The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

I WEATHER ILAWNOTICESIT television Herald Classified Phone 20944 Temperature read are SYNOPTIC WtATXIR CHAAT rz 3 1 'w denotes programs in 9.00: Here's Humphrey. i.rt 22t7. Tii-; Vrrr" Fcri Cct 23. 1 NSW ahead in Challenge Cup Celsius Ra -f at 1 1 re.d;, ss 1 n. metre 4 The lc.iowi--a information was issued br the Weather Bureau at opn, yesterday.

HIG -4 COURT DISTRICT COURT TAYLOR SQUARE CIVIL full Court. Ct 1. 13 15: Judge- HOSPITAL ROAD 1 arson Lee Hri'-g C.ooow Ch-ef Juoje. Ct 21. 10: black and white.

10.00: All My hildren td- nam yrr ii rr, Liverpool vitrei. rosb South Coast: Mo- tg je IS 0 2. A I Nf- ALL ZA hr to Nrrin-West S.opi-: 7a wo'th MO 0 6 H-Mtr: 1: The World Weather crnoVt on tf-rtper-. tures in a or world cn City fUieway Ply Lta. luri-ae Muir.

Ct 19. 10 CASUAL WORK AVAILABLE SrhfTiamger, SD'llier; Brj.A Today Scen National News at 6.30 pin. FEDERAL COURT 22. 10: Homes Ltd. Circost pi.

Judge Thortey. Ct rhfv. Ccrfbcs AjsT Ltrt I QUfcfcNS SQUARE WAITRESS cumi. Ryrtlmre Justice Cl 21C. 10 15 area, mit be orepired to work CuP'i.

Gecuio Alien. Curlis; Another World. 12.00: Mike Walsh Show. 1.30: Daj Of Our Lives. 2.30: The Young And The Restless.

3.00: General Hospital. 3.30: Search Tor Tomorrow. 4.00: Skippy. 21 were. WtNT WORTH LHAMBtHj PHILLIP STRtET Judge Redappie.

Ct 7. 10 Lentio-i. Cerehos (Aust) ltd I 225 MACOUARIE STREET ATN CHANNEL 7 Max 1 7 bird 627 2372. Donald System of Aust 1 I Mi Wiihams Wmei ui anor 4 i Justice Sweeney. Ct 21B.

9 30: CASUAL WORK cation trim TtatJes Union ol Aust. 10.00: Komper Room. Judge Lincoln. Ct 9. 10 Cum Hutioers Licensing 00: I IcVLD AM.

VA1LI 1 Juif Oenc Ct 2Ut. 10 15 pton-Pratt, Dries; Rusttl. Starr.atU and Rrarri oh METROPOLITAN FORECAST Hgr, lur car-gtr Wnm to very warm to to NW winds freshen. ng ahead of late gusty change Scattered thunderstorms de.eioo-irig. Ses snght to mod low Temp ranges: City 1 7 2b, Live' pool 14 30.

OTHER CITIES FORECASTS Brisbane, fine 26 Canberra, afternoon showers 27 Melbourne, fine 19 Hobart. mainly fine 18 Adelaide, tine 20 Perth, fine, partly Cloudy 20 Darwin, fine 34 Alice Springs, fin 27 NSW FORECAST 12.0: Moue I he Uoi 4.30: ogi Space Race, CARS P.ESPR AYED. McDonald. Strata Plan 7,671 Judne Godirey-Smtth, Ct 10. $400.

rust Hutihtft. Deouty Comm of 10: Stevenson. Ha-wood, Prtt no 17 8724 Hioamv lew Minul n- i i 637 8724 game that the team' best placrs were the tup Cjrcg arr, from Tamworth. and Phil Baker, from Patkes. 'I he second "Challenge i.p match will he played ihe thii'd test between Australia and Ireland at Concord Oval on S.iturd.i'.

and pinel repairs, ring (66) (AO) (Rpt) (bw). 5.00: Here's Lucy (RpU anytime Ta.ihv: Johnson. C. 5iiar. hh' viur.

ctdfft 16 33 31 21 16 13 19 1 1 22 25 13 1 9 31 27 2ft 20 4 5 10 6 18 20 ft 12 lb jennuer joncs, jviicnaei 5.30: Family Feud. PAINTING, Houses, fic'e" Quotes wouosira. F. J. Hawkes and Co' Jodce Coates, Ct 6.

1030 NSW heat Mctoiia in the first of lv.o Challenge Cup men's hockey mulches in Melbourne tin Saturday al'ler the scores were Icsc! at half-time. he came was plaved as the preliminary to the fust Test hetucen Australia and Iieland. which Australia won 6-0. NSWs first coal resulted from a penalty flick by J' A 38 492b mu5w u. Kicnarason and inor.iMan'i.

Elbourti. raiks. 6.00: Ihe Yount? Doc tors Neison Tobacco Co Brod-I Judge Cnpps, A1 51: 2.30: Good Times, LEGAL NOT ICES Dunning jbefk. Clark Tile Ltd- Green. Dep1 Health Com-n, 6.30: Nes And Weather.

Walls 7.00: I he Sullhans. -om oi tax; meeonam. Castro mawski: WeirMngcr, HiY.VS'3'00s Wilhin Ihese Aust P'L; Saad. Brambie Hold Desicer Developers, In the Supreme Court of New' Suth Wales, Probata Division, -Goocie Withers (A) 7.30: The Paul lino. neonv? IT.VaVd Amsterdam.

t'er Athens, clptry Bahrain, cirrir Bangkok, cor Beirut, cloudy Belgrade, tiear Berlin, e'ear Bogota, cie-r Brussels, doudy Buenos Aires, clear Cairo, clooy Chicago, rain Coprthagcn. ram Curitiba. cloudy Dmpasar. cirar ranklurt. (eg Geneva, clcuoy Helsinki, ra.n Hong Kong.

Honolulu, ciear Jakarta cea--Jcrusaicm. irv. iC; Ktie-'a L'jn-ur. e'euav Lma. c.O'-C' ri-ud -rs

cioudy Madrid, Oudy PupO linos no Livermore. Ci've L.Jic. Parker and cs. Iweil Ltd Robson. WfM ho'd-' JudTe Cooper.

Ct 2. 10: 10 29 31 r-4 L.rensin, Board 'Kptl. i (RptJ. Comeilv. u0.hST 6 wlS Shirl'.

Neighbour- 8.30: The Loi, Boat-Apes B'f HngHH PNob.e''bel' Wft 55, "0- of Man Families Bon To'." SYDNEY JOSSELVN late of 14 1 Justice lohrt Ct 20D Heon; Venre-burg. White; 4.JU: i arrOUt. illPSl Arltnp ihl REGIONAL FORECASTS Lid: Oremshaw anff Builr'e'S Lirensma Board 7 1 26 24 14 tOSli 1016 ilAi rt.f.t-'. (V.lutnmrll.Btl SI (S ro. iioMr a a o.r-:s4ti TTyTi cotOfBONr a Kt VA WMM iff! Vrey t.utjfcV aOhmMH v.r rtI'MIN'QI S' UNt OF W.Ttr,toQf-,T DIT in Cooke.

Moira Avenue. West Ryde de- 10 IS Hrmg: Trade es iimott. Wood: Arastasas. enn. -a.

