The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1940 17 2 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, BUSINESS READY TO END DECLINE, IT IS INDICATED Reserve Estimates Consumption Is 'at Least as Large' as. Output- Price Changes Hold Exaggerated Washington, April 9-(AP)-The Federal Reserve board. estimating that consumption of American factory products is "at least ag large" production, hinted today that business is ready to end it's recent decline. Making no fat predictions, hoard, in its monthly bulletin. disputed the notion held in some FOVernment quarters that business cannot pick up until present large ventories in the hands of manufacturera or wholesalers are sold.

The board noted that its seasonallyadjusted index of industrial production dropped from 128 last December to 7 points A higher than in the same in March. The March Agure wag still points higher than last July and Aumonth last year and 11S 2 to gust, when last fall's sensational pickup was getting under way. Tho industrial slowdown so far this year has been explained generally the result of production outrunning consumption in the feverish factory pace stimulated hy the war last fall. Business simply slowed down to use up part of the excess goods produced then. Board Accepts This Theory AR an explanation of the industrial decline to date, the board accepted this theory.

saying. "Any appraisal the present position must take into account the possibility that for a time productiton may be below consumption witht some liquidation of the inventories accumnlated earlier, when output' was clearly in excess of consumption." Concerning the view that existing In inventories indefinitely, the might board postpone continued. recovery the same time, due consideration should be given to the fact that inventory accumulation, while rapid from September to early part this year, extended over only a short period: that in lines where activity is being sustained at high levels the volume of inventories required, ineluding goods in process, is larger than last summer; and that during period like the present it may appear advantageous, in the case of some commodities, to keep more ventories than usual." Price Chances Exaggerated The board indicated, that price changes in the last year had exaggerated the apparent increase in Inventories. It pointed out, for instance, that a commerce department survey, showing that inventories at the end of January were 74 per cent larger than year earlier. made no allowance for the fact that prices were higher.

Thus, when measured by value, the same physical amount of inventories today may appeal larger than a year ago. The board said business trends had been divergent in many, felds, And that some of the industries, such 43 steel, which influence the board's index most had been hit hardest, while other industries such as airplane and shipbuilding, which have hold or enhanced their gains, do not affect the index. BETHLEHEM STEEL MINORITY LOSES President Grace Predicts a Dividend at Directors' Mceting On 25th Confidence Voted Wilmington, April 9-(AP)Two minority atockholders of the Bethlehem Steel corporation challenged proceedings all down the line at the corporation's meeting today but were defeated in each instanceinst the spirited opposition of L. D. Gilbert and Le K.

Coshland, both of New York. the majority Reelected five directors for threeyear terms. 2. Voted to continue holding annual meetings in Wilmington. Defeated a minority resolution to have the stockholders pass on the selection of accounts to audit the corporaiton's books.

Expects Dividend on 23th Eugene Grace, corporation president, told the meeting Bethlehem steel probably would declare a dividend on common stock at the directors' next meeting the 25th. With Gilbert alone dissenting, the meeting passed by a standing vote a resolution expressing confidence in the management. Chicago Grain Market Chicago, April -(AP)-European war news gripped North American wheat markets today. skyrocketing prices nearly six cents a. bushel at times, Biggest gains were scored in opening trade, prices reacting later in sympathy with a downturn in securities.

At "the close, however, gains still ranged to better than four cents a bushel. Word that German troops had invaded Denmark and Norway and other reports of intensified warfare boosted opening wheat prices on the Board of Trade more than five. cents as 5 orders ere buy--including sho ing-were poured into the pit. July and September contracts, new crop deliveries, reached up and highs and three cents best for respectively, the May months contracts season in the season high. The widest gain was nearly years, climbed a to $1.00, within cent of scored Minneapolis, where September contracta were up cents at one stage.

Wheat on the Board of Trade Anished cents higher, May -74. July corn up, May 58. July ents 1 up: soy beans up: rye up: lard 18-20 cents a hundredweight higher. Closing Grain Prices High Low Close WHEAT r. May 1.09 1.0614 1.07¾-⅞ July 1.0%4 1.05½ September 1.081 1.001 1.0714-1.07 CORN May 58 58 July 59 59 September 6012 60 OATS May July 3712 3712 September RYE July 684 May 683 681 September 503.

691 POSTMASTER GETS SUSPENSION Boston, April 3-(AP)-William M. Higgins, 29, postmaster at Oricans since 1036. pleaded guilty in federal court today to embezzlement of $713 ot year and A day and placed 011 and a was given a suspended sentence probation for a year. Full restitution had been made. High Low Close High Low Mercant John Stra 18 187 18 stead Arno Sup 54 Ainsworth Air Investors 3 3 Mich St Tube 8 Air 13 13 Metal Tex Ala Gt Sou Michigan Sug Ala pt 144i Mid St A vic 11-16 11-16 Do of 9.3 95 Mid West t.

