ward A on this regular Democratic ticket. I make this statement in justice to the Democrat ie voters of ward A. as it has come to my ears that I am also to be placed on the so-esiled bide-'pendent ticket.

The use of rvy name on any ticket other than the rezular Democratic. headed by Hon. Edward J. Donovan, as large, is without my consent. Aticztaaa.

GILBRIDIC Boston, Aug. 5. Leary's Raft at NEW YORK. Aug. i5.The 13 remaining sections of the gredt Leary raft arrived in liemostead bay at D.

today. in tow of the ocean tugs, E. HeiDerhausen and B. T. Havi lend.

and came to anchor. Four sections were lost Delors the raft rounded Care Cod. Mrs. Lucy N. Evens Commits Suicide.

PORTLAND. Aug. Mtg. Lucy N-. Evans, wife of Dr.

Morn Evans. committed ate moon. She Lad torn insane for Some Yoan and wAs in a private asylum in Deering. At the time of her death silo was al ate. Gutbrwo Guiwunt.

Oklahoma. Aug S.Mention toot ula in the Territory today for members of the council. representatives and delegates at large. and the returns received tonight show a litpublitaa victory. Picnickers at Downer 4N-PTNG.

AUL. Wan thoroughly bytheGartuac Catholic and his Charter and his companions were two cigarmakers but did not give their nattleft. Ronson said thee would not be gone over one and a half hours. mid left as security for the return of the boat. They did not return as promised.

and yesterday a captain on one of the Ilineham steamers reported that he new a small catboat sung inside of Nix's Mate. There is little doubt that the trio have found watery graves. When the poiice heard the report Officers Deering and Russeli of the harbor squad went to 34 Charter st- and the tirst Person they met waa kienson'a wife. who informed them that her husband had not been at home all night, and that during all their married life be had never staved sway before IN toren as that the men were perfectly sober when starting and that Benb011 appeared to know all handling a boat. tie was a decorator.

and waa under engagement to go ont to Roxbury Triegaa7 to decorate a poke. The police boat Proteo. tor will be sent to ratio the wreck and Investigate. Augusta Buildings Gone. ArntrgTA.

Aug. 41Th holm. and stable occupied by John Gould and owned by J. a Nichols were burned this afternoon. with consents.

Cause unknown insured. Lose unknown. Cut Ris Throat with a Razor. Ittsrion, Aug. 5.Ichabod Carr.

63 years old. of Lagrange. committed anicide this mornin g. cutting his threat with a razor. Temporary insanity was the CS LIA4).

Marine Bark Ethel. lIodekins. from Boston via Bella v. N. arr.

vett at Losarto. dune 2 Steamer Hercules. towin," ham, Simian. kin. sailed yesterday from l'hiladelphia.

for Bosvrt. Bata Clotilde of Boston. from 73.nz1 Dar tor New was otI Cape lieulot.e:i estorday. z-teamer Chatham. ItlArch.

and Mir Tyltderwriter. treren. from Boston. arrived yest may at lhaitinkore. Cant.

Holmes of schooner lloward Ilanseem. Will remain At home A tem weeks And CauT outh will take chazze of the vessel Goring his a bienst. Shin Emily Whitney of Boston. Pear-born. at Nlethoorne.

11-0111 New Vont. hiss made nve voreges hoot New York and Bootou to Melbourne. averazina 8:1, clays. Cuot. Barrett of sehootler Jo sie 'look.

at this vort vesterdav Bangor. rvoorts that fonder. m- ttenri er of the cress, belonalna in tiancor tea everboerel stud thorugn to vessel was hove to arid every enort wade. he could riot SAP found. SHERMAN HOUSE COURT SQUARE, BOSTO3r.

an the Enrepean Plan. Iteetne. Se, St and per t81 12 0U1 B. Cell the of the housekeepers of Sew Eat-hied to their owittexd system of molded I mar yorPtgo beddtrz novae ood roar. dlad "'Urfa of "'mull deeds on b.ls7 Washingtoe et, OLD CROW WHISKEY, 4 Years 014.

Toes 4ralical 11411-44211411ED IrA1111A4 Oa 14 to 17 DoeL sq. at4 3 I Poseall iiff ss PORE CALIFORNIA WINES, siesillo.b. 4 Itaittios ALivoorted.014 VILA Nir Ann. TAR Et AIM dito IIDOck sq. am 11Paneett Ea it Wit apfa HOME FURNITURE COMPANY, Complete House Furnishers.

FULL SIZE CANVAS COL Price for Thursday, leg. 99 Cents. MEMEIIISESS THI4 IS von 711 CAUDAL 11-. A LAIL ostimott owe tiroall ittestovaii emits Ink lb to paimor today. HOME FURNITURE wahimcso.

ageimes. toptooito logi-ater roelas NY t. et b1175 1 to tot stic are ttrot YO be it. )1. 1 LI, 2 Hornets on.

44 au, ft At tho boot loin lows in booboo Is alio t.0 2 o-ot loot at reab.ashZdt pt iL AL. I L14 1113 lotatornroon SI ate 11-1KRAL mralltl boot) erne 11164it: tw-s- trot, n' I 1 Io 4,5 Le sum 1 0111r Get et fitdoe tooth la tbektitio-bosos LA it wit St- v. tows. Ai rood. so non to to lobo ce ea..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.