Northern Rivers: warm 1 10 31 hi ceased dv- sio-'cr be n.ade by Ccrm. Sf'hnu McDonald; ck we' cs 10-20 kr-ots on c-ast. Pisk Isofcars; A hre d'awn 01 the Poos M-Master: Jones, 10 n-rg clacs v.ith general tends blow of afternoon thunde'stom. Si'Ont -e arrr.ospenc p'esnrc. me wed 5.3U: ielcomc Back hot- Song (7I) nimy Award-tcr(Rpt).

winning drama sntrrinc 6.00: Bewitched (Rpt). Jaties Caan. 6.30: Set en National News 1.00: News. ses on ic swell. Med to alor-g h- cnanpf ce'ined by th sObr. daijer Ti op-cal cyclone: A low p- essure system that as cs ted err id-North Coast: ard a trc i.cai oier and with wrucn is aisoc atc3 sprtds hu.T;d. ficL-jy rericds. wines greaie than 63 km h. rug rufii. Had; Husn.

Alien, Dwvr O'IFENS SQUARE Judoe Huks. Ct 13. 10. Turn-er. Akin Au't Ltrt.

Reserve Leadneatter, rmtiana: PTC: Cak. Ben. Zj knots en ccast. Mod to Mid ealner. 11.30: Joe No fire dar-gfr.

Risk ot after- Central Tablelands: Mudnee Ma7'' TEMPERATUrtES YESTERDAY Montreal, John James Josse yn and Helen Re-3iSTrar. Ct 2 0B. 10: Eam' Kathryn Miller ExO utori named rfn in the Will. L--ediion a.e re- rT Reg. rr 2nr 10: ra-v Quired to send patticuiars of Mi IMIly; Reb' -son:; clan's upon his Estate to JOHN Mu-irite.

MALONE COMPANY. Tax of Costs. Fl 6: 2 15. Himt-1017 Victoria Road West Rveer. h-Hv 885 Svdney.

Tet. 807 3883 I ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS AFTER 14 days from tne pub- TRIBUNAL Ikation of this notice an appli-1 Justice Brennan. Rm 20A. cation for the Prooate of the Will 10 1S: Drake. Mm for Immigra-dated 21st Dece-nbr-r, 1978 of tion 4 fthn-c Affairs tte Estate of ERNEST ARTHUR) CROWN EMPLOYEES APPEAL JOHN MOLONEY Ute of Orange BOARD In the State of New South Wales' Justice Perngnon and Mem-whose occupation vas Retirea 'Jlr- Moss Vale Ct House.

11: Manager, deteair-d. will be made gosling. Dept of Youth and 9 am 212 clegs 0 8 KunajO'ig Ht, 0 4 Mt Willcsee At Seven. Probable (A) 3 pm 72 regs ia 0 2. Sheiton 7.30: C.H.l.P.S.

CiCudy Npdi. ne New Delhi, r'oucv One Harris. Dimartino; Harris, 8 Pm 19 7 degs Southern Tablelands: Canberra (RpU. Lloyd Bridges and 21 18 i.oon thurtdersiorrrs. S.

ight to mod seas cn low swell. Hunter: warm to hot and Mirmd with NW to NE winds 10-20 knots and gusty. Local afternoon thunderstorms. Cooler change late in nay. High fire dan- BOXING: American hoscr Cecil I-ernandez was flown to New Orleans fiom Georgetown, Guyana, for emergence hospital treatment.

lernandez has been unconscious since being knocked out in the 1 Oth and final round of a featherweight bout with Guyana's Patrick Ford on I riday. Doctors give Fernandez less than a 50 per cent chaneSJ of surviving. TKVN'IS: American Brian Gottfried beat South African Johan Krick 7-5 b-1 4-6 6-3 to win the men's singles title in the Swiss indoor championships in Basle; COURT OF COAL MINES REGU. Sydney maxl.num to 3 pm j.i i Ob 0.6 Cdi.ncria Cil (at 1 23 pm). 0.2 vrlntw minl.Tiiim In Dm 17 7 Klnrlhri-n Riv.rc ann Rumn N- York, clear Nicosia, dear I Richard Basehart, The 12.30: Movies (Rpt) She 19 30 1 3 8 30 33 25 30 1 3 18 33 23 18 32 34 Too Many (A).

8.30: Centennial i Crime (At. The second came vLen i.C!i;rt-forward deolf. I'atctson alter a brilliant pass fiom Paul Magtiirc. Ihe left-inner. Both of Victoria's scores followed penalty corners which Bob Procter initially saved but resulted in goals one from a rebound and the second from a penalty flick.

NSW right winger Larry Macintosh sealed the win in the second half from an open field goal. David Gorman, the NSW centre half, said al'ler the Waits (71). Dorothy t0 mod on low AT IONS Judge Goran. Ct 20. Hospital Rd.

10: Inq Into explosion at App'n Colliery. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION 50 PHILLIP STREET Ct 5. 10: Hearing: Shop Assfs (at 4 am). Casino 2 Grafton 11 Lismove 0 8 2S'- c'OLdy Barometer: 0 am 1.020.1. Maclean 4 Mullumtalmoy 2 Mur- Pans e'eurty pm 1.016.5, 8 pm 1,0174 mil It- wiiiumbah 7 Yamna 3.

por Moresby, fine bars. Mid-North Coast: Bellhrook 5 2'' clcudy Humidity: 9 am 73. 3 Dm 73. foif. Hhr Mn loRome.

clear 10.30: The Latest News. by Patria Marv Polyerino. CONCILIATION AND IMCUUire. rally UUKC South Coast-Hlawarra: Warm l.3. lory Ll A freshening to 15-25 knots ahead Creditors are required to send particulars of their claims upon ARBITRATION COMMISSION 11.00: Movie A Reflection Of Fear (73) (A) 8 pm 75 per cent Dorngo 13 Kempse 3 MacksvIHe San Francisco, cioudy.

5 21 16 6 12 25 14 5 23 7 1 7 Justice Gaudron, ct 23. 2 30: Warehouse ecs Fed NSW, Wind: Greatest vefoc ttv. 5G Estate to WHITELEY NfcAL Woman (69). Blbl An- of 9miy change In afternoon 206.f Broom Co and ors. Storemen Apoin for canccil of reg of said LONGMAN.

Sohc.tOiS, (Rpt). Psychological 5 Meldrum 6 Namburca Hds 1 5 ian Juan, e'ear Smoky Cape 18 Comboyne 2 Paulo, cloudy Gloucester 3 Pt Macquarie 0 2 Stoul' clpar Tarce 0.4. Slntjapore, dear Lord Place. Orange. km from ENE at 3 pm.

OTHER CITIES Temperatures in other tit* ttersson. 3.25: Pal Joey change. High fire danger. Seas and Parkers Union re warje rates umon. Same: Shop Asst's Justire Alley, ct 23d, 1 0.30- warehouse E'ees Fed NSW.

Appin Jchn Fairfax a'id Sons. AJA re for removal of said union from reg visual display terminals, ph. of industrial unions. (57). Frank Sinatra.

Rita 'SJSZSS- c.ouoy Hunter: Claren-etown 0 4 thriller. Robert Shaw. Sally Kellerman. Mary L're, Sondra Locke. Warm yesreraay Brisbane.

2S Isolated i Canberra. 28: Melbourne 27; Hobart. 20 Adelaide. 19. Perth Havworlh.

Iwim mod ne wmds. Taipei, clear Comm Vosti, metrop area. 10: i Watson. Ct 6. 10 30- afternoon thunderstorms.

EVf. 4 ii Tel Ayiy. clear Gas 27 29 23 l-'dustry Salaried Offliers fomo Conf Rylands Bros fAust) to 21; Darwin. 35; Alice Springs I Central Tablelands: Warm (ALL North Shore; Agreement re PL and AMW SU ad ors 2800. 62 1866.

(DX. Orange 301 2). By their Agents: MiGRATH LEVY Solicitor. 175 Pitt Street. Sydney, 2000, 231 1244.