Corp Alum Co Am Midland Stl 19 Do pf Midvale 10344 105 4 Alum Ltd Midwest Oil 8 8 Am Beveraze 1 1 Minn Min 70 Am Box Board Mock Voeh Am Cit Molybdenum Am Can 307. 39 Monarch 321 32 END Lines 10 181 Monte Ward 168 as Am GAs El 38 37 Moore Dis Am ton 37 Mt City Cor Am Gen $2 pt 304 30 Mount Prod the Am Hard LAun Meh Rub 1814 18 18 Mur Oh Mig 134 13 Mount Sta Pow Am Licht de 134 Mig 11-16 11-16 11-16 Auto Fih 25 44 23 Am Maracaibo them 108 109 108 Nat Hellas Hers in- Am Pot Nat City Lin bf 45 Am Republics Nat Cont 12 Seal Kap 7-16 7-16 7-16 Nat Fuel Am Superpow 66 66 65 Nat oil Pr Ho DE 1344 Nat no 114 114 114 Nat Rub Meh pt Appal FI 15 Nat Sug Ref, 104 105 Ark Nat Gas GAs Nat Tea pf Ark Nat 5 Trans 11 Ashland Oil EI Nat Un Rad Corp 69 69 1 Cat El Co pt 204 I Naw WI 134 Atl Line A 4 pt AH 14 Atas Ply Tran New Idea Inc 147 Atlas Corp war New Eng .132 133 Aviation Zinc 62 Hon Ros 201, as Rabeock WI! Merchand 9 Haldw Loco pi 4 pl .107 107 Baldwin Kub Do .....117 D'mite 64 NY Shipbd fd sh 17 Bath Iron Who 134 101 NY Wat Svc pf Brau Brum'l Nag lud Pow 34 Beech Airc 1 pt Bell Atre 314 Do pf 85 Tell Tel Can Bell Tel Pa 118 118 Nipizing Mns 1 Bellanca Atre 40 40 40 Nor Am Lt Richfords pt Do pt Rirds 6 Nor Am Ray of Do Rite Ridge Do pr 31 Blue Rid ev Nor Ind Is 6 pt Blumenthal 'S) Nor Pine Horne Surym Ohio Ed pt 110 110 Rohack (HO) pi 26 4 Ohio Brass 21 2 pi Ohio Pow pi Braz Tr Okla Nat Gas 20 20 BreeZe Corp 110 nt 49 Brewat Aero 17 04 134 Do cv pf 116. Fron Co Dist Brown Brown Rubber 24 Rrure 104 Pac 6 pt 31 Buckeye 39 39 39 PAC Lig pi Hut pt 204, Pac pt 91 91 Burma Ltd 1 Pantepec OIl Ten Pander Gr of Penin Tel 35 Can Col Marconi Pennroad Cap City Prod 31, l'a P'a Cent Airl El 131; Carib Syn 39 Pa $6 109 Carnegie Carnation Met PaL $7 112 112 Caro I' $6 pi 100 100 100 l'a Wat Salt Pow "01; 701, a Carrier 11 11 11 Pharis Corp 134 Casco Prod 314 314 Phila Co Catalin celanese Am 123 I Phillips Celluloid ptc 120 I'hoenix Sec 144 3-16 3-10 Do Pioneer pf Gold' 45 Ceu Ut 0-16 Con Hud l'ow 10414 1011 Pitney Bowes 13 Ohio Sti Pitts Pitta de Forg Lake 114 5612 Cen Cen pi 113 Pitta Metallu 13 Cen St El 1'I 01 10314 No pt 2 14 P'lough 10 10 Chin Flex Shaft Polaris Ming Cities Service Porero Sugar Do pi 63 61 P'owdr Al- Cit 09 103 Pratt ham 1033; Do A pt 10) Premier Gid Citv Auto Sing Pressed Set 9 Claude Neon Lts P'rud InveR 9 Colon Tract Develop 8 Colo 6 Colta Colo Fuel Arms I 8 Ind $7 pr 09 Colo 6 pi 1063 Ind $4 pi 31 Column 0 pi 70 Pug Rd 86 Colum l'ug Ed 19 Com Pw I.t 36 34 Pyrene 612 Comm Suc Com Wat Svo Cons Bal 821 92 Quaker Oats 11712 Con GAR Bal pi 118 114 Do pi 1514 13144 Cons Gas Lt 1 Cons StI Corp Rwy gt Sec 934 Cont Roll Ntl Reed Roll Bit 23 Cooper Republic Avia Copper Cosden Petro Range Reynolds Inv Do pt 1314 13 Richmond Mfg Rad Rheem 19 191 Creole 1 El Rio Grande Val vIC 7-14 21 Croft W'h 5-165 3-16 Roeser Pend Crown Brewing Pet Rome Cable 1114 Cown Int A Roosevelt Fd Crown Drug Hoot Pat pi 618 Cuban Tob 21 Russeks Are 33 Rustlesg 15 Rusti I 9 cv pf 49 Darby Pet Derca Records 87 St Lawrence 35 Dayton Rub 18 174 1714 Dejay Sta st Regis l'ap 03 Dennison Mfg Salt Regis Pap Oil 73 61; Derby Oil Doma I Dreo Diamond Paper Twin Shoe Prod Trk 25 94 11 271 Seovill Scullin Samson 3fg I'nit 9-16 3 Driver-lar 20 Scullin Sti war Duro-Test Sec Corp Gen Duval Tex Sut Hegal Lock Seiberling Rub Selhy Shoe 91 Eagle Pich Id 12 314 1174 31 Selected Ind cv 23 Sel Ind pr 59 59 East pl Sentry Con Do pi 52 Shat-Denn 81 East Mall Iron 101 11-18 Shaw 17 17 1014 East Sta Corp Sherwin-W'm 14 East Sta Corp 19 11-16 Silex 154 15 Do DI 14 16 16 16 Simmons Har Pt 37 Econ tiro Stra 14 Monotone Fixier Eire Soss Mfg El Bond Sh So l'enu Oil Do Do 14 60 621 Penn 29 So Ed pt 30 pt A 2014 1414 No ('ol Pow Elgin Nat Wat 8714 Aou Pipe 1. 11 Emp GAP AT Houthi Royal A1, Emp 6 AT 83 Spaiding pi 131 pi No 1014 1014 HiAnd Brew Ea 15 Equity Corp Oil Ky Do $3 pt Oil Esquire Inc 5 St Do 7-16 Fairchild Av 11 1014 Stand Prod Fairchild En 54 Stand Sil-Lead Fanny Farm Stand St Spre 35 33 Fansteel Met 100 15 15 Ster Atarrett Br Stre Corp vtc Fla Ford Can 151 Steri Al Prod 109 109 Mot Ltd 27 Sullivan Mach 13 4 134 Fox Brew Sun Ray Drug Froedt 114 Sunray Oil Fruchaut Tra Do cv Oil Cal Superior 31 31 a Firepfg 14 16 Gen Invest 7-16 7-18 Taggart Gen Share 11, Texon Technicolor 131 DA. 7 Wat Tiln Thew Roof' Shovel Gon Gilbert A Tob Prod 141 Gen Ald Coal Todd Ship de Exp Gorh Atl Mfg nv 1071.