NOTICE Of IN ENDED DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE Any person having a-y claim upon the Estate of JACK LAWRENCE WATERER late 01 Manly. wt'O died on 5th Septemner. 1979. vety warm. Mod to fresh NW to .3 TEN CHANNEL 10 Tokyo, cirar '3' Toronto, clear lllawarra Bowral 0 2 Jervis Vancouver, clear Bay 0 2.

Vienna, clear WEATHER SYNOPSIS sauine msoe-i ons. provision of meals. ViTf.l KU.C0.URT OF "30- Corro Con( FIA Ry- Christmas island a-n. di ABN CHANNEL 2 so.uRE. ior work.

8.011: Stsaiiic Street 7.30: The Klettric Companv. Justice Du-phv (t 2a. 10: Lee lustice Oev Ct 3 4 15- Re. cel. Che, a and rnni Nw V.llll: Kfliirutinntil Provram.

-00: Fat at And Friends. NE winds. Scatte--ed afternoon Mod fire danger. Cooler SW to fo'lowl. Southern Tablelands Warm to very warm NW to NE wids Sciitc-ed thunrerstotms in a't': oo-i Md danger.

Cooler SjV rha'ge to follow Nortn-Wvst Slopes and Plains i Ve-y Loci afterfion must s' nd particulars to the PUB address Ffd re hour, ot teaching. Dcpt ot 111. 8.30: 85: Hp. LlC TRUSTEE at Te THE WIZARD OF ID By Parker and Hart Terh and Further Education J. ct 2.

to: Kcliualional Pronrams liious ProKram. Cloudy southern'ts. mainly scattered flouri in Hazy along coast and nearby tablelands RAINFALL SYNOPSIS Light to mod rain, to heavy NW corner ol State Few light showers southern districts Highest tall 72 hours Guiar- gambone. 117m. 24 hours isolated verv lirjht Ncrthern Talble-nads.

Highest fall: Maryville. Imm. RAINFALL REGISTRATION (72 hours to 9 am yesterday) Upper Western: Bourke 10 Bv- 3. IU JJ An I nmn Tn, rn-nm a Scarle by 9 unions re varies and re allowance Leading Hand 1.IMI: And Weather.

1 lie 9.00: Moie I he Mod NE winds. (OndltlOnS ph tRp!) MoH to on frp c'anger 1.1 1: Kdiuational Pro- 'lour (A) ik T.m rv.vsn Central West Slopes and Plains: rAMIlT COURT 75-65 ELIZABETH STPFfjT lmtlff PaimIcw 7 in tng; Ref re Industrial Agreemet I-ryillS. aopranny below within two i calendar months from the date of pu hi teat ion hen of. After that time the PUBliC TRUSTEE may distnhute the assets ot tne estate fcavii'g regard only to the claims ot which at the; of distribution he has notice. Probate was granted In New South Wales cn 1 5th Octoner.

1979. to U-e PUBLIC TRUSTEE D. S. SAINSBERY. Branch Manager.

Public Trust Offi e. 685 Pittwiter Cimrenll: Smith. Door Installation and RWIU. 4.00: A.R.V.O. Very warm NW to NE winds With 10.30: Bernard Ring Show, freshening ahead of cooler sw 11.00: Good Morning Sd- Xr6 1-6 NTTHiNSBZJKf KCYCUPPBOIA Or YU rock 7 Colla-enebn 12 Coolaoah c.

i. io: Z7NrZ heen'rire Ron Blanchard. cZW.h"J r. M.v Favourite ncv uuva Liohtntno R.rtce a Mar- Peterson: Kime: Holt: Hammond: Arfm, lian. 12.00: Movie War Of "St KwNr 1 inn ifiAiri ni rrv-sipr rhancie CjWdnegar IB rvtuigmril i Piti ga the Wildcats (Rm) IAI' wnsni 4j nar.fl,nf Bei- l.

6.30: l)f AFTTE 14 navs irom it.nn nf thi nnt-ite an aoo ration Lowry Who Masque ahf i hanne Mnn Tire nan- t. John Wavne. Morre MO 1 Narrabri new ui Manuracora im tio, 1 i Interpreters 1st) Awd appin ger Af Milrlnr IA r)Hnrnnll8Vrl 4Z. .7.00: News And Weather. 7.30: It Ain't Half Hot McNamara: Napier: Nabh: Movie Brinks: The Great Robherv (76) (A (Rpt).

Carl Bet. 1.00: Simon Tovinsend's winds extending from and be- Central-West Plains; Cartnda 2 coming dry but Isolated thunder- 17 Gin ambonf 11, storm" possible at first. jiargambane 1 1 7 Na-omHe 11 Lower Western: Gen dry and Nvngan 21 Tangte 15 Warren mild with SW winds. Some cloudy-13 Tottenham 2 Den0Hs North. West SloPes: Ashford 46 KSLt: Hutcnings AZV' Chairman, 0 RND Mlllll The SlipCTStar for Probate Of the Will dited 29th Jut-e.

1975. Of ALBERT WIL- I LI AM SMART late of Sans Souci; Retired Technical Teacher, will be made by the PUBLIC TRUSTEE Creditors are required to send particular of tneir claims upon; the Estata to M. Branch Manager. Public Trust Ol- 12 Butlers Road. Hurstvilie.

I AFTER 14 davs from the puh-rat-on of this notice an appli Fllmoos: Latimer: Co: Carroll: ft pn: sanin. fRnt). ItltlSOr Davies ra fl Riverina MIA: Cooler SW Barraba 22 Bir.oara 56 Bonshaw 'winds extending generally. Be- 83 Cropoa Ck 33 Rawdnn 33 Dp-, coming dry. Isolated thunder- tu-igra 23 Gravesrnd 37 Yetman i.rtt fi5 Rr-rlrmror 10 Bnooahri 1 Santos fiec pc-er 8.00; Bless This House i ondcr World.

ZZ.Zr'vtil' The Naked Paperhanger 4.30: Battle Of The Plan ron. Otis PL. Zorlu P'esse, (R vjj ets. iji nil fW 1 1 1 iN "7 1 ST PIPS By Neil Mat.terson VME REALLY NDI I YOU KMOW WL'vE ALWAYS 1 I AATTER OP PACT, YOUR icivE WBLlClTy 'FOR VsfORKED HAND t4 HAND I APPEALS OFFICER. Justire PoW-JOnfi, Ct 5 10: Simmons: Chnflcy; Vale.

Dymor.d. Hrmg Shenherrt. Justice Tonge. Ct 4. 10 Muel ler; Steel: Biav: Murphy; Deacon- cation for Probate of the Will Aust: Ptulm rnstTtns; 8.30: And 5.00: Lost In Tasman Sea west of long 160 Gunnedah 43 Manilla 6 Nund'e 1 5paCC degs NE to NW winds fresh- Prefer 24 Qumndi 22 Somertnc cmr.q 15-25 knots SW change 7 Springs 20 Taiwor-th Shaw.

Hrmg: Carpenter; Sinclair. van mpps Mricii noiti, mar, Justire Yulll. Ct 6. 11; Men (Rpt) Lamaro Scrv. The Suffolk Ghost.

9.20: News And Wcalhcr. Nationwide. ft 00: Nhs nH Weather. 7.00: M.A.S.II. Younc Judge W'llif-s 10' O'-'a-'irVs Miller Poons Twines A Textiles; Bahsa.

Si umberland A us Sher. wood. Huggins and Hugqms; Bia. lion: Heeks Hring: Sell Justice Nvgh. Ct 3, 101 Trlggs: Matthews: Camilierl; Hanco*ck.

Mention: Gray. Hrmg: Cox Dep Reg Lee. Fl 5. 10: Coleman. 2 30: Bishop.