10612 10613 Toledo FAis 8 pt (it Greenf Nor l'an 43 Transwest oli Trand-bux Groc arum Str Aire Tubize Chat Prod Tri-Cont War mar Gulf Oil 37 87 Tung-Sol Lam Gulf St ut a pt 1114 Udylite Corp Hall Lamp 14 Unexpelled MEg 24 Harvard Hammermill Braw l'ap 30 1 U'nion f'rem FS 20 30 Union Can Tat Corp Am Airc Pr Hazeltine 00 20 99 Unit Chem fearn St 19 44 19 101 U'nit Unit Cig-Wh Stra Min 67 7. Corp war Heller Helena pf Rub xw 26 2A 06 Gas pi 107 105 Unit GAS Heyden 871; Unit U'nit 1,1 It A To Pou 13-18 Ilires Hubbel (C. (1) 19 19 Unit pt oil 62 62 62 Tinit Unit Shoe Milk MI Prod Hum- Ross 43 Unit Specialts 6 5 Ilygrade Sylv Int Sec Do pt 706, 111 Towa Fow 314 314 A3 111 TowA Pw div ct 3 lines pf Zine 61. 11 Plywood Imp MI Ltd 11 Do cv pf Imp Th Can 111. 117 Radiator 19 I'nit Wall Pap Ind Sic 1012 1014 1'nit Corp "to Indpla 1'niv Prod Ins Co Am 13 114 114 Utah-Idaho Sug Int lyd-El pt Utah 6T Indust Pow war 23 Util pf Int Pap Util Ind pt Int Prod 11-18 11-14 11-10 Utility Equit Int Home En 1614 1614 918 Valspar Corp 5 Ent Raz Iron Fiem vic Irving Air (h Do pot Ital Superpow 3-16 3-18 3-14 Van Norm MT 30 V'enezuel Pot Je Jaroha pt 93 0:3 St Waro Airc 6 54 Vogt Mig 12 12 Wagner Bak vic Kings CLtg nf 91 04 91 Tex Ut $6 pt 99 Kennedy' Wellington 011 Kingston Pod West Va 1 Kirby Pet West Air Exp Krueger Brew 6 6 Westmoreland Coal Westmoreland Inc 11 Lake Shore 1811 184 181 Wichita Oil 54 Takay Fdy sr 331 334 Wilson Wolverine -Jones 6 Le Tourneau 33 Lehigh Wright Harg Leonard Oil Dev 3-16 Line Material 121 11 11 Ala Pow 5g 51 Locke StI Ch 134 Do 67 .103 Lone Star Gas Do 5s 56 Long Is Ltg Am 67s 2018 101 Do pt 4314 43 44 Ark 36 Long Is I.

pi 40 Ag Flee 4143 33 54 33 Louden PAck 17 Louis Do 18 Lynch Corp 28 Do 69 Do. 48 17 Majestic 6. 16 4 Do 4148 49 Manati Sug war 13-14 13-16 Bald 1 50 11614 113 Marion St Shov Roll Can 1114 Reth St. fig 08 151 Master Elec 3..6 3 36 It 05 97 Rad Birming GAN: 59 97. 97.