Deo Reg Proctor. Fl 9, 9.30: Conway. 2: Henkternan dated 7Sth February. 1Q76. of EDWARD FRANCIS DICKfcRSON 1 nf Marn kville in the State tf New South Wales.

Retired Storrman dreased wtll he marlr by Philip John Gordrn Exerutor nmed in he said WiK. Creditors I required to serd partiruiars ot their clis uooi this estate to J. KAVANAGH. 344a IMawarra Road Marrirk-1 S.W 2204. X.

677. i Sd'v AFTER 14 days from the puh-llcation of this notice an appli- cation for thr. Probate of the Wilt 1 5-25 knots and gusty entering MO 1 Werrs Crfk 12 Wiliow- in afternoon. tending to tree 11 Wnr-irook 7. mod Lr.v to mod swell Local Central-West S'opc: -inwav near NSW rcast.

24 Coonasararf-3n 6.4 Du-tedori NSW Coast: NE to NW y.lridsl't TcrrazTriah 51 11 15-25 k'tots. Sw to 7. rha-0 15-25 krots and gusty South-West Slopes: reathiri Sou'h Coat in a'trr- 0.4 i.fte-i, si r.t to mod. Low to Northern Tab'r-lands: Amlrc''', rrtf-ifl i.ccil Pfternoon and 17 Ru-'rla'-a "i1 Fmmavtlip 6 G'en fr-nes 4 Guvra Sydney Waters: NE to NW 48 17 wi.ns frehninr.g 1 5-25 knots Tinqha 34 Ural la 16 Bona: ho 13 ahen-t Oi 3 giistv thanne later Prke 17 Lwrr Creek 8 Tabulsm in tMv. Seas 5linht to mod with 3 Tabulam "Muirne" 1.5.

low to mod Loral afternoon zevski, Harrv Byrnes PL' Rix. News Ltd: Magos. Metro Blmds: Cunni'-Tham Appe't Judge Gibson. 10: rjMH rh: Jonrs PTT. ph" Varicy PL Ph; Robertson.

10.10: Movie men' (4S). A classic with Nien, Farlcv Teresa Wright, Keves. FiKham- KcsMcss. GoltlvKvn 7.30: The Restless cars. Granpcr.

The O'H- L-'vclvn s't'c'' Lfirv The Peter Conch-man Sho In'crvjcw. 10., 2 i Deo Reg Cunninoham. Fl 9: Naoier. 10: Hargreaves. Greenup.

36 CHARLFS STREET PARR4MATTA tarWsph; Ba'dontsos STC; Oanteis: Gardiner. Email; Ware-ham Deo Educ. dated 19h May, 19b7 o' the Fs- 10: Justue Watson, Ct 3. judae westcott. Man-; cici.

ARC Eng PL: Dye, STC PL: Wirilr Knkotovirh Cnstrctns: Mtf-l tate ot KEITH AUGUSTINE COL- no Shears 11.30: Movie And Now TCN CHANNEL 9 Uwrt Llnhurn NrsnO Home' Gray. FAIR POLLUTION jJZJ rZZs KSZW HQ fVvitvC-iiij Va i flplsrr7t33 lAWA; Oitmec. Bayllss Bonded Robson. Coles Co; 5.15: I lie Barnil and evening thunderstorms. PRESSURE MOVEMENTS High is Tasman; a Co'd Front lies aiong, to hot and! over the Ma'e' wit intlde- to winds behind on' afte noon ttiunder-5'nrmi ov pec ted in s'rram.

Aio showers a-d storms with 73) XO (Rpn. Peter Cnshirn. HevW' 1 civ Mxinc fenhanie Bc.ichitn. 1 6.15: I liiinilcrhirds. 7.00: The Super I- ii Show.

LINS late of Oran'je in the State. Justice Gibson, Ct 1, 10: of New South whose occu-IapoIiis for dissol: Hendy: Brown: Pfltlon Company Represen-1 Ryfln: Clark: Benson; long. Ka-tative, deceased will be made by wctmacher. 10; Mention: Millson; Brian Thomas Collns and Ell.liTate- Condnn: Looez: Mclntn-h; Marie Howse Creditors are re- M( Kmicv: Green: Cosentino; Hill-ouired to send particulars of their catr.w; Blue: Dnessen; ook: claims upon Estatp to WMITELF. Kaluga: Moss.

10: Marm: Lewis; MFAL A LONGMAN, solicitors. enko: Pone Andrews: Pa-70n Lords P'ace. Oranne. NSWMomno. Kennedy: Crawto-d; 2800.

1866 By their Agents: Rourke; Ramsay; Free-Mes-rs McGR ATH LEVY 4 CO Farenhoot: Sims; Dalton; Soli' Hon. 175 Pitt Street. Syd-; Herron; Carrington; Mur- ANY person having 4'-v uoon the Es'ate ot MINNIEI Baker. Ct 2. 10: Hring: MAUD THOMPSON late ot llpiaxnan Colphin Avenue.

Taree In thei SUPREME COURT OF NSW State of New South Warns. Widow COURT OF APPEAL Kho died on the 13th May. 1979! QUEEN'S SQUARE must send particulars ol his claim, oeai.trar Fir 5. 10 15: which should proores' reading onrs and reach southern coasts RADIO ifjltfr'iijftl TV- ftfaWt," tomorrow afternoon. Front attached to lew of Adelaide which is mormg SE New nigh pressure -idcte deveioo across SA and bung diy weather be-nnd front.

News. It 2CB has half-hour nens at Wagner. 10.30 BBC Turner, ava diowi, Dawes. SPD Tmsport PL. Judgr- Camnhell 1 0' Bo.

loma. Mitano E'-g rh: 'MMano Eng; Birer. Malleys A Svd Coolr-y P'. Rtns N-rr IndS'ts-Atena, RVH M'ddlemass Co; Ferrar'n. PTC: Catt E'nty Comm' Ball.

News Ltd: Sacco. Melorro Bros: Farasopoulos. LMon Car-b'des: Dillon. Yo St Rubber Works: Taha. Arnotts.

Judge Coleman. 1 0: Stelmark. Pumoklns Manuf PL Cinnamon, and Pve ph Pve 'Manuf Req WCC Ph Pump-kins Man WCC Pumoklns PL Ro WCCA Merc Mut Ins ph; Clark, Foundry: Shut- -tlewO'h Hr-mebush Ah-'ttntrs. Judge Bauer. 10; Pesic.

CSR 1 ltd ph. CONCILIAT'ON COMMISSIONERS 109 PITT STREET i Comm Dunn, No 2 10' rinq iMerrk SharD and Doh-ne ad 'Shop Ass Warehouse E'es Fed re d'sahUHY 11.15: 7, 8.30, noon, 6 pm. L'nles; Captain Midnight. beina 2 micrograms between 8 l3 ATTRCKS IDOflV, UNE(VR-t'MErsjT-i 1 1 RUBBISH INQUIRIES RNDp i SIR, ON KN ONJ hf. OV6RNM6MT hU URP.NIUrn, IftW 1 SFflLSE.

EM SVBIY ONS cTv jj-i ENERSy.S OF IKGiM fl othernise Mated, commercial 2SKR-I 107.5 MHz Kosciusko-Thredbo L. Sets 8 09 pm 7.27 pm 12 23 pm stations and broadcast1 2 pin Sercndipitv. 4 Parent Mercury 11 in i- in Venus PLANETS Rises 6 Oh am 53 am 1 Si am 2 H5 am 37 am Lnn; SMUMFBVItlEjtl: Mallard. Bunqe (Ajstl PL iiii mi: iiiiiir ei.r.s lliiui lit I ill LI 1 1, I Mars Oonowa Solicitors. 140 Victoria street, and anor.

2 IS' Cadell. iS: BovtoncSMMON LAW Per- Jupiter 1.52 pm 3 17 pm Saturn the PI'ASES: OT THE MOON 10: t.rAM(u cni.ntnrc Justtte Lee. Ct 10A 111 Sib Asian JipotliRht. 5 10.02 Speaking Personally, cgrinations. 5.20 Into 10.20 By The Way.

10.35 Streets: Unemployment. hi tcli c'i s. 12 Country Hour. 2VW 6 Stcrcophonv. 7 Stindard Tele r.mrftA tret Svrinev (DX.

111, 'Hring: Mantcenous. 5.40 First quarter. 11.07 pm. October We Sydney), on or about the 24thCabtes L. Dr-cemher 1079.

The Executor Justice Toose, Ct Ut, 10: 10: Mill rintrlhute the assets of the i Hring: i-ieio. m- Ct 7A Estrite hdving regard only to thei Justice Carm-chael Yesterday au'-uii rainfall I rainfall and Hrmq: Form Concrete and Newhery 12.30 Ncv.s weather. 12.50 Will Surive. 7.40 Science. Farm Report.

1 Serial. 1.15 Technology and Dcvclop-Stock L.xchanse. 1.23 Notes niem. 8.20 Sc-iem-e Journal, on the News. 1.30 News, 8.40 You Don't Have to he claims of wh'rh at that date she Hnng: jonnson In SYrf- Avcrag? g-? POLLEN fSl bgkfc5 WcouMTKil i gglO-Il has notice.

Prohjtte was granted anor. ph. rf or iTW'J re rales of p-w. 9 30: I Comm Cansdr-H. Black- ve-irs.

1 years. 1rom nev A erae' In New Wales on the 27th nvtin Wnrrinatnn Park. 1 0: Hrhior Moncreiff. Kane and anor. ena of Oftober i to Jan weather.

2 Music of Gabricli. Jewish. 9 What on Faith. 9.20 spex-tlons for new Crown E'eos Justice Yeldham. Ct 10D.

10: (inst staff dept of Youth eel the Beat. 2.25 Music Scicntia Railiata. 9.40 Biolo-I I97i to 9 am yesterday. 714mm. 1 IA 1 fT "irre-iDO'-'riitio nertrd nf 10: 10; t-'uvi" 1973, Total from 9 to pm yesterday Comm Givnn.

No 5. 8.30: 'ot Dvorak. 2.40 Singing and Heal Com comp Conf: Mosman mc 3 Music in Concert. Room. MMentioPn: awa "nd 5 Ne svoice.

5. 15 Roundabout. July. 1179. Dated the 1 Bth O'to-feer.

1979. MURRAY M. HOOKE SUM MERV tile. Solicitors, for the Executor, 140 Victoria Street, Taree. N.S.W.

2430. AFTER 14 davs from the pub-llration of this notice an application for Probate of the will ffated 7th O'tober 1961 of SVEA CLORA MARIA MURPHY late ol Old Koreelah in the State of New Cniith wain. Marrlprl woman de MWMMPin f.MU' Hring: Baltlnos. Lee. Justire Cross.

Ct 11B. Hrtng: Pethers. BoblS. Justire Roden, Ct 10B, Cole. PTC.

ph. Justice Hunt. Ct 9D. Hrinq: Sucevlc, MWS and DB. M(er Allen.

Ct 76. 9.50: 10: I IRCTEA re Alleged shortage of 5.58 Stock hxchanfse. 6.05 Re-i turns: Kinsman anor, Bullseye money. 10: Mention: Local covt in Fvfn nB Mils ss Prof and Tech Staff Awd re t-Vcning IM11S1C. ries.

1020: Mention: Sydney ccjNcws C.ommentarv. 7.15 ii' f-'-JJ Broadband. 8 Music from Ptoral Co ors. ph; AMa- HE POTTS By Jim Russell ceased will be mane by nid'is, Nom Del anor. ivieniion: Belcher.

Moore. Park Liauor Sup- pro( Trrh Awd re deli- (io CI limeilt IloUsC. 10.15 Show. 11.10 Medi- XSdi. m.

,0,0. Science Fstevens: O'Leary, OJ lRlTf7E AE ThE VAV vOu and Packers. Not else- Uition. 11.15 The iJchutantc Stewnii leaser mui named In the Will. Creditors are required to send particulars of their claims upon this Estate to GIBSON GIBSON.

Solicitors. 122 Summerland Way. Kyogle 2474 fD 7730. Lismore- AFTER 14 davs from the Pub le-LC 11SOT B. PIP sCrJ -AND Z7 UivE TH5 rjOK 6tili TO A-J UlTTLE A-5 Cleaning Co PL uiretions.

Zjr i ii.A.AAAt ru. Mncmii I wnere Included awd. 10 45: Svinhiiics. 12 A Little" HAGtSLEP sC LOsi5 i Tn-XT PO W-Vsr. A '7 If A LATIN 'LUNACIES' AND INFLATION GREET WALLABIES Sums." PhMp Trustee Co.

j-iv; Storemen and Packers. Bonds Frpe Stnres awd. 11- Stnremen til AUIMl. 'AlLCC ArsO J.T PrZtCt or- conscience RAY Jenkins. NOrman j.

Murn a eo Who'esal Grocery nour Sutr, umce oici- fi lication of this notice an o( NcW Khoury anor; awd. 11.15: StorerrvMi and Park 2BL 702 5 am Give Robertson. 8 e.linn tnr AHmlnit ration flf thP nrsr- r- licuu Fst.te of DEBBIE JEAN MELLOR V.n!.,, ch M.dHin rs. Wholesale Soltooods awd late 01 MerryiandS in tne atace or ris or5. Wholesale 2- Store- New South Wales.

Student Print Thompson ana r.c.e.. reased will be made by Barbara rnLrii H.1,0 Hardware Stnres awd. Wales. Student 11.03 Mike Jeffreys. lor.

Meilnr tne mother of the Parliament. 6.03 Drive rials. 2.13 Time. iLunoe anor: Hai9- Lunce men and Packers, (Newcastle) awd. 2: Mention: Win- deceased.

Creditors are required Todd. Hart' ors 6.30 Sporting n- wh.ltn Ct oows I. una om "rt I ir.v, 11.55 7.15 Parliament. 7G. 10: List available by ringing Gud re dismi-sal.

20: AGC Sho No 8 9 30. than Music to Midnight. BUENOS AIRHS. Oniv one tiling moves faster Australian Michael O'Connor in this town inflation. HO, ntUDUgiu.

nu. r. min.u, Ms unon this Estate to Messrs J. W. WALKER K.

L. RAPHAEL, Proctors for the Administratrix. 29 Macquarie Street. Parramatta. NSW.

2150. By their City Aqents CHAR I ES T. COM1NO 2S Bligh Strerr. Sydney. NSW.

2000. DX. 8207. Pa.ra-matta AFTER 14 days from the Pub-iirtinn nf this not if an appli li Bros (Holdings) L. An- r11 1USC.

drews: Pickuo Sons (Thermosel MSB) awd re increase In ma'nim Products) Ltd Flexmetalllc Tub. and Cher matters. 9.45: Men- 2K A 783 1 4c16. Inn Camden Footwear (Aust)it'On: Plant Operators on Con- ft Coiulllll, 5.30, about count 1 Western Rc- i cono; feiersvine no i ran-1 i.m Smith rnasr nutrlh small-iothnr matters. 10: Cent Comp team 22-slar.

down- At the storey, four town hotel. every European has used Buenos a dumping goorls wholesalers P'L. tConl Dilo Aust Ltd and Onera- 9 Sclwvn Joncs. iib.iquitoiis urp frotnonoiary uunin 1 Aires as ground for as cation for the Probate or Tne wm 7E 9 30: SDCi Union of Aust fNSW) and others 12 Contemporary Music and lisi. dismissals.