McWill Dredg 8 8 Broad Riv 34 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Close Sales in 1000's ligh Low Close 147 Can Nor S5 33 93 96 95. 18 Caro 1. 38 56 Cen St El 34 371 3 Do 53 48 37 371 714 Cen St 63 81 105 81 Chi 111 Mid .107 105 11-16 Chi Ry 27 et Cin St Ry 68 33 19 Cities Ser 5s 09 10314 Do bs 66 Do 38 70 Do 3s 30 Cit 49 Cit 8 Pow 5 48 N6 Commun 16816 Conn 79 31A 134 Con GEL BA 3 11013 Con GEI. Ba 33 69 .....108 105 109 c. Con Gas Ut tis 43 88 88 88 Cont 33 38 A 014 13 5 Gudahy Pack 00 Det Int Br 82 61 414 East 49 BRA 9144 8178 04 EI Paso El 38 50 10 10t; Elec 33 2030 Elmira Wat 1101 Empire Dis 32 1041 10414 1041 40 Fed Water 54 10014 1 Fla 38 34 1011 Fla Pow 48 titi 101 Gary 38 44 st 141 101 Gatineau Pow 69 Gen Bronze Us 40 Gen J'ub lit ti 36 90 68 Gen W'k 13 A 091 134 Geo Glen l'ow Ald Coal 67 43 65 TI 73 74 Guar Inv 36 Hygrade 65 40 18 18 Fd 3 TO 82 Idaho l'ow RT 1093 1084 111 Pow 56 104 103 1001 Do 01 8 37 111 6 33 1071 10716 117 111 Pow Ind Syc 58 HO 60 12 Ind Svc 3A 83 A9 Indnapls 5s 17 Int Sec 78 37 41 41 83 Int Sec 59 36 36 36 Int Soc 33 3t 36 Inters tow 6.

12 471 Inters Pow SR 57 65 675 ti6 4 la-Nob 38 37 lA-Neb LAD 38 61 104 55 A 10712 It Sup H3 40 Kan GRE Us Long Lt tig 105 107 23 Midland Val 33 43 07 87 67 110 Minn 1 1, 4 78 103 103 103 114 Co 1044 Miss Pow 35 102 102 Miss Riv 09 51 10 109 109 116 Mo Pub Suc 13 40 9114 9514 21; Nat 53 2040 Nevada Cal 59 St 811 34 Eng 30 19 69 10714 Do 48 08 091 681 91 NE Pow 100 99 Do 38 45 981 1 Do 61 1091 1001 100 Ori 6a40 A 103 1033 10.3 NY St EXC 80 103 103 103 Nor Am 36 10276 Nor Con Ut 510 818 A 47 471. Norwest 58 Si 1031 108 106 1011 113 Ohio Pow 348 68 173 Ohio Pub Sve 108 108 701; PAC 39 35 Pen ten 1014 104 Pen-Oh Ed tig 50 3 1091 6 Do 59 1071 10713 Pro Gay 46 61 45 Do 43 61 00 El 111 111 Phila Rap Tr Us 62 A 90 991, Portlan! $12 12 921 Portland 40 00 90 Pub Sv Okla 56 1063 1064 103 Pug KA PAL 961 95 10 fo 50 941. 941 941 1 Do 4128 50 901 917 91 Scrippa 5448 43 1031 Shaw 03 90 92 Do 70 63 2025 A 112 112 South Car Pow 58 57 101 101 101 So Cal Ed 8 50 Do 34 3 60 109 10012 1008 So Cnty Cal 68 105 1064 105 105 A Tel 61 Stand As48st 66 6412 St 03 45 cv 68 69 Stand 6931 69 66 194, Stand REST 8414 Stand Hs 66 681 6744 Stand V'6L it Hr Starrett Corp 1834 Tex El 3800 105 101 10.5 Tex PAL 3456 10 5 1015 Tide Wat 991. 08; Twin CRT 514812A AT 6r 14 2.5 Ulen Co Unit NJ 48 49 11214 Unit 414574 Unit 813 Unit 10814 13 Unit 91 91 91 Viah 63 2022A Vire 5 10A 103 10254 Do SO 1023 1021 Waldorf-Ast As 51 West Wash Ry Un EI 48 68 071 ....107 49 Newsp West Pa EI 38 0030 26 Danish Con 5 30 30 Danish Con 58 53 23 Fin MI Bk 30 50 30 Nippon EP 618 644 l'ied Ily-El BOA 47 Rio de Jan 39 95: 3417 Terni Elec 33 40 371 Unit El Eve is 36 38 374 I NEWSPRINT HOARDING 591 DECLARED UNNECESSARY New York, April 9-(AP)-Cran17 ston Williams, general manager. 134 American Newspaper Publishers' 88- sociation, said today leading sellers of newsprint have maintained previously announced prices for the second quarter.

despite decreasing shipments from Scandinavian countries, caused by latest war conditions. One leading producer. Great Northern l'aper company, recently withdrew A $1-a-ton price increase for the second quarter, leaving its price 37 unchanged. "Canadian mill- have been taking up the slack as shipments from overhave fallen off," Williams said, 351 "and still have more than ample capacity for United States newsprint consumption. 141.

"We are advising our members not to create an artificial shortage by hoarding." Sugar and Coffee Markets SENTENCED TO TWO TEARS Roston, April 2-(AP)-Andrew New York, April 9-(AD)-The world sugar futures contract raced ahead early today in quick response to war news, faltered and settled back to close with net gains of 1 to 2 points. While sugar brokers said spreading the European conflict could be construed as a bullish tor in sugar trade, they also pointed to the fact ample supplies still over5 hang world markets. Sales totaled 11,100 tong; May 1.47 bid. July 1.47 hid. The domestic list, influenced at the outset by the world prices, fared 1414 better in the long run and closed 2 to 4 points up on turnover of 11,850 tons.

Substaining influences were the up103 ward slant to the refined and raw 13-18 markets. Offerings of raw sugar cents tracted. a pound Duty-frees while were Cubas for held at prompt. 2.85 shipment were available at 1.05 for June shipment. Inquiry for refined increased.

Eastern refners stuck to the cents A pound base but concessions were allowed in west344 ern territory. No 3 range follows: High Low Close May 1.87 1.86 1.87b July 1.92 1.91, September 1.98 1.96 1.07b January 2.02 2.01 2.02h March 2.00 2.03 2.01b h-bid. Coffee futures bucked the main trend in staple markets with moderate losses today. Worrying the market, 12 brokers said, was the possibility of a contraction in' the important Scandinavian coffee consuming arcas, which normally take more than 1,500,000 bags of coffee. Santos closed 6 to 9 points lower on turnover of 19.000 bags: May 5.70b, July 5.90h, Septem123 ber 6.00b, December 6.11b, March 6.18.

11 3 Rio was nominally down 5 points; May 4.20b. July 1.20b, September 6 4.19b, December 4.18b, (b-hid). In an unsettled actuals markets, Santos 4s were quoted at Rio 7s at 103 Cost and freight offerings included, Santos Bourhon 3s and 5s at 6.50-7.30. Zinn, alias "Scarface Andy," of Brooklyn. N.

and his nephew, Samuel Allman, 21, of New York. were sentenced to two years in the federal penitentiary today after they pleaded guilty to conspiracy in the distriubtion of obscene pictures and literaI ture. PASSIVE ATTITUDE SEEN INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT FOR U.S. America Would Be Within Its Rights if It Pointed Out to Nazis and Allies Their Disregard of Neutrals Ry DAVID LAWRENCE Special Dispatch to The Republican Washington, April 9- (AP) -The rights of neutrals--the issue over which the United States fought a war in 1917-now have been reduced almost to the vanishing point. The British action in carrying their HeH warfare into Norwegian territorial waters represents about the last stela toward sanctioning by custom practice the invasion of neutral rights at the very doorstep of smaller nations.

What the allies are doing, of course, is the result of provocation Nazi government which, from the beginning of the war, has waged ruthless submarine warfare against neutral shipping. When submarine operations in the last war shocked the opinion of the civilized world and ultimately aroused the American people to entry into a war far distant from their own shores. it was believed that progress had been made toward the delimitation of the rights of belligerents. Today, however, due possibly to the willingness of the United States to abandon neutral rights or rather to refrain from asserting such neutral rights, the belligerents are moving in to conduct their war irrespective of boundaries or territorial waters. Implications Hard to Realize The fact that the British, who for generations of past history have been the outstanding champions of the rights of neutrals, should decide to mine the territorial waters of a neutral country is a step sensational that its implications may not he realized for many years to come.

It. means, of course, that war has reached such A stage that neither side is willing to respect socalled neutral rights any longer. Since the Nazis have sunk such A vast amount of neutral tonnage without endeavoring to separate contraband from noncontraband, the British have felt justified in trying to stop all German exports as well as imports. This, how. ever, cannot be done when countries contiguous to Germany maintain trade operations with America and other neutrals.

The allies now have determined to let nothing get into Germany directly or indirectly, and the intensification of the war will reveal a far more aggressive position in this respect by the British than ever before. The theory that what one enemy does permits the other belligerent to do likewise has now been adopted as a sort of legitimate rule of thumb. It may extend before long to aerial bombardments of cities or possibly to the movement of planes directly across neutral territories. So far United States government is concerned, it may watch with academic interest the strangulation of neutral rights. Certainly no voice has been lifted here in Washington against the indiscriminate way by which the Nazis have arrogated to themselves the right to sink any or all neutral ships on sight with the possible exception of those of the United States and Italy, which for special reasons are allowed ed to pass.