11.30: Comn ronf Mention: cilia, American brand of its spare eran- nareo 1 en rum y. Kennedy Bird PL soil S3 a KATHERINE LYDIA NtlMts Gppst Davison, Metal Pollshers'Cltra Constr Albury and E'ees re Zammit. iDisnute. 2EA 802 drinks costs up to Ireland. Amor; late or tjia rvianianu nunu, ncn-ham In the State of New South AIR HAWK and the FLYING DOCTOR By John Dixon t.

Zammit; Madden, PTC. I comm Kigoy. no a. fi tireel comm Kigbv. no 3.

Ital- pkiu re intro of new ecini nment 7.30 Macedonian. 8.15 ried Woman, deceased, will be i 1 a Rrrv Nrimesi Wolloncjong A list wlll he vou'R-e. the. Prothonotary 1979. Ct 7E.

1 0. J.1S. E'u'or said galled over by 10 45- Dr-cisn rle Mormm p.Jith 1(1 M-iltec 1 1 Herald and PKIU rc piecework OllSlV 1U UCsC. II nf-qotiations. 11 15' ComP Conf I IltnifUU.

12 MltllOC. I 3 mn cash or. Ll BCAee, rr's fi Ja TL-i nf their claims 'or "ttlnqs commencing Novem I'M suwe yoo WILL SLVL r.B LUci7 Fnclish. 2 Krench. 3 Chines 1979.

lor (2 weeks). Pre- her Fst.te to ON I NG i bor 2 6 AM ADAM KIERSTH l' J' Hafrfck and E'e-os re conds of ntw IMri CVlMC WSyi(TS C-C V- -THOL7SAMO li UAI 1 i 1 1 wrm :rr.r Solicitors, Adam fiace, Katmonn. KrVI, KIR WAFOS'S. nw TAYinn TC 1 ii a-ry -J Of- Ts mswwmZk 'ill Rathurst Supreme Court Sit- 7, i tinn will be called over by the United Dental Hospital. 2.15; Prnhnnnrarv on O.

toher 29. United Dental HoSD and Solicitors. 120 Clarence Street. Sydney DX. 235.

Sydney. iic and marble in the guise of paving tribute to some benefector or cause. Most of them, however, have done it with sty lc. But abuse ail. the warmth and friendliness of the people, three-quarters of whom arc de-' ccndeJ from Italian and: Spanish immigrants, have impressed the Austra-, lians.

Ihe pit'y of it is ihat the last view for many departing visitors is of a taxi meter at the end of 2l)kni kamikaze trip to the airport. AFTER 14 days irom rnt? pum 1(171 ft 7F Ifl tnr tittli-ns PSA re staff amen. ties BUILDFR LICENSING BOARD 19. 1179 I I ri vert rommenclng November Presiding Judge; I S5-6V CHANOOS STRE ET ct i mMADnc nil. I rvBIL 13 VINCENT BURKE late of 17 Ada I Board member Brindlev.

10: Street, Belmoie. deceased Retiredi NOTICES I Hring: Rutherford Guest Ltd. Public Servant will be made by! untj further notice Justire Guest. Annie Eileen Burke Executrix, Hunt wm 8ct fl, L'st'Duty Judnel APPRENTICE SH I named In the said Will. Lredito's(0 Common Law Division of the uruu si Ktr I 4 Koican.

5 Turkish. 5.45 Italian. 6.30 Greek. 7.15 Armenian. 8.15 Pycloriissian.

9.15 Spanish. 10.15 Slovenian. II 2(iB 872 5.05 am Rob Mavnard. 9 Jinimv Hannan.

10.15 Movie Quiz. 12.30 Bill Dowsett. 2.30 Dita Cobb. 4 Sam Galea. 7.30 Drama.

8 Brian Wilshire, Open Line. 12 Tony Lang-, shaw. 21 954 4 am Country Music. 5( Gary O'CallaBhan. 9.30 Mike Carlton.

12.30 Vincent Smith 2 Grant Goldman. 6 Chris! Reams. 9 Ian I'arry-Okctlen Forum. 12 Music. 2KV 1017 5 am l'ctcr Bosly.

9 Bob Roacrs. 10.30 TAB Scratch-; O'Connor, IS, a Canberra civil servant, is the Wallaby Rugby Union team's top sprinter in training, but in a match race with the runaway Argentinian peso, it would be no contest. If next year's Moscow Olympics included an inflation event. Argentina would be a hot gold medal prospect. It is currently clocking track times of 170 per cent per annum and showing no signs of running out of puff.

The Australians, who are here for a seven-match tour, have found that just about the only reasonable buy in this teeming Latin metropolis is a pair of leather shoes. Which is just as well, because the eight million inhabitants must wear out a pair a week hunting bargains. On S7.50 a day out-of-pocket expenses. the Australians are hardly in a position to aggravate the inflationary spiral. The phrase "out-of-pocket expenses" must be the greatest misnomer since the Wall Street crash They cannot hold on to them long enough 10 put them in their pockets.

Dep Comm Lncey. 10: Hring: Iron A Steel Wonks Employees. CA I S), re trade classification. Special Comm Cross, 9 30: Hairdressers (St), re dismissal and other matters. JURIES Supreme Court.

Queens Square: Panel In ph required Ct 1 0D. re reottired to send particulars Sunreme Court of NSW in the allot their claims upon the Estatn: senfe on circuit ol Justice Cantor, to ANTHONY HAWKINS AND; Equity Judge Justice Hel-f OMPANY. Solicitors. Suite sham. 101 85 Maclcay Street.

Potts EQUITY Po'Il. nnhilr. Judse. Justice Helshsm. AFTFR 14 days 'torn pub lc ct 8A 10.

Swct and or5 tlon of this notice an Tr(IsfFe Co. vlnCfnt for Probate of "'7 anor. McGrath: Maglwhitc PL. 10th Novnmher. 1977 of "OtL; Walkrr anrt EDGAR CAREY, late of Lake Ilia-, jMtlct Holland.

Ct 8E. 10: warra South Retired Foreman Vhurchcr, Danis Hotels L. ph. be made by the public Neertham. Ct SB 10: 45.

Panels C. D. E. required IFI 6 Asse-n Rm. 9 30.

Panels A. I discharged. i Central Criminal Court. Parra CRYPTIC CROSSWORD No 9507 AND SOLUTION TO 9506 matta: Jurors In ph required 9 4V District Court Criminal. Tav'or Square: Ct 1: Jurors in oh required 10 15: others dis- 14 Thief put wild action gong to si, ut dircc- TRUSTEE.

Creditors are reauiren iHughM A Insurances L. and to send particulars of bclr riairns or5. wjcox Mnin Ltd. Covs Act: upon the Estate to J. SHAc.t-iA1led Mjchle T()s Coys SHAFT.

Puhlir Trust Office. Act Chester Umity Building justice Powell. Ct SO. 10: Keira and Market Streets. Camillo Hold.

Wolinnnong. 2500. ings 0 Ke'man Dev L. Cam- AFTFR 14 davs from nu rl I jo Holdinqs P'L tion ol this notice an snplicatirn McLelland. Ct 12B: 10: for Probate of the Edser.

Young. nottic. i-iottieo beer weighs in at S5. And in the capital of the world's largest exporter of beef, an innocent abroad can fork out S20 to fork in a T-honc steak. In fact, multiply the cost of just about any commodity in Australia from clothes to cars two or three times.

Hut oti'd need a multi-functional calculator to fictire out taxi fares. There are an estimated 70.000 cabbies in Buenos Aires, who devote their -working daty with com-j mcndablc single-mind-! edncss to ripping off the visitor while intimidating every other motorist or trying to deafen him with blaring horns. All the cabs haic meters, but they arc as useless as bank accounts because of the traffic-choked mae of alien -ways in a city which ironically boasts the world's broadest boulevard the 140-met re, ide A cnide 9 De Julio, Cab fares arc in direct 1 ratio to the skill and gall: of the drivers as thev bluff all-comers and out-1 wit police to career through red lights and the wrong way down oneway streets. I'ndcT the hcadine of "minor irritation'' there! are lifts that decide; which floor you want every hotel and public: building seems to have at: least one and a mail quired 9 45; Panels A. required 12.10 Racing Newcastle.

0. .50. Ct 3: Jurors In ph renujrrd 4.55 TAB ScraU'tlillgS. 7.10 1, orsPa'in' "'VequTre'd 4V 'Troltinu Bulli. Grevhounds others rilsrharqeri.

O-icen (iosford. 10.45 Rcliaioil. shooting in all lions. (4. Si Ability to be by a siicccsstul all 17 shared lisher- Master Cohen, ct 7D 10 71rd lulv I1f or uio' urNnv TATNELL late of Oak Snua.e: rt 15: Jmors in on re- 11 will be Tui amore L.

LOVS ACt: ClSprta 9 4b: OOmrS rlis'tiirned Fiats Retiied l.ahourer TRUSTEE tonrrete Covs Art: Hosoital Rd Ct 17: Jurors In ph man and theatrical an efficient producer. made by tne ruoui cn rns A fn. tract Fnn 21 1107 5.30 am Ron H. Sparx. 9 ph recuired 9 1 5 District Court CreHitors are reou'reri to Af ol theor claims up A (.

zwo the Esta'- to J. ooulos and anor, Goldring- Dow- Manchester DOUIOS ano anor, uniniuis uuw- Civil. Oueen's required rcni bqnflrc Ct 11: 19 nicnt. interview s. II contcm- Public Trust r- -nHllna Enterprises P'L: Sylvasco 9 30 Wfftwnrth Chambers.

Phil l. Part of the Mediterranean has one on one short answer each. Id. i4'l. 4.

-l Surpiise-d that the bcmnning came first. (Si No! an oiienlal nation. but South Africa as home of ihis antelope. i5l Empty husks on islands for little songbirds. (Ill Rumanian money for a Hawaiian garland.

3 Replenishes vigour to seer up and about for something ncw. 9i Because of a turned old garment should lip St: Ct 7: Panel ACROSS I Was lea served ith- out a lavish expenditure? 15) 4 One tree standing inside a Victorian town in reverse radiating warmth. (S) American Slate docs not need university graduates to be identified. (7) 9 Hell! I have no cryptogamous plant cneapsulcd. 1 7) 1 1 Had quite enough somehow, instead.

(5) 12 Off-pitch singer emanates it without being sued for forgery. i 4) required album, music all day. Unity Building, cur. 4 Concrete Maintenance Market Streets. Wollongong.

2500 tm the cub- idustries 'L: Brown Con-AFTER V4 davs from the puo p5 international llr.lion of this notice an apn Jarvinen. Baba. A pre-recorded information servire operates 'or all jurors between 5pm and 9 30am on 232 5766. cation for Probate ni Reo Nevil Ct 7F. 9.30: Plo- ot 20 Relations weic about lor the Public siitine necr Quarries (Sydnny) P'L.

Rav 2CII 1170 5 am John Poole. 8.35 I on-don Stock Exchange. Good' music all day. 5.30 Stock F.x-. chance.

2WS 1224 I 5 am David Collins. 7.15: Spoil. 2.10, 4.40. 7.20 What's! FitrpatricK pi i-uiier, rviampns- Fuller: King. PascuaU Mnore, AILSlS diet complementary Carrett.

9 30: Returns: Dlcola. Strange wins after eagle OUTWARD OVERSEAS SURFACE MAILS Gladys Vawl of Nelson Bay. Widow. deed. will be made by Howard John Munton.

Creditors are send particulars of their f''m unon her estate to CRAGG, COHEN Solicitors, of 18 Bolton Strict or their agent. BRYAN G. TURNER. SoMcltors of Hiniter Street. Sydney.

(D X. 781S ncw ta'J-- mih. Full air and surface malls Fe On. Music and information all: Clarke: pud i rustno, amun ano ors. 10 30; Lares L.

PROBATE Accounts Clerk, fi 5: Estate of Henderson. 10.30: Estate of Hen-derson. 11.30: Estate of Lennard. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Justice Lee. Ct 10A.

9 30: Narich Comm of Tax. Mention: Hall Anderson (Arc hi- dales later than one week ahead day. are approximate only. Variations on this week's list arc: in Albania. Austria.

Hunqarv. Italy. Jordan, Lebanon. Malta. Mike AFTER oar 2SM 1269 am Ian MacRac.

9 Gibson and George: interviews. Contem-' nll- i NPRPoiiPKir. vWAm the WHI llration of this notice cation for Probate of iQth 1 ni v. 1176 aitld be? in Giant prison (3. 3.

3 tertS) L. Lomm or ii: miri Romania iiitkov. ians av a. Yugoslavia. acquaintances cscaper in warder's tale? 4i Bannlarlesh MOOIC OT KU3 r- Markrtinn p.l, omm O' Swltt'-nanrl Oct 29 rwiN GOODALE BLAIR Tax: Bayer Aust Lid.

comm ol nct 29 Belqium Oct 30. Canada porai'V IllUSIC all daV. KAHtZttar- Nfl th stMe o( Now atnmins btSQBBEBRSSRtll B.sjJBM Tax: E. J. cooper aon L.

Nov China. Ho. 1 Kong NOV B. i Todd and ors: Rowell. The In- Oevhoslovakia.

Denmark. Fin- ABt-rM 92. MM; He, ren couple. (51 21 lax dodging with back answer no. I keep the money.

(7 1 23 rooked bow -leg with nothing in between to underbid. (2. 5 1 24 Representatives ic-turncd with a lived lime in the van. (9) 25 Savoy opera lost blood but still ict.iiti-e appropi iately-sounding colour. DOWN 1 Fishermen could thus be misunderstood to be in the ny lon busi vestiqatmq comm consiuuten and Gnrmanv.

Norway. Poland. a T7f Comm constituted 10 ot HHtAKUlibYNDWOME: ecs be made by Leslie harles Coomhe Creditors are 13 Explosive court action unnei bwraen INOV O. tannins, is Com of Tax. Touranark Oct 30 Fiance O't 30.

(itimlla Voll Datir. IH.JU (4. 71 to send ui nnK HARRIS Min for Indust Relations 79 fluim Mariana f. 1. 11 Jfl ltirnit rs and new puzrlos tomorrow.

Sol: uoon his "state to vu'lFFl FP WILLIAWS i 7IF Solicitors for the OTW ATF DBfl I pi Hamilton, at: 4 3 lea inteirupting two thirds horrible faces become Grand 103 Tudor Street 7814. Also 15 With after these could Technology and anor; Comm ol Caroline and Marshall Is Nov i Tax. Mantle T'aders L. Hawaii Nov 16. Indian Nov 5.

In- TSlNsOll. 11.55 Dis CrtimeiltO. justice Sheooarct. Ct 9C. 10: rian jaya Oct 29.