U. S. Expected to Keep Silent be made now against what the BritSo long as neither Germany nor ish are doing in sowing mines in neuNo protest, therefore, can logically tral waters on the Norwegian coast. Britain operates in American territorial waters, presumably no expression of opinion will be forthcoming from the United States though it is a matter or regret that America has not even chosen to argue for the theory of neutral rights since the war began. Unquestionably American public opinion has had much to do with the timidity of the department of state in expressing itself about neutral rights.

Nobody in government here now would dare to say what President Wilson said in 1915 and 1916 about the rights of neutrals. The wry that would arise especially in 2 Year of presidential and congressional elcetions would stifle any such outburst on the ground that America WAS being "dragged" into the wAr. For the make of the record at least and for the projection of rights of neutrals in the future, the United States government would be justified in calling to the attention of both the Nazi government and the allied governments the serious tranagressions off neutral rights of which their respective navies are guilty. If the principle be conceded belligerenta have unlimited rights. then the opportunities for small nations to keep themselves free from war will disappear and the large nations will find that the area of operations in every war is more and more extensive with the consequence that America will have a much more difficult time preserving her neutrality hereafter by A passive attitude.

Rights Foreign Exchange -nominal. GIVEN TILL MAT 13 New York, April 9- (AP) --The war abroad hit the foreign exchange market hard today. The British pound dropped centa, closing at $3.4612, after a low of $3.43. The lowland currencies eased off, the Belgian belga losing .09 of a cent at 17 cents, and the Dutch guilder declining .01 of A cent at 53.08 cents. The French franc declined .05 of a cent to 1.9612 cents.

The Canadian dollar dropped of a cent to 83.50. There were only nominal quotations for Scandinavian currencies at the opening, and shortly afterward the foreign exchange committee of the leading commercial banks suspended all trading in them. after consultation with the treasury and the Federal Reserve bank of New York. Closing Rates Great Britain in dollars, others in Canadian control board rates for United States dollars: Buying 10 per cent premium. selling 11 per cent premium.

equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars in New York of buying 9.91 per cent. selling 9.09 per cent. Canadian dollar in New York open market per cent discount, or 83.50 United States cents. Great Britain, demand 3.45¾. cables 3.46½, 60-day bills 3.11%.

90-day bills 3.43⅝. Belgium 17.00, Denmark unquoted, Finland 1 1.05n, France 1.96½. Germany 40.20 (benevolent 16.00), Greece .66. Hungary 17.65n, Italy 5.05, Netherlands 63.08, Norway. unquoted, Portugal 3.4$n.

Rumania Sweden 23.83, Switzerland 22.43, Yugoslavia 2.35n, Argentina official 29.77, free 22.74, Brazil official 6.05, free 5.10; Mexico 16.85, Japan 23.48, Hong Kong 21.75, Shanghai Rates in spot 'cables unless otherwise indicated. Washington. April 3-(AP) -Cities Service Power and Light company today was given until May 13 to answer integration proceedings instiItuted by the Securities commission, NEW YORK BOND MARKET 3 12 A 5 New York, April 3-(AP)-Norwegian and Danish bonds crashed As much as 37 points today as German troops swarmed into the Scandinavian countries. As the slumped, dollar they loans of carried the downward the issues of Belgiumwhich dropped as much as 16 points -Italy, Germany, France and Canada. The debacle among the foreign loans waS reflected, although only mildly, in a dip in United States goveinments which averaged about half point.

the maximum drop being 1.4 points for the treasury of '56-'59. Corporate bonds suffered similarly in the swift trading, with losses of more than 2 points common throughout the list. A few industrials, notably papers, were able to hold their own against the tide of war news. The turnover was one of the greatest in the year, $10,259,000, face value, compared with $9.431,000 yesterday. Among the issues hardest hit were: American Telephone of '61 at Bethlehem Steel at 110; Commonwealth Edison convertible at Delaware Hudson refunding 48 At Erie 5s of '76 at International Hydro Electric 6s at Canadian National Railway at and Third Avenuc 4s at Among the few gainers were United States Steel up at International Paper 69, up at and Remington Rand with warrants.

which gained At 102. Following is a complete list of Anal bond TreAs U. S. 3 GOVERNMENT Jun 101.3 BONDS 101.3 101.3 Do 43-41Men 103.18 106.14 Do 41 104.11 104.11 104.11 Do 8 47-13 100,16 109.16 Do 45-43 100.25 100.25 109. Do 3:18 31-44 46-11 ...110.13 110.14 114.25 114.20 110.14 Do 4s Do 47-45 109.16 100.14 Do 16 109.9 100.9 109.9 170 115.6 115.6 115.0 Do 49-46 111.24 111.27 Do 4 32-47 .129.30 120.30 120.30 Do 105.10 105.10 Treas 45 108.19 108.18 108.19 Do 2s 50-48 104.3 104.3 101.3 Do 31s 32-49 112.12 112.12 a.