Is- cws IQ Music for Lllllcll. 10: Collins. Macrae and anor. Ntv 6 Japan Nth Korea Oct i ARr LAND AND VALUATION 31. Kiribati Nov 15.

Kenya. 2 HllCdric'll Itt. Z.iW -MH Justice Ash, Ct 1 1 A. 10: Hrinq-! Uganda. Taniama Nov 1.

Celcbritv RecitallSts. 3.45, oKRSQtjBclellvIBpaBQlEl 20 Could a judge have this quality and also be right without a Bnitnn Street. Newcastle. tJ-r- PEN I TENTJAMUtU IS Cr their Aoents. T.

G. D. MARSHALL LANDERS Solict football badly governed. tSl Become necessary ihat 22 disturbed by being indisposed afterwards, (ft I ecu ot me mui, oi, Kuala Lumpur, penang Oct 29. er 5 Ka etdos- histrionics.

Guignol ors and notaries. 291 c.eorqe lUNh KUZfcBAbHANT I Lord Howe Is Oct 29. Nauru No, n.rcy.' clear match? (51 22 Fisherman's gain. (3) service that seems to operate on Cobb and Co technology. But there arc compensations in this sophisticated, vibrant, maddening, exhilarating, colourful "little Paris of the south" that tangoes to an unceasing cacophony of NEW YORK, M011-! day.

Curtis Strange i caglcd the 15th hole anil! went on to win the Pcn-sacola Open by one stroke from Bill Kratzcrt in Horiila yesterday. It was his first win for tvio and a half years on the Professional Golf Association tour and the; cheque boost-; ed his earnings for thei Strange finished with a 17-undet-par 271 and Kratzcrt. with birdies on three of the final four holes, won SUS: 1.600. Morris Hatalsky, the leader through the first i two rounds, and John Mahaffcy tied for third at 274. Strange.

24. led by one stroke going into the final round where he hit birdies on three of the first five holes. He bo-geved the eighth but his (91 lft Smiled wrilv about A YBHOTT MP Dl ll. rMotnerianqs -acr. i.s-w Caledonia Oct 31.

Now Hebrides Jllst Out. 10.55 News. II Oct 31. New Zoland, Raratonga ,1.. Nov 9 Norlolk Is Oct 29.

Ocean at k. MUSIC 10 IS-Cep inc Is Oct 26. Pakistan Nov 3. PNG Davs Apart. first opo Philippines Nov 8.

Pjt-, Xene29VB11l' CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT AFTER 14 oays from the nuh- PAR RAM AIT A lltatlon of this notice an apPII- justice Fisher, 10: W. B. mutation for Administration, w'tn the Will Hated 19th May. 1 9 7 6 QUEENS SQUARE annexed, of the Estate of JOHN justice Hunt, rt 9a. 9.30.

men-ALBERT HUNTER late Of 8 Cook Uo F. Field. Strent Randwirk. Clerk, deceased, "district COURT CRIMINAL will be made bv Margaret Hunter TAYLOR SQUARE the Widow of the deceased jutlqe Loveday. ct 1.

10, men-Creditors are required to send tlon. T. Terek: L. J. Warren: L.

QUICK CROSSWORD No 714 AND SOLUTION TO No 713 cairn Is Nov Samoa vni ou. inn TSSShrS'. tarly Morning rtesla Nov 1. South America MoviMtlSIC. 9 1 UCSllaV MOrTUIlg.

DOWN 9. Soain Oct 30. Sri-Lanka Noyj or. NE CROM AN CE REiAR oarticu ars or inun i-irius. sa.

j. i raAHsHRoBAIKBBN PUR I I OB I Thailand Oct 29. Thursday Is Nov! Choral Scllllbcl't. 2 Poilti's 1 Tonga Oct 30. liar Oct 29 XCcrpts and Over- solans? ReUpSubR tures.

3.30 In the Heroic Tradition. 4 Barrios, Ponce and Sor. 5 Tuesday Concert. Wlc A I P5iiU IN 8 Iks m' nr ib- jch r-, thl. estate to w.

A j. Langlev; j. RouricK. CONNOLLY 4 Solicitors 95, jU(lge Ford 2. 10: P.

Belmo'e Road. Randwlck, 2031 Dee: G. J. Gavel. (D 319.

Sydney indne Robson. ct 3, 10: AFTFR 14 davs trom public-j Ml Carlhy. ation of this notice an aoplicat-on, Sinclair, ct 4. 10: lor Probate ot the Will dated 5ih Jankovu January. 1576.

of BASIL CIITENS jOUARE CrOK, late of Burwood. In llic, 15, 10; A. i II- Es is. loft f. srs r' i 0: unu.

7 8 Violti's violin. Storm anil Nordic Pathos. 10 Mil ii ItOXINU: Kim of South blaring horns and cops bawling out laxidrivcrs. The classic French-inspired architecture of public buildings, the sidewalk cafes, kilometres of cobblcsloncd streets and hectares of magnificent public parks invest a iiniiiue charm. Not to mention the public statues and monuments.

It seems that at one time or another just ion, quarrels. i) 13 Trail-blazers. rion- ecrs. (11) 15 Maintained in dispute. (')) lft Disinclined to be instructed tintcach- ablc.

(S) IS Abuse, affront, (ft.) 20 Sudden violent im- act, blow to emotions. (5) 22 cry small spot. (3) vention. 1 1 2) 19 Faithless lover of Puccini's "Madama Butterfly." I'll 20 Gale, tempest. (5)' 21 Circular, made complete.

(7) 23 Agitation of mind, feeling. (71 24 Means to counteract poisons or other effects. CM 25 Joints. 15) ACROSS 1 Punctuation mark. (5) 4 Capable, efficient.

I'M Not sufficiently explained, muddy. (7) 9 Rowed, oauxl. (7 1 1 I Delayed behind lime. (51 12 l-Miniatcs the worth of. values.

(9) 14 Network, ncllikc structure. (12) 17 Meddling with, inter Ri.rtnn 1 Derogatory term for a shop assistant. (7-ft) 2 I car, rend, wound. (SI 3 In want. deserving 5) 4 Cutting short, abridgment.

(II) 5 Geographical chart. (3) ft Effort, exertion. (9) 7 enrol, (hi 10 Differences of opin i It uancc oanu i i- will be made by M.rhtne Setter PltEntiTiKifi retained his World Pearce. Creditors ICathlnen AdllC Folk. fudge Coates.

ct 25. 10: A. HOSPITAL ROAD tO SOhd partiruiai i Council liitht A I Ahi I I AIM 2C BA-1M 103.2 MHz HOU I NI I SHTLY EHsMNHNUAKltlffiiBr eagle at the 1 5th boosted his lead to four strokes. It was all the cushion he needed to hold off the fast-closing Kratzcrt. flyweight title on points; niter a gniellmg 1 5-i ovind NVomcn-s nospjlai.

12.30! battle in Seoul with 4 Doctor. 5.15 lor Rav Melciulc the Cgal Help. 7 News. 7.45; Dominican Republic. 'Abused Children.

10 Chuck Of their claims upon his Estate to CRAGG, BRAYE SE AM ER. Solicitors. 85 John Street Singleton. (D X. 7B86 Newcastle).

Or their Aqent. BRYAN G. TURNER. Solicitor 39 HuntereotSvdnev. X.

452. For continuation see In'dcx to I Advtrllsem*nls) Judge Cameron-Smith, Ct 1 1 0: G. Matson. ph. Judge Ward, ct 18.9 30: T.

Jones; R. R. Lamont: P. F. Scott.

APPEALS QUEENS SQUARE Judge Stevart. ct 16, 1 hrlns; W. H. Smilh. DOTMGREENGROCfcRl.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.