Do 513-49 11 100.7 106.11 15 Do 104.8 104.10 ca Do 54-51 108.6 13 Do 38 53-51 111.12 111.11 111.11 110 53-51 101.6 108.30 104.2 173 108.10 109.10 Do 60-33 reg 108.10 Do 59-56 107.4 107.4 HA Ito 63-58 ....107.8 101. 107. 142 Do 8 16 106.29 100.29 Fed 3847-42 103.2 106. 105.2 Do 38 49-44 148.4 109.4 hom*ownL 104.8 104.8 104.6 Do 38 52-44 107.28 107.26 107.20 Do 47-45 ....102.2 102.2 102.2 CORPORATION BONDS A Adams Exp 46 st 1085 Alleghany CV 41 815 Do cv 59 49 74. 731 7314 Do 50 st 431; 43 431 Allis Chaim cv 4s 32 144 109 30 Am For 2030 11 Am 1 Chem 49 1044 104 104 Am 43 107 Do 60 1081 108 Do 318 61 1081 1091 Ain 13 1084 Anaconda Cop 4 50 1023, 1028, Ann Arbor 4g 93 45 418 9 BAT 971 19 Arm Del 48 57 103 103 Do AS 103 102 14 49 85 1444 12 28 48 1033, 103 4 Do C-A 62 11 AC 1st 02 71 At ChA AL 38 87 87 AL 93 93 10 AC Line cit is 52 683; 3 4128 04 56 56 AC Line 5s 45 73 74 Atl Dan Ist is 49 408; Atl Dan 2d 49 49 34 34 AubAutocv 59 59 59 17 lat mtg 46 st Ay LO 9, st A 28 Do 13 at 31 31 110 2000 st 2776 30 Do st Do 60 st 1312 Do 48 no 1st 4g 44 reg 47 HT Ito 4851st 39 39 59 5 IV 50 st 474 Bang de Aroo cnis31 Do 4: 51 st 0.

Do Us 43 94 9314 14 Bell Tl'a 3s 18 1133 1: Do 5g A0 194 Beth St 60 Beth Stl 3148 52 .112 110. 110 18 Beth St 3 50 1034 52 Bostons Me 67 Do 53 67 st Do 55 DO 49 49 Do 58 55 Rkly Edis 66 Bkly Man Tr 66 10242 Do 66 ct 90 Rkly UnEl 103 103 103 TO Ist Bkly Gag 113 30 Do os 30 97 Do 16 But st 41 13 Bur ct 12 Bush Term 38 46 6 Bush Bldg 3560 60 CAl Ore POW ASHA 104 104 57 Can Nat 58 HO Jly. 99 99 23 Do .13 89 Oct Do Ry 55 941 99 14 9914 11 Do 51 90 971 971 Can Nat Ry 36 14 99 Do 4 57 97 Sati 14 97 15 Can Pac 1024 Do 56 83 83 Do 4 14 8 16 85 89 Do 60 74 76 TR Can Pao 87 67 6 Gen 58 30 10014 1001 Celotex 47 tv 80 Can Now 61 10 Cen P'AC 60 4 Do 1st 69 30 CenRRNJ AT 18 19 Do 38 reg Do 48 81 164 16 16 Certain-td 18 SO 40 CAD 4 pon 99 99 Do fg 3149 906 Do rfe 10, 145 14 5 Cher Oh 48 R9 RRA 11T 117 117 12 Chi Alton 38 49.... 154 13 14 rig 58 89 8414 14 15 Do 4 14, 7 4.7 51 81 6 Do con 49 53 92 Ill 49 29 Chi 111 31. 17 95 Chic Git West 5 Chi 181, Ax 5 Chi 5R 47 20 107.

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48 38 St Peo NW 48 25 15 St MA Pac 38 35 st St 33 50 16 13 Do 5s 50 ct 141 144 Do Do 76 ct st 188 63 Do 4s 30 A 131 Do 4g 50 A ct 18 St 8 1st 4s 89 67 60 Do 2d 48 89 371 37 SIL 41 Pass 45 13 64 10 NAn Ant Pub 5 63 108 108 03 Schulco 6148 46 st 434 Scluto VAN 48 89 12114 1214 34 Saab A cv 65 45 684 61 tis 43 ct Do 48 50 st 14 Do 30 unst 13 Do rig 59 Sea- All His 35A ct 24 Shell Un 34 97 Simmons cv 32 ...1014 19 Socony-Vac 36 64 1051 So Bell s82 Do 3a 79 .1044 So Col Pow 47 Sou Kragt 46 59 094 Sou Nat Gas 148 31 Sou lac 4 68 481 47 81 402 45 Do 69 467 Do rig 4s 55 61 3 So l'ac cit 18 49 Do 16 34 3278 So 9 Ore So PacSFTeris50 751. 75 South Ry 56 Do gen His 56 31 Do cen Re 04 32 Do gen 36 Do St 51 SW Bell Tel 3128 64 111 13 Do 49 1074 A StandOUNJ 38 81 1053; 16 Do 24,8 33 39 Studebakercy 45 109 10 50 1A TRRASTL 48 53 ......111 Tex Corp 51 10344 Do 3g 59 106 1st 3s 2000 ...10714 Do 53 71 71 Do DoSs 79 6914 56 80 60 7034 704 124 ThirdAveal 33 25 23 Do 60 614 60 1 UnElMo 62 1074 1074 36 Union Oil Cal is Un Pac 2008 Un Pac 1st 1s 47 114 Un Pac 71 98 Un PAC rig 4s 2008 107 Un PAC TO Un Cir-Wh Stre 58 77 75 43 Unit Drug ba 53 894 U'n 41..110 52 US Steel 3146 48 1034 6 Un Stockyds 51.. 9116 Utah 103 Utah 58 14 104 13 Util 114 31 L'ti! PAL 53 09 st ....114 114 Va Ir 56 49 50. 50 Virginian Ry 33 5 23 Wabash rig 1st 3a 75.... 39....

20 Wabash 3 88 33 19 194 27 W'abash 58 80 92 Wabash 78 Walker 106 Wawrth 65 68 30 Warner Bros 6g 48.. 90 90 8 Warren Br Ha 41 324 West Pen 3s 4A 117 14 West Shore 48 184 Westch It 67 8, 105 Westn Sid 873, WNYA Pa gen 4943 1081 3 Westn 46 18 114 23 West Un 51 89 14 Do Sa HA 67 13 Do ti7 1 5 48 49 33 Wheel Stl 4A ..10118 3 Wilson Co 4s 50 100 32 Wis Cen 40 Wise El Pow 68 ..1001 Wis Pub Sve 18 Hi1 110 fi Er A 3 Youngst 61 105 104 CV 48 Abitibi 58 53 52 50 Adriatic El $2 67 57 Antwerp 39 56 40 Argentine 4s 72 Feb 8434 84 50 Do Ap 59 Do 18 9.5 44 94 Do 71 55 90 Australia 55 80 Do 58 57 Do 56 7.3 19 Belgium 55 103 A1 11 Belgium 49 00 25 Do 27-57 17 17 Do 1 Do tis 56 90 Brazil 8g 11 20 Brazil Ry El. 32 141, Breda, Ernes is 34 97 Brishane 58 07 66 Do 38 82 82 Buen A 38 34 45 33 Do 4 44 8 ti1 Do Aug 76 63 624 30 Canada 10314 10r 1, 42 Do 60 95 18 Do 31 61 884 85 30 Do 3a 63 Do 39 67 837 83 23 Do 2125 45 928 15 Do 44 931; 2 Chile MIs 124 Do As 62 14 11 Chile rig 60 asd Chile A2 15 Chile tig 63 14 Mun Colomb is 61 Jan 30 Colomb 68 61 Oct 331 324 Copenhag 32 33 0014 18 Cordoba 90 80 Cuba 3 Do 45 $1 Do 44 .....102 103 60 Denmark ds 12 28 Do 30 30 Do 62 23 3 Dom Dom 2nd 3 ext 75 75 Dread 13 13 18 EI Salvador 8s 48ct French 7148 41 10 99 French 74 11 unst 92 14 Ger Gov 56 11 5 Do 612. 66 unat 6 43 Do 40 16 3 Gt Con El 44 90 90 Greek 68 68 pt pd 15. 15 Hungary 7A ext CrCons TA47B 701 AR Ital Pub Util 7:52 48 44 25 Italy 3914 10 JApAn 904 6 Japan 65 64 3 Mendoza 48 12 Milan City 5428 32 1 Minna Ger 58 16 Sou Wales 38 18 25 Norway 63 38 Do 68 casb 62 Do 13 Do 43 cash 82 62 Do 56 Do 36 cash Do AS Do cash Do 83 41 30 Orient Dev 59 57 574 Panama 59 63A 71 70 Peru 68 40 10 Do R.

10 144014 Do A 47. 84 82 Rio da Jan 44 35 Du 618 AM Rio G1 do Sul .1118 Itio Gr do Sul Te 06 10 Rome 64. 12 $1 Sania I'rov 18 84 77 77 11 Sao Paulo Chy 914 Do St 8. 30 11 Do is 40 34 Do St Gia 48 10 Serbs Cta SI Sg 62 13 39 Do IS 63 Shinuetsa 43 A 14 Tokyo City 81 814 61 Tokyo El Lt 5 5, 43 1 Ujigawa El 89 89 Urug aj 30 Uruk 54 53 1 Westph Un ElF 65 53 4 New York Metal Marker 1051 33 17 18 164 1114 1.1 New York, April 9-(AP)-Con Arm; electrolytic spot, Connecti Valley. 11.50: export, f.

8. B. York. 11.50. Tin Arm, spot and no by 17.12½: forward 46.81½.

1. steady. spot, New York 5.00-5.05; St Louis 4.85. Zinc steady. East Louis spot and forward 5.75.

Pig in aluminum, antimony, quicksil platinum, Chinese wolframite and mestic scheelite, unchanged..

